Living Dead Next Door

Easy Target

We all turned around, Cain got into fight mode pushing me behind him, he did it so fast I fell to the ground.

“Calm down, why would I attack you when it’s two against one?” He pointed out and disappeared then reapeared infront of me, he grabbed my arm and helped me up.

Cain shoved him away and hissed.

“I was just helping her up” He put his hands up in defence and backed away rolling his eyes and smirking.

“Do you have any idea how much chaos you’ve caused in this town, do you want to blow your cover!” Cain beamed at him.

“Well I guess I’d be blowing your cover, I’ll be gone by the time people start pointing fingers at vampires” Once he said the door suddenly opened and he was gone.

“Fuck” Cain muttered under his breath.

The door opened once again and Zenna and David walked in, already knowing what happened because they saw Lothario running on the rooftops.

“Dad what are we meant to do, there’s a vampire going around killing people and not even showing and worry about getting caught” Cain ran a hand through his hair.

“There’s nothing we can do but just wait until he leaves, so until then tread carefully” David said angrily.

Cain punched the wall leaving a hole, I was rubbing my wrist, it hurt from when Cain pushed me out the way, Zenna noticed me whincing in pain.

“Your arm okay Summer?” She said, making everyone look at me.

“Err yeah I-I’m fine” I said trying to ignore every disbelieving eye on me.

Claire grabbed my arm and was behind my wrist, I whinced again from the pain.

“It looks sprained, Cain go get the bandages...”

“Here” Cain cut her off before she finished her sentence, she grabbed them off him and wrapped my wrist up.

After she bandages my wrist up I decided to home, it was starting to get dark and my parents would be wondering where I was, I said goodbye and walked out the house.

My parents were in the kitchen preparing dinner, laughing and smiling at eachother, my Dad fed her a spoonful of sauce he was making, deciding to leave them alone I just kept walking up to my room to get changed out my uniform.

I was standing in my room standing in my bra and shorts trying to find my shirt that I jujst had on my bed but when I went to the bathroom it was gone.

I looked through my drawers looking for another shirt.

“You wouldn’t be looking for this would you?” I heard a voice come from behind me.

I screamed when I saw Lothario in the mirror, I quickly turned around and tried to cover up my body, he was lying on my bed holding my shirt smiling.

“What the hell are you doing in here?!” I half yelled, thankfully I had my stereo on so my parents wouldn’t be able to hear.

“Well” He stood up “Just wanted to have a little chat with you but I your Dad is walking up the stairs so...” He handed me my shirt.

As I put it on Lothario was gone and my Dad knocked on my door to tell me dinner was ready.
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Sorry I haven't updated in awhile, I got stuck for a bit lol

Title is the song 'Easy Target by Blink 182' will try t update more from now on.

thanks for reading! kinda rushed chapter tho :) xx