Hidden Love From Him?

Khalil's embarrassed! muhaahahahaha (evil laugh)

Now we’re back to the present. Looking up, I saw Khalil walk over and the present came rushing back. I cringed, bracing myself for what he would say or do to me. My friends recognized my oft-repeated reaction and turned around, facing Khalil.
“What do you want?” Tasja demanded.
“Nothing from you, that's for sure,” he smirked
“Ugh, just tell us what you want already,” Tasja rolled her eyes at him.
“You know who I want,” Khalil nodded at me.
“Ooo, someone has a crush on somebody!” Rayun teased loudly, causing many people to look our way and laugh.
Embarrassed, Khalil looked down and blushed. It was a little game that we played. Rayun could tease Khalil and embarrass him, Tasja could piss him off easily, and Morgan got him to calm down if he took what Tasja or Rayun said too seriously. Which is why Rayun and Tasja took offense, whilst Morgan took defense, giving me the opportunity to take cover.

“What's the problem, Khalil? Nobody reacts like that unless they think like that....” Rayun giggled.
Morgan gave Rayun a look, and said, “We're just messing around. What do you have to ask? You can just ask her in front of us, I mean, it's not anything private, right?” Morgan raised her eyebrows suggestively.
“No, I just wanted to ask her if she took my cell phone.” Khalil shrugged like it wasn't a big deal to him.
“Sheesh, you could have told us that, we would have let you talk to her,” Tasja told him, clearly pissed off.
“I want to hire Janice. She could be kinda like, a personal assistant of some sort,”He flipped his hair out of his eye's and grinned. “She could start from Monday. But if I find my cell phone, she can go.”
“Well, why her?” Rayun asked.
“Because, she's my only suspect.” Khalil averted his gaze.
“Why so nervous, Khalil?” Morgan smirked at him.
“I'm not nervous.” Khalil quickly denied.
“Now I know your hiding something. Spill.” Rayun demanded.
“Well... I just wanted to see if Janice can work for me. But I have a good reason.” Khalil said.
“Right...” Rayun said dubiously.
“Look, um,” Khalil nervously fingered his the ends of his t-shirt and looked up at me. “Can we talk somewhere private?”
“Okay.” I nodded.
He nodded back. “Follow me.” He motioned me to follow him, and I hesitatingly took a few steps towards him.
“If you return her scared or hurt, you would be a dead man, Khalil!” Morgan hollered after us.
I could see Khalil's smile as he yelled back without turning around. “No worries, Morgan, she'll be fine.” He grinned somewhat mischievously, making me suspicious.
“What's up with the grin?” I asked, narrowing my eyes.
“You'll find out.” He smirked at me.
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okay i had readers so i decided to update. also i already had some written out and i keep day dreaming about this story (and another that i have on my cell). Comment!!! no pressure

this is the revised chapter because my oh so wonderful editor. made it much cooler! so thank you- tell me lies-