Status: Active but slow :)

Broken Skin

Chapter 3.

How come things never seem to get an easier? Only harder?
It doesn't seem fair. How so many people get perfect lifes and I have all this shit to deal with.
My brother got beaten up today. He's gonna be in hospital for 3 weeks, has to have some operation or something. I was lost for words. My only comfort in this world and now this...

I went into the kitchen and found the carving knife. Its sharp see, cuts easily but the cuts do get infected from time to time but thats the price you pay hey?

I slowl slide the knife along my stomach, smooth cut but it doesn't bleed enough, it hurts though, hurts a lot. I pull down my t-shirt and move on to my legs. Slicing and slicing, sobbing and sobbing and I can't take it. I stop and mop up the bloody mess, clean the place up a bit and go shower. Wash the blood away.


I decided to go for a walk to clear my head. I walked for 3 solid hours and got back to the house at around 10:00pm. I'm tired but I don't think I can sleep. I pick up my pad and write.
I write about happiness and dreams, how they either shatter or grow. I write about loss and abuse. I wrtie about everything. Everything that has ever happened.