Everlasting Like the Flower

Spring Night Under The Stars.

The fire flared as dead leaves and grass were dumped on it for half a minute before dulling back down again. Though the fire wasn’t really that big, it was warm against the cool spring night and it glowed brightly in the dark paddock. It threw out orange, yellow and white light from everywhere around it – it made the shadows look like they were dancing.

Leanna sat on a large piece of cut wood facing the fire, watching it as her mind wondered. For a while her life at home has been hectic. She had waited for months for this year’s annual ‘farm party’ her family held to come; it was just a way for anyone in her family to catch up and have fun for the long weekend. The party had been a blast last night as it usually was and for that night the weight was off her shoulders and she could have fun, be crazy, act her age. It was made so much better when Issac was able to go with her again this year; he was practically part of the family already.

But now that it was the night after the party; the weight was slowly returning even though her family was at her uncle’s house around twenty meters away from where the fire was in his paddock and they weren’t returning home until tomorrow late afternoon. She wished the weekend was longer so she had more time to relax; but she knew that can’t happen. She knew she had to try and make the most of it right now, though that was hard.

The loud cracking noise brought her somewhat out of her thoughts and glance up at Issac who was cracking large stick over his knee to make it a better size for the fire. He slammed it down on his knee, ignoring any pain as the stick snapped in half. He smiled and threw the bits onto the fire before sitting down on the ground next to Leanna, resting his head on the side of her knee. He ended up throwing his “seat” in the fire before sunset after he found out the chunk wood was full of ants after he sat on it.

Leanna moved her hand and gently placed it on Issac’s head, running her fingers through his hair. Issac smiled watching the fire.

“I’m glad Erik isn’t with us out here.” Issac said quietly. “Half of the paddock would be on fire by now; even if it is green.”

Leanna started laughing at what he said about her cousin and nods her head agreeing. Erik for a while was out there with them as some of her other cousins (that’s hadn’t gone home already) but decided to go back to the house and sit in the patio area, playing pool leaving the two sitting at the fire. Not that they minded sitting there under the stars together.

“Yeah, or uncle Bocky; he would be saying our fire needs more wood on it every ten minutes.” She chuckled.

Issac nodded against her knee and she smiled running a hand threw his hair again. She looked away from the small flickering fire and at the flower chain that hanged now slightly weltered around her wrist. She picked up one of the flowers looking at it before pulling at the chain making it break. Instead of throwing the now useless thing on the ground or fire, she laid it across her leg.
It may not be that pretty anymore, but it reminded her of the afternoon when her and Issac was picking and throwing flowers at each other...which ended in a dirt fight with her cousins and brother before they went bonnet skiing.

Issac looked up from the fire and at Leanna smiling as she looked at him from the flower chain. Issac took her hand that was sitting at the back of his head and kissed her hand before holding it to his cheek looking back at the fire. She smiled but it slowly faded as she once again thought about going home tomorrow. As much as she wanted to, it was hard to keep her mind off it.

She let out a quiet sigh and let her shoulders slump a little; but it was enough to catch Issac’s attention though, even if he wasn’t looking at her. He turned to look at her again and moved so he was sitting on his knees one hand holding hers and his other on her knee as he started up at her in the eyes. The fire was really warm, even hot on his back but he didn’t move from the spot.

“What’s wrong?” He asked softly tilting his head to the side almost making his hair fall in his eyes.

He has known Leanna for most of his life as best friends; now lover, so he knew exactly when something was wrong or off about her. The two were that close sometimes that they could finish each other’s sentences off; sure it werided people out but they didn’t care.

“Just thinking about going home tomorrow.” She sighed looked back at the farm house where her parents and brother would be – her parents most likely sleeping already.

Issac looked at her sadly and slowly got to his feet and gently pulled on her hand to make her stand up. She stood up slowly; careful of her legs and wrapped her arms around him just as he did the same. He kissed her forehead and she kissed his cheek back. Issac smiled softly and buried his face in her wavy brown hair.

“It’ll be ok, I know things are hard, but you’ll always have me, love.” He whispered.

Leanna smiled and hugged him tighter placing her head on his shoulder. They stood like that for a long while before she glanced down and could just make out the broken flower chain sitting on the ground, somewhat close to the fire.

“Too bad those flower chains don’t last long.” She whispered after staring at it for about five minutes as a distraction from her other thoughts.

