My Best Friend Fell in Love with the Boy at the Rockshow


The bus had no decorations at all. At home, I'm used to having TONS of decorations. Literally. It isn't Christmas without them. So I decide I'm going to the mall...Mikey, Elliot, and Gerard decide to come to. Mikey and Elliot just want to hang with eachother I'm sure. Anyway, we get to the mall.

"Elliot and Mikey, you go get decorations....anything really. I'm going to go get a tree." I say matter-of-factly. What is with my grumpiness?

"Um...what can I do?" Gerard asks. Oh...I assumed he came to do something.

"Why don't you come help me get the tree, I could always use company" I said

"Cool" he says. Okay, so now I have someone following big deal. We find the trees easily and pick out a reasonably short one...well if you consider 5 foot something short.

"Hey I'll carry that" Gerard offers

"Sure" I say, glad to get rid of the wieght. Oh...we still have thirty minutes before we have to meet the others...

"Want to go to the food court...get a snack or something?" I ask because I'm kind of hungry

"Actually, we're missing something. I saw it on the way in, can we go get it?" He asks

"Umm....sure but what the heck is it?" I ask really curiously. We only had to get a tree...what does he want? He doesn't answer me. Instead, he tells me to wait outdside the small shop we stop in front of. What the heck is so secretive? I can still hear everything that is said in the shop.

"Do you have mistletoe?" Gerard asks the clerk.

"Um...yeah. You getting it for your girlfriend out there? Chicks dig it" he said

"No, she's not my girlfriend" he said politely but not disgustedly like he hated me or something

"Oh sorry. Backshelf, left side" Gerard went and got the mistletoe and payed.

"So, why do we need mistletoe?" I asked curiously

" saw it." he said kind of nervously

"Yeah...I could see it" I said, not suggesting I heard anything in case he would be sensitive to it or something like that

"Well, every year at my house we had mistletoe. It was just that one speical thing." he said "I secretly get some every year...I'm kind of embarressed by it."

"Why? It's a traditional. Everyone would understand that...I know I totally do!"

"Really?" he asked, actually suprised "You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm sure" I said smiling. He has traditions too.

We bring the tree and Gerard's purchase and meet Mikey and Elliot. We go out to the bus and start decorating. By the end of the day, the bus is Christmasified. Mikey and Elliot were being googly eyed all day but other than that we were pretty productive. I had to laugh when Mikey and Elliot were kissing. Michelle told them what everyone was thinking.

"Get a room" she said annoyed. Good old Michelle...telling it straight. They ignore her and keep decorating, which I admit was a good way to handle it. I guess Michelle isn't into the "kiss when everyone is watching" thing. I don't think I'd care. Anyway, the bus looks awesome. Gerard hasn't decided where he's going to put the mistetoe. He told me his family used to hang it by the front door. What I think he's really debating is if he'll reveal it or not.