Status: One shot; Completed.

You Left Me.


She ran away and left me here.

Sitting on my bed, her box was on my lap. I opened it carefully. The first thing I saw was the reflective sunglasses that never left her face when she was outside. She left them for me next to the note she left on my bed. I put the sunglasses on my bed and picked up her goodbye letter.

To John,

I'm sorry I have to do this.
I found someone else, I wanna see where this goes.
I don't know what the future will hold, so I might see you again.
Don't wait for me, John.

I love you,

There was a knock on the door. I stuffed the letter back in the box and closed it, and put it on the floor and kicked it under my bed.

"Come in," I called.

The door opened and Brittani, my current girlfriend and Adriana's best friend, walked through the door. She sat on my lap, then saw the glasses on the bed.

"Babe, why are Adriana's sunglasses on the bed?" she asked, not taking her eyes off them.

"I found them," I said, my voice shaky.

"Are you okay?" she asked.

I smiled weakly, "Yeah, babe, I'm fine."

She smiled and kissed my cheek, "Come on, let's go to the venue. They can't start the show without you."

I nodded and she stood up, then grabbed my hand. I grabbed the sunglasses and slid them on. Brittani smiled and we went down to my BMW. We drove to the venue in silence.

"I love hometown shows," I said with a smile.

Brittani tightened her grip on my hand, "I love seeing you."

I gave her a little half smile, she smiled bigger. We pulled up to the venue and I walked through the backstage door with her on my arm.

"John! Brittani!"

Pat ran up to us. I looked at him like he was crazy.

"What's wrong with you?" I asked with a smile.

"Come to the dressing room! I have to show you something!"

We followed the crazy little drummer to our dressing room. He opened the door and we saw the guys in the band crowded around a girl with brown hair down to her mid back. She turned around and her electric green eyes pierced my soul.

"Adriana," I choked out.

Brittani squealed and ran up to her, hugging her tightly. Adriana's eyes never left mine as she hugged Brittani.

"John, aren't you gonna say hi to Adriana?"

I looked at Garrett, who just spoke. Then I remembered that nobody knew I was madly in love with the girl that just came back. I walked forward and gave her a hug. I felt her shiver in my arms and take a deep breath. I separated from her and grabbed Brittani's hand, making sure she saw me.

"Oh, you and John are together?" she asked in fake happiness.

Brittani giggled, "Yeah, we are."

I wrapped my arm around her shoulder and kissed her temple. Adriana bit her lip.

"I'm happy for you guys," she said.

Our door opened, "The Maine to the stage."

I kissed Brittani, "You gonna watch the show, babe?"

She nodded, "I'm gonna bring Adriana to the side after we talk."

I nodded and kissed her again. The guys and I walked out of the door and onto the stage.


The whole time we were onstage, I couldn't stop thinking about Adriana. I want to know what she's doing back. She opened up my pain again and I wanted to know why.

Brittani had to go to school the next day so she couldn't stay at my apartment. I put the sunglasses on my desk and took my shirt and jeans off, getting ready for bed. I went into the bathroom and brushed my teeth. I walked into my room but stopped when I saw Adriana standing next to my bed.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I wanted to talk to you," she said.

"No," I said, almost harshly, "What are you doing back here in Arizona?"

"I missed everyone," she said.

"Does everyone include me?" I asked.

She looked almost disbelieving, "Of course I did. John, I love you."

"Then why'd you leave me, Adriana? Why? I loved you with everything I had," I said.

"Loved? Or love?" she asked.

"I loved you," I hissed, "I still love you. I'll always love you."

"I love you, too, John," she said.

"Then why'd you go run off with another guy?" I yelled, "We were so happy, Adriana!"

"Because I was scared!" she yelled, "I never felt like this about anyone and I was terrified. He gave me a ticket out. And I took it."

"Then why are you back?" I asked, "Why are you back here? To torture me? To remind me of what I can't have? Why?!"

"Because he wasn't you, John! He wasn't you and that ate at me!"

I stared at her in shock.

"Do you know how beautiful you looked when I left you?" she asked, tears in her eyes. "It was so hard to leave you but I felt like I had to. But when I got to his house, I hated it. I thought about you everyday, babe."

"You thought about me everyday?" I asked, biting my lip.

She nodded, "Everyday that I couldn't see you. I thought about your eyes and your hair and your smile. Your body and your fingers and your lips and your voice."

I crooked my finger at her, "Come here," my voice came out lower than normal.

She walked over to me. I grabbed the back of her head and pressed my lips to hers. She put her hands on my cheeks and kissed back. I pulled her waist closer to mine.

"You have a girlfriend," she whispered against my lips.

"I don't care. I have you, I don't care if it's for the night."


"Shut up," I whispered, "Just shut up and kiss me."


I woke up to the early morning sun peaking through the window. I rolled over and saw Adriana still sleeping next to me. I heard my phone ringing on the floor. I untangled myself from Adriana and pulled my boxers on. I looked on my phone and saw Brittani's name on my phone.


"Hey babe," she said, "I'm about to go to school, I just wanted to say hi."

"Oh, well, hi."

"Did I wake you up?"

"Yeah, but it's fine," I said, scratching the back of my neck.

"Are you sure, baby? I know you don't get that much sleep on the road."

"No, it's fine, babe," I said.

"Okay. Well, I gotta go to class, babe. Hey, do you know where Adriana stayed last night?" she asked.

My eyes widened as I watched Adriana shift on the bed.

"Yeah, she came over and asked to stay, so I let her stay on the couch," I said.

"Oh, babe, that was nice of you! I'm gonna go, babe. I'll call you when I'm on my way home," she said.

"Okay, babe," I watched Adriana sit up, the sheet falling to her waist.

We hung up and I put the phone on the desk.

"Hi, Adriana," I whispered.

She smiled, "Hey."

"Um, did you sleep well?" I asked, scratching the back of my neck.

She nodded, "I slept very well."

"I told Brittani that you came over and slept on the couch," I told her.

She nodded, "Oh, okay."

I looked anywhere but at her.

"John," she whispered, "Please look at me."

"Can you cover up?" I asked, "It hurts to look at you because I don't know what's going on."

"What do you mean, you don't know?"

I looked at her, "Adriana, I love you so much. But I have a girlfriend. A great girlfriend."

She smirked, "When I kissed you, I felt so incredible. And I know you felt the same. What do you feel when you kiss her?"

I bit my lip, "Her lips on mine."

"And when I kiss you?" she asked.

I walked over to the bed, "Magic. Fireworks. Butterflies."

She crawled over to me on all fours. I bit my lip.

"God, you're trouble," I breathed.

"Do you like it?" she asked.

I nodded quickly, "So much."

She giggled and came up and leveled with me.

"Last night you were Mr. Cool and Confident, and this morning you're acting like I'm taking your virginity," she said with a giggle.

"Because you make me nervous," I told her.

She ran a finger down my chest, "I do?"

I eyed her finger, "Yes."

She moved her finger back up my chest, gripped my chin and moved her lips to my neck, sucking behind my ear. My breath shuddered and I gripped her hip.

"Do you want me? she asked against my neck.

I nodded, "So bad."

"Just right now? Or for a while?"

I grabbed her chin and kissed her hard. I heard my phone go off as Brittani's ringtone, but I just moved her back to the bed, where we both belonged. Together.