Hidden Love From Him?

Next Class

Next class is science. All of the freshman takes Physics and you can choose from Honors or Regular Physics. The 12th graders choose whether or not they will want to take AP or Advance Physics.

I take Honors of course. I love science. I am the experiment type scientist. My scientific ways are fanciful and not pedant. Oh I'll hate to be a pedant in science. No offense of course to the people who are pedant. But it's just not my style.

Just now the class bell suddenly rang so everybody filed out of class. I gather up all of my belongings and head to Physics. The Computer Lab is on the 2nd floor but the Physics Room is on the 4th floor. I am way too lazy to go up the stairs and not many people are in line for the elevator so I go in one of the three.

Specifically the one at the corner, I figured no one would want to go to the elevator that was further than all of the other elevators when others are not occupied. It’s common sense! Well somebody must have been thinking of the same thing that I was cause they stuck their foot in when the elevators were closing.

Guess who it is?! It’s not Khalil but Rayun. Rayun goes to the 3rd floor, so why is she taking the elevator? “Rayun I love you and all but why are you taking the elevator”, I ask curious. “Because I want to find out about you and Khalil that’s all”, Rayun said with a sly look. She presses the button so that the doors start to close again. “Ohhhhh”, I thought silently. “Achoo”, I hear from someone outside of the elevator doors. “Bless you- wow speaking of the Dev-K”, I say startled.

But I get a tad bit angry again because the doors reopen. I guess Khalil pressed the button to go up. “So I guess it is true that when people talk about others they sneeze”, I mutter. “What was that”, Khalil asks while stepping inside of the elevator. “Oh nothing. We have to hurry up before someone else comes in and makes us late for class”, I say with annoyance. “Chill girl. I bet you were just muttering how hot I looked and you are glad you became my girlfriend”, Khalil said smugly. “So it is true!” Rayun exclaimed.
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Haven't updated in a long time!! Sorry! But I'm back to this one!!!

Random thought:
I forgot they were in 9th grade. I started this story in 9th grade but I'm still working on it and I'm in 10th grade! Silly me!!