Hidden Love From Him?

Caught Red Handed

Khalil and I are bored so we walk over to our favorite spot when we are bored. I go to the park by our school. Khalil and I have been there since we were children. It is only 30 minutes from our neighborhood and 3 minutes from our high school.

I was having my regular second thoughts of skipping school, I mean this was my third time and it is always with Khalil. I do not care for anymore rumors to spread about but I really needed this time away from reality. This time I was going on my own free will and independence. Unlike the first two times when I was Khalil's enemy and rival.

The first time I was with Khalil I was when we were new to the school. It all started with our "fight" and was trying to have a good relationship. Khalil was trying to prove to all of the guys that he was tough enough to put his "ex" back in her place. Now I was never enlightened that the guy is supposed to be ignore his ex... So I was doing my regular "shut up" routine to Khalil. Competing used to be fun until that incident.

Khalil's friend George hyped up a crowd to get Khalil to take control of the situation, basically blow me off and make me look childish and wanting this boy back in my life. I assessed the situation and realized that George was obviously trying to make me look like a fool, which made me pop-off on him and showing him up. I diverted my attention to the guy that was messing up my flow. This guy was jealous... in my opinion.

Seeing how weak Khalil was to peer-pressure I lost respect for him and ignored whatever he threw at me literally and figuratively. He was not worth my time until 3 weeks ago when he announced that he was my one and true rival. This time things got serious, I had to react because this guy was finally worthy because he "claimed" me. And ever since then he made me view life in another way, I had to live life to the fullest or else he would make me suffer.

But since Khalil singled me out there were rumors about us secretly going out and since of our history we never could get together because of all of our classmates would think it strange. This time Khalil ignored the taunts and this made me gain respect for him.

This lead us to be more comfortable with each other and one day we dared each other to skip school. Khalil was of course trilled because he wanted to make the day memorable so that if he was going to rebel against the school system and possibly get in trouble, the day had to be worth it. That meant that Khalil had pranks and jokes like push me into the street when a car is about to cross then yank me back at the nick of time. Or sweep me up bridal style and fake drop me in the mud. And he always commented on how my hair got in the way of my face because it was a message from somewhere that I needed a makeover (whole time it was windy). Ah...Good times.
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I am sorry for neglecting this story but I believe I am working on it. I am also trying to make sure that it makes sense. That will be the next chapter...