Living Dead Next Door

This Could Be Anywhere In The World

After Mr King closed the door, I started walking off to my next class, Hayley had already gone off to hers so I was by myself.

I reached my locker to put my English books away, I heard my phone go off in my bag, I grabbed the bag out my locker, got my phone out and looked at the caller ID: Cain.

I closed my locker and answered the phone.

“Hello” I looked around hoping teachers wouldn’t catch me.

“Hey Sum, are you free to talk?” Cain asked me.

I went into the bathroom, locking it, making sure no one was in there.

“Yeah I am, what’s up?” I fixed my hair in the mirror.

“There’s been another attack, a man this time” Cain sighed.

“What! How did you know?” I tried not to talk loud, I didn’t want anyone hearing.

“They just did a special report about it, the time of death was 11:45m, exactly the time students go out to lunch” Cain said.

“You think it’s a student” I leaned on the sink.

“Yeah that’s what where all thinking, just keep any eye out okay” Cain warned me.

“So you don’t know where they are? Check the crime scene maybe you can track them or something” Once I said that I thought I heard something but ignored it.

“Yeah my Dad and Zenna are checking it out” Cain said, I wasn’t paying attention though, this time I knew someone was outside the door, I heard a scraping noise.

“Sum, you there? Are you listening?” Cain asked quickly.

“Hang on, I think I heard something” I told Cain and walked slowly to do the door, wanting to surprise whoever was at door.

“Be careful it could be the vampire” He warned me.

I nodded slowly then realising he couldn’t see me nod, I opened the door quickly and no one was there.

I sighed in relief and put the phone back to my ear as I began walking down the hallway to class.

“No one was there, I have to go to class, I’m already 10 minutes late” I whispered.

“Okay sure, see ya” Cain said before hanging up.

I put the phone back in my bag, still getting the feeling I was being watched but chose to ignore it, I stopped at the drinking fountain then walked off to class.

-Halfway through class-

I was sitting in maths, just staring at the clock counting down the time until I could go home, I kept thinking about the things that were happening in this town, the town my mother said would be a nice safe place.

Who was listening to my conversation with Cain? Was it the vampire that’s been doing the killings? Or am I just imagining that someone was listening to me.

“You seem pretty out of it” This deep voice came from next to me.

I glanced at him, he had blonde hair, he was pale and had bright blue eyes, the smile and look in his eyes gave me a shiver down my spine, his eyes looked so cold.

“Err...y-yeah well it’s nearly the end of the day” I stumbled, trying to not look into his eyes but I couldn’t help myself.

He smirked “you’re cute when you’re nervous”

He leaned in closer “and so you should be” he whispered into my ear, his cold breath tickled my ear.

The bell went straight after he said that, I looked next to me and he was already gone.

I was still frozen in my seat, he moves fast, pale, he looked evil, maybe just maybe he was the vampire doing all the murders.

I ran out the door and into my car, looking back hoping he wasn’t near me, I sped to the Harpers place and stormed through the door not caring to knock.

“Sum, what are you doing?” Claire asked me.

“I-I think I’ve met him” I whispered, terrified.

“What!? Who is he?!” Cain said, standing close to me.

I shook my head, I didn’t know his name.

“My name is Lothario, in case you wanted to know” A voice came from the stairs.
♠ ♠ ♠
decided to end it once Lothario showed up, just to build the dramatic effect =P

the title is the song 'This Could Be Anywhere In The World by Alexisonfire'

thanks for reading & subscribing!!! xx