My Best Friend Fell in Love with the Boy at the Rockshow

The Island...

After a long plane flight, I land at St. Karhanam. It's as beautiful as I remember it, the ocean sparkling and the palm trees swaying. It's a small island near Key West, which is off the coast of Florida. I check into the hotel and go to my room, number 105. As I sit on the bed, a feeling of loss overpowers me. I just gave up everything I worked to gain for nothing but a pretty view. Tears flow down my face for a few minutes, but they suddenly stop. I know what I need to do, and I'll do it. The good thing about the island is that it's extremely secluded, and it's not really a tourist spot. Why is this good, you might ask? The answer is simple: the people who live here aren't connected to life on shore. Chances are nobody will know about My Chemical Romance, which means they won't know about me. I like it that way.

Later on, I take a walk on the beach. It really is quite lovely, but it doesn't stop me from becoming troubled about school. After a few minutes of pondering, I walk up to the beach bar.

"One gingerale please."

"Really going all out today, aren't we miss!" the bartender says laughing

"Can't a girl order a soft drink without being criticized?" I snap back, not in the mood. Then I look at the man's face and see I've hurt his feelings. "I'm sorry sir, I'm just in a rough time in my life, and you caught me off guard."

"The name's Ricardo, and I understand. I just make and effort to make the guests comfortable and I could tell you were troubled." he says. I look at him and smile. He's and older man who looked wise. I don't know how you look wise but he sure did. He also looked kind too.

"Thank you Ricardo, I appriciate your kindness."

"Anytime" he says. I silence follows. Then he asks me a question. "What's on your mind?" I almost make up some story about how I'm an orphan and was raised by dolphins, but something tells me he can help. And besides the orphan dolphin story only works if the person who's listening is drunk or worse.

"It all started when my friends and I formed a band..." I start. I manage to tell the whole story, with all the details, by the end of the afternoon and after a dozen or so gingerales. I cry a few times, and laugh too. I never thought about what's happened, and it was interesting to see his response.

"So, you've been through a lot it seems." he says, thoughtfully.

"I guess so."

"I know of a school that would fit your type, you would like it. My son graduated there ten years ago. Let me show it to you tomorrow. With any luck, you'll be signed up in a jiffy, that is if you like it of course."

"I...I...don't know what to say. It's too good to be true."

"A little kindness will get you a long way." Ricardo said with a twinkle in his eye, like he knew something I didn't.

"So what's it like?" I ask, more than excited. Without hesitation he explains it to me.The school is called Darkson School of Zoology. It consists of a few bulidings including a boys dorm, a girls dorm, a mess hall, and classrooms. The best part is that it owns a zoo right next door. That's where al the learning really happens. You can easily get a job there as a tour guide or another odd job if you're a student. Later on, becoming a zookeeper or a zoo vet becomes possible. Theose jobs are extremely hard to attain while being a student. In total, it's a wonderful school.

"How could I possible afford it?" I mutter to myself.

"Worry about that later." he says. I hope Ricardo is right. I can't believe my luck, it's as if all the puzzle pieces are falling into place.