Living Dead Next Door

We've Got a Big Mess On Our Hands

*Mark Kings POV*

I was sitting in my car infront of the morgue, waiting for the right moment to go in, once I saw an opportunity I got a fake ID out my glove box, saying I was an FBI agent.

I got to the receptionist desk showing my ID and badge, and followed them to where they kept the bodies, waiting for the receptionist to leave I got to work, finding the first victim and pulling the draw out.

Ben wanted to come but he was too young looking and as I pulled the sheet off her body he would’ve freaked by what was left of her.

“Bite marks on her neck, her arm is nearly snapped off, the bone is almost clearly seen” I said talking into my tape recorder while taking photos.

“There are bruises all over her, looks like she put up a bit of a fight” I said checking her over once more before I got out the other body, he basically the same M.O as the first victim.

I left the morgue and began my trip home, just thinking about suspects.

Once I reached home Ben started questioning me about the body, I told him the least gory parts and began to cook dinner.

“So what do you think of Summer?” Ben asked me as we sat down to eat.

“Well she has good grades, doesn’t seem to get into trouble but just incase you should get close to her” I said before taking a mouthful of spaghetti.

“Sure thing bro, you investigate bodies while I hang with the ladies” he said with his mouth full.

I shook my head and warned Ben to be very careful.
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Shot chapter sorry, the title is the song 'We've Got a Big Mess On Our Hands by The Academy Is...'

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