Hidden Love From Him?

Lab Partners Problems

Khalil smirks at Ammas confused expression. I laugh along. "Why don't we go over to their station and mess with them" I ask Khalil mischievously. I knew he will love to mess with his friends. "Oh sure... After you ma'am", Khalil replies grinning. "Did you say that just to check out my butt?" I ask Khalil smirking. Khalil rolls his eyes. "I take it that the silence signifies yes", I say trying not to laugh with a straight face. "You're tempting me", Khalil says biting his lip in a sexy way.

"Gosh. Sometimes I wish this relationship wasn't-", I unconsciously say out loud. I whip my hand over my mouth before I say anything else. I was about to say that I wish that we could go out for real and not for show. I just realized how smexy Khalil really was and is. Not only that but he is funny, easy to talk to, and when he applies himself he is overly smart. I'm pretty sure that besides his teachers and his parents I'm the only one who knows his potential. I get cut off by my thoughts by a glare from someone. I look up and see Khalil glaring at me.

Khalil's POV (just so you guys get the 411)
"Gosh. Sometimes I wish this relationship wasn't-", Janice unconsciously says out loud but she cut herself off by whipping her hand over her mouth. But it was too late. I already know what she was about to say. "happening". She doesn't even want to go out with me. She probally envies Amma right know. Wishing the guy she likes like her back whoever he was. I can't believe her. I've liked her for a while. Maybe it's time for me to move on.