Living Dead Next Door


*Hunter POV*

Trying to figure out who is a vampire and who isn’t is a hard thing to do, sometimes it’s completely obvious but these ones have been around humans all the time so they know how to act, how to actually control themselves around others.

I started my 20 minute walk home, I do have a car but this way I can watch how all the school kids walk, vampires tend to glide a bit, they walk fast that’s why they are one the most dangerous creatures and yet hardly anyone knows that they are real.

I finally reached my home, I placed my bag on the desk and got out my laptop and papers that have to be graded in a few days.

The advantage of being a teacher is that you get records of everyone, if I look through enough I can at least get a suspect.

I lifted up my laptop and turned it on when I heard the front door open, I turned and saw my little brother enter the room, since both of our parents have died my brother Ben lives with me, he was fine with hunting the vampire who murdered our father, he would go across the world to find that heartless thing but since we have no leads we just kill every vampire we find.

“Have you picked up a trail yet Mark?” my brother looked over my shoulder.

“No” I sighed

“But I know there are vampires here, and there is one at that school, there’s more deaths in this town and more teenagers in hospital with no memory of what happened to them” I rubbed my temples, I started getting a headache.


“Man I’m tired of walking Mark, hurry up and get your car fixed” Ben complained as they were walking home from a basketball game.

“It’s not even that far, look we’re almost home” Mark pushed his younger brother.
They both opened the door, surprised it was unlocked, Mark walked in first, the front door was surrounded by glass.

The house was dark apart from a light coming from down the hall, they both cautiously walked down the hall, Mark grabbed a baseball bat and handed another one to Ben.
Mark pushed the door open slowly, where they saw a man crouching over someone, the man looked up and hissed showing his bloody fangs.

He pushed them both down and ran out the door, Mark was knocked unconscious from hitting his head when he was pushed, and when he came to he sat up slowly holding his head.

“What the fuck was that!?” Mark looked over to his brother who was just sitting there rocking back and forth.

Mark got up and walked over to his brother, that’s when he saw their father lying on the flying, pale, his eyes wide open and surrounded by a pool of his own blood.

-End Of Flashback-


*Marks/Hunters POV*

“Earth to Mark” Ben was waving a hand in front of my face, I snapped out of it and punched him in the arm.

“Dude you’re not supposed to hit your brother when you've had karate training” Ben said while rubbing his arm.

I shook my head and laughed, my brother and I were always close, especially when our mother died from cancer, that didn’t give Ben much of a childhood because after that he started dealing with grownup things in life at the age of 11.

I was 18 when she died so I mainly looked after my brother since my Dad was too distraught to deal with anything at all, then when he died two years ago that was the worse, I took on every responsibility, I’m happy to do it because it’s my family but sometimes it was hard.

Ben talked me into going to college and start teaching, he was always upset that I couldn’t do anything I wanted so he basically forced me to enroll.

“So how was your first day of teaching?” Ben said walked out the kitchen with a sandwich in his mouth.

“It’s weird, most of the girl students, some guys too kept flirting with me” that’s the worst part about being a teacher at only 24.

Ben laughed and sat down on the couch and turned on the tv.

“You should hook up with a few” Ben flicked through the channels.

I rolled my eyes and threw a piece of paper at the back of his head.

“Yeah cause I so want to get fired and go to jail” I went back to grading my papers.

Ben got up and walked over to me.

“Nah man really you should” Ben sat down on the chair infront of me.

I looked at him, and I could tell he was serious.

“Just think about it bro, you get close to everyone and find out who is suspicious” Ben gave a smile like it was the best idea he ever had.

That got me thinking, get close to the students, talk to them, some of them would know things about every strange student that goes to the school, then I got an even better idea.

I looked at Ben and smiled evilly.

“That’s not a bad idea Benny, we do need someone to go undercover with the students “ I started smiling even more, and grabbed my phone.

“I told you man, wait you are talking about yourself right” Ben stood up as soon as I did.

“Nope, you are going back to school” I dialled the school number and Ben started chasing me.

“No way! I hated school! I don’t want to go back dude!” Ben tried grabbing the phone but he gave up since I was taller than him.

I got off the phone feeling good, Ben is back at school, he can get an education and hunt vampires.

Ben was sitting on the couch with his arms crossed.

“I left school for a reason, it was hard to concentrate on my grades and hunting” Ben glared at me.

I sat down next to him.

“Oh come on man, you were a smart kid, school will be good for you” he didn’t seem thrilled with the idea.

“Just think of it this way, you’re kind of like a secret agent, you get to go undercover and flirt with girls, break into things to find information” I knew this would convince him.

Ben groaned, and I already knew I had won.

“Fine, but I’m doing this because it sounds fun being a spy” I scruffed up Bens hair.
♠ ♠ ♠
I decided to make this chapter all about the hunter and his brother who well is also a hunter, and he is Mr King, Summer and Cains english teacher *cue dramatic music*

sorry that I've been kind of slack with updating I had major writers block!!!
please give me feedback =D thanks for reading! xx

The title is from 'Careful by Paramore'