Hidden Love From Him?

The Elevator Scene

“Uh-No Duh”, I tell Rayun. She looks offended. “Sawy”, I say with puppy dog eyes. Rayun shrugs. “Ding”, the elevator sound went off. “Bye Rayun”, I say giving her a hug. “Bye”, she says returning one. “Behave”, Rayun whispered in my ear. “What?!” I scream. She just smiles and walks out of the elevator.

“What did she ask you”, Khalil asks me amuse at my reaction. “She said I should behave”, I tell him confused. “All well. Rules were meant to be broken”, Khalil says with a smirk. Before I could ask why he leans in and kisses me.

This is NOT my first kiss. That would be just sad if it was. But this kiss I tell is was AMAZING! So Khalil kisses me lightly on my lips and I kiss him back to deepen the kiss. Next thing I knew it, Khalil had me posted high up on the side of the elevator (because he is way taller than me so before he had to bend his head down real low and I had to stand on my tip toes) Now I’m a little bit taller than him.

Our multiple light kisses turn out to be a make out session. I had my hands all up in his hair and his hands were massaging my thighs. Khalil started kissing my neck and he easy found my weak spot so I started moaning softly. “Wait… Khalil… don’t give…. me a… hickey that… people... can…. easily… see…” I tell him in his ear.

“All right baby”, Khalil says smiling and looking into my eyes. I can’t help but smile back. “Oh My Gosh”, I suddenly say. “We’re going to be really late! We have to get to class!” I exclaim realizing that the button of the elevator was never push. Thankfully the doors were closed. Khalil groans.

“Did you have to ruin the mood”, he asks. “Well I don’t want my parents screaming at me for missing classes”, I reply. I press the button to go up. “Why did I even bother to ask you out. All we ever do is argue”, Khalil asks himself out loud. “Well excuse me”, I say angrily. But I was interrupted by Khalil smart a** comment “you’re excused”.

“FOR trying to be a good scholar and not trying to get caught which could have ended us up in suspension”, I continue. “But you know you felt something in that kiss”, Khalil asks a little hopeful. “Oh sure. I’ve made out with about 4 boys and yours most definitely top any of theirs”, I reassure him. Khalil grins widely. Then I notice it. He had a boner.

I’m cracking up. “You went hard on ME!!!!” I practically scream. “Ding”, goes the elevator. I suddenly shut up.
♠ ♠ ♠
Authors’ Comments: Oh forget a PG rated story this was maybe heading in such a direction. I love this chapter! Sorry if it was suppose to be past tense. I’ll try to fix that soon. But random thought. Should I make them 10th graders or keep them as 9th graders?