My Best Friend Fell in Love with the Boy at the Rockshow


Darn...our driver just announced that the bus is broken down...the engine overheated. I think this used bus has seen it's last days on the has broken down way too many times for comfort. Michelle and I decide to play Scrabble and Elliot decides to day dream about...well you know who while we wait for someone to come pick up the bus. Just as Michelle is getting some major points (just so you know she's really good with words), Elliot hears a knock on the door and jumps to answer it. It's Mikey. Hmmm...that's weird. I decide to forfit the Scrabble game, so while we're putting the game away I hear Elliot and Mikey's conversation:

"Is everything Ok" He asks

"Our engine overheated" I say.

"Need a ride" Mikey says smiling

"Mikey your a life saver" I say. Mikey is SO not a livesaver. This might kill me if I don't kill myself first. Well, I guess I have no choice because we need a ride. IT's only for a few hours...then it will be over for good.

So we get a ride to the concert. Michelle forgot her guitar, of all things, but Frank comes to her rescue. Brittany looks suprised he lent her the guitar. It's just a guitar...right? We perform well...all except for me. I'm getting this premonition I might not be feeling so well tonight. Anyway, what's done is done. Then Elliot get's a call from our driver. Sure enough, the bus is not worth repairing. What are we going to do. Oh great, Elliot and Mikey are talking...she's smiling...coming to talk to Michelle and I...

"Mikey offered for us to stay and live with them" I say.

"Hell yes..." Michelle says.

"I thought you'd say that...Caroline?" Elliot asks hopefuly.

"Well...I guess they're not so bad...I could deal" Why did I agree? I'm going to walk out in front of the next car I see and let it run over me. Oh...right...I agreed because Elliot really wants this so badly and Michelle doesn't mind. It's only for a little while...*sigh*...Elliot is really lucky she has such agreeable friends. Well...we DO need somewhere to stay for a bit. On the bright side, it free.

"Hey Caroline, your bed is in that room over their" Elliot says cheerfully.

"Where are you sleeping?"

"Ummm...Mikey and I are sharing" If that isn't a sign of a huge change coming to our band I don't know what is.