Status: I'm in the middle of writing this and so it might take a while for me to get chapters on here. I'm an editing and revising freak, I need things perfect before I post them.

Purple Eyes

The end.

Lush green fields swaying in the wind swept from the ocean shoreline; it was just enough to pull the ends of her hair across her face. The sky was cloudy and threatened to pour down it's power, but she stood fast, staring out at the open waves of the ocean that thrashed out at the cliff side. Sara was her name, Sara Daniels. Thunder rolled through the skies and yet she did not waiver. She was in mourning for the one that she loved had died very unexpectedly.
She wished only to see him again. To look upon his pale complexion and silky blond hair that dangled in front of his brilliant gray eyes. To feel the softness of his lips against hers as they brush past ever so lightly; oh, how she would die for that. Pacing forward a few steps she looked over the cliff's side at the crashing white waves that were so cold and unwelcoming. She was so close, so close to the end, and seeing him again.
Lightning flashed and thunder roared, the sky began to cry. She was soaked through with sadness and grief, over come with morbid thoughts. Turning, she looked through tear stained eyes at the wavy green fields, and decided it would be better this way. Taking her last step, falling into the raging seas; the last breath she took she called out his name.
♠ ♠ ♠
Okay, This is a side story and I have to fix some stuff, I'll get to that when I get a chance to. Other wise, thanks for reading.