Issac moved away from Leanna just enough to glance around them, first at her wrist then at the ground when he noticed it wasn’t there on her arm. He bent down and picked up the broken chain glancing at it.

“Yeah, these flowers don’t last long after being picked, then again their weeds not actual flowers.”
“True, but I still count then as actual flowers.” Leanna smiled taking the chain from Issac.

She turned and placed it on the piece of wood she had been sitting on before taking the other chain out of her hair that she almost forgot about. She placed that on the wood too. Issac took her hand and smiled thinking of something.

“Wanna lie down and watch the stars now?” He asked.

He knew that would calm her down and stop her thinking of tomorrow; he wanted her to have a stress free time for as long as she could.

“Love too.” She beamed.

Issac pulled on her hand gently and walked towards the swag that was lying on the ground. That was their bed last night and was set up on Leanna’s Auntie’s lawn by the house before they decided to have their little “camp out night” which was Issac’s idea - which he was proud of. He cared that much for Leanna; he’d do anything for her.

Issac zipped open the sleeping bag/tent like thing and sat down on the mattress pushing the blankets back taking his shows off, dumping then next to him on the dirt. Leanna kicked off her thongs from her feet before laying down next to Issac pulling the blankets over her and folded the top of the swag over to act like extra blanket over her legs. Issac quickly joined her, laying down right next to her side taking her hand as he pulled the blankets right up to their shoulders; it was a bit cool away from the small fire. They both looked up.

The sky was beautiful.

The sky in parts were that dark of blue it was almost black, around the thousand of glittering stars and half moon was the colour of blue mist, almost looking like clouds. Leanna had seen this so any times coming here, but each time it seemed to be even better to look at. There was nothing in the way of the view and no town or city lights blocking stars out; it was like a raw beautiful painting that everyone would love to just stare at for hours on end.

Leanna’s lips pulled into a soft smile as she watched the stars shine. Issac looked away from the stars and started digging around the edges of the swag for something. After a moment Leanna noticed that and sat up on one arm like Issac was and peered over his shoulder wrapping one arm around him smiling.

“What are you looking for?” She asked.

Issac smiled and turned around enough so his face was close to hers. He thought for a second but decided to just say what he really was doing.

“Looking for something I got for you today.” He smiled.

Before she could say anything he leaned forward covering her lips with his. She couldn’t help but smile when she felt he was. He pulled away slowly and turned back around looking for the somewhat fragile object, he had a slight difficulty looking for it in the dark.

Leanna lay back down on her side and watched Issac search for whatever he was searching for, confused and curious to what it was.

Suddenly Issac felt something papery but soft under his fingers. He smiled bring the flower out of its safe spot. He bit his lip laying back down and slowly facing her. He was sure she’d like it, but was still slightly worried about it. He wanted to see her smile, not worry about home.

“I found this today when we were looking at the wildflowers. I, uh, found it...fitting in a way. And it will last much longer than those flower chains.” He said softly holding the flower out for her.

Leanna blinked and took the flower gently. It took her a moment before she realised that the flower was an Everlasting. Everlastings were pretty flowers that when picked could last years if was looked after well. Leanna liked those flowers because of that, it made them almost a slight bit special.

She looked up at Issac and smiled brightly at him.

“Thank you! I love it.”

Issac chuckled.

“You’re welcome. I saw it and I knew you liked them, so I just had to pick it for you.” He smiled.

Leanna beamed at him and leant forward to kiss him lightly placing her hand on his cheek as he wrapped his arm around her waist bringing her closer. They finally pulled apart when their lungs began to burn for air, breathing hard they still smiled brightly at each other.

“I love you” Leanna said once she got her breath back.
“I love you too.”

Issac leant forwards to kiss her again softly and quickly before setting his head back on the pillow. Leanna moved placing her head on his chest as well as the hand with the flower in it.

Right at that moment Leanna shoved any worrying thoughts of tomorrow to the back of her head and smiled happily enjoying her peaceful time with Issac while she could. She looked up at the beautiful sky and then back down at the flower as Issac wrapped both of his arms around her and kissed her hair.

“Did you know something special about these flowers, other than they flower in spring and last after you pick them?” Leanna asked.
“No I didn’t.” Issac said looking at it on his chest.
“There’s a small saying I’ve heard to do with them that I found years ago.”
“Really, what is it?” Issac asked curious.

Leanna looked at Issac smiling which he returned.

“Everlastings if treated right can last forever; so can love.”
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I hope you liked it! :D I thought it was pretty cute :3
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