My Best Friend Fell in Love with the Boy at the Rockshow

Is he back?

Elliot gets to be the basist for MCR as well as Faith. Mikey is on leave to get some help because of his anideppressant issue. Elliot is sad, I can tell, but she knows he has to go. A while later, she gets an email from Mikey.

Hey Elliot,
They've found the solution why I was acting so weird lately, I have Bipolar disorder. Don't worry about me too much, I'll be Ok. I only have to stay a couple days more and then I can home. I'm trying to learn all I can about the disorder so we can live with it easier. So far I know, from my therapist and doctor, I'll be taking some sort of medication to help control the symptoms. I can't wait to get home, I miss you so Much.
I love you, Mikey.

Oh...that would explain some things. But Bipolar isn't that bad, you can live with it. I'm glad for Elliot's sake. Michelle is happy for Elliot too but she's been kind of spacey lately...I think she's thinking about Frank.

The next day, Elliot is sitting on the couch chatting with me while Michelle is reading (I think the book is called Demon Face). Frank is making a sandwich for Michelle ('s so sweet of him) when there's a knock on the door. Frank goes and answers it. He comes back and tells Elliot there was someone here to see her. Who could it be? Suddenly, I hear her singing...

"Mikey's back, Mikey's back!" Good for her. Oh...I don't want to seem rude but now that Mikey's back we will spend hardly anytime together. Oh well..I'm glad she's happy. Mikey and Elliot hug for what seems and eternity. I'm about to tell them to get a room when Gerars pipes in.

"Any day now..."

"Yeah really" I say. Wow we agree on something. That night Mikey takes his medicine as and all is well.