Hidden Love From Him?


Okay let’s recap on what took place today.

Khalil has yet to tell me why he needed to talk to me
Khalil has invited all of our friends on a cruise during break
Party and Packing at my house for the cruise plans
Khalil and I “officially” started dating because of the rings
I was suppose to have a meeting with my friends after history class that I forgot about
Elevator scene
Arrived to science class late
Went to the principal's office because I was acting like a jealous girlfriend
Mrs. Kath assigns Khalil and I to Mr. Jacobs project to live with each other
I go to nurse office after I faint
Khalil and I establish our relationship label
Khalil and I escape school

My days are not usually packed liked today. Whatever made today so special?
♠ ♠ ♠
Author- I just need a couple of more days to make this story make perfect sense. This chapter is just here because this story can be very confusing so I wanted everybody to be on the same page. Please give me time to update, I am sorry it has been so long though.