Hidden Love From Him?

Sweet Day

Before I could do anything out of the ordinary. My phone rings. The caller ID says it is from my mom and I immediately panic. I should technically be in school, so that means I shouldn’t be able to answer my phone.

I stare into Khalil’s eyes, hoping that he might find reason with this whole new obstacle that would disrupt us from staying out of school today.

“Hand me the phone.”

Limply, stretch out my arms to hand over the phone.

“Hello, this is Khalil on Janice’s phone. How are you?... I’m doing fine in fact. Thanks for asking. Is there anything that you want to pass on to Janice?... Oh. You are at the school. I see... that wouldn't be a problem... I can assure you that everything is fine on this end. We were just cooling off after hearing the news. We are at the park now... Yes that same one... Sure. It would be my pleasure.... I will tell her that you said hi. I will see you when we get there.... You too. Bye.”

Khalil hands me back my phone after shutting it gently.

“Was that really so hard?”

“Extremely. You are not the one who could possibly grounded”

“Stop being dramatic. Your mother was okay with the idea that you are close to the school. Granted if we were near a mountain or lake, I suppose the conversation would have gone differently”

“You know what? I don’t even care anymore. Let’s just head back to school. I am sure my mother is more frustrated at the school so including such an outrageous rule that would bind us together for a mere experiment. And we are not even the same gender! Unfair, and unjust I tell you”

“Someone just snapped”

“Nah, I'm just exhausted from the day. You were with me the whole day. Did you not feel like it was too much to take in, for at least a split second today?” I am extremely curious at his reply.

I think today will never end. And, well, so far I am proving myself right.

“Well I think that you are overreacting a tad bit. Maybe it is because ever since this morning you've been wondering why I called you out,” Khalil says looking into my eyes.

I stare back at him wondering what he said, while also being trapped in our own little world where the electricity that crackles between us can be seen a mile away. I vow to not look away first. His light brown eyes that shifts into hazel in the sun are all mine to look at, in this moment. A car honks its horn twice in a row (it could have been more but I didn't acknowledge that mere detail), yet I am still mesmerized by his eyes.

Lost in the moment, I reach to touch his hair with my right hand. He takes my right hand into his and softly nuzzles into it before using my hand as a mechanism to bring me closer to him. I enjoy the way our bodies create heat in order for us not to feel the gentle breeze that was blowing ever so often, not as if it affected me at this moment anyways.

Unfortunately all good things come to an end. I slowly move back, losing the moment with each step I take to separate us from each other. Taken aback, Khalil’s facial expression reads it all. What we have may be complicated, but I know for fact that it is real. Whether I agree with the engagement rings or not is a different question in its entirety.

“We should get to my mom before she starts to worry” I tell him walking on ahead regretting that I looked away first.

“You know she won’t worry. Come on, let’s be reasonable. It’s us we are talking about” Khalil says from the spot I left him at.

I turn around and nod midway. Wait, what did that mean? That we were and will always be enemies? Or that my mom trusts him because of his “perfect gentleman” role he plays around her?

Khalil starts to walk ahead and then realize that he left me behind in my contemplating trance, he comes back and grab my wrist. He lightly pulls me by the wrist as we head back towards the school.
As we approach our school, I notice a figure standing at the entrance. Khalil must have noticed too because suddenly his hands goes from my wrist to my hand. A reassuring squeeze and a reassuring sideways glance is all I need to know that everything will be fine.

Yet once we are nearer I notice that it is not my mother, but it is Mrs. Kath. And what shocks me the most is that she is smiling broadly. When we get to the steps she rushes us into her office eagerly.

“I have great news!”

Khalil and I look at each other and then back at her.

“Oh stop fretting. The good news is that our experiment worked! We don’t truly want you two to live together and have an off-campus job during after school activities. We just wanted to see if you two could grow to become friends if threatened to go through that. Thank you for proving the genius of the administrative crew at this school. Please have a wonderful rest of the day. You two are dismissed,” Mrs. Kath informs us.

Well okay then .That is simply weird.

“But what about my mother?” I question.

“Oh that was just a trigger to get you back at school so that I could have this lovely mini chat”

“Yet why couldn't you have simply called instead of having her mother call?” Khalil questions Mrs. Kath, eyebrows drawn in.

“What fun is telling someone over the phone? You probably wouldn't trust a phone call anyways”

She does have a point. I’m simply glad that it is over with.

“Thank you for informing us. I’ll take my leave now... I will be on my way... see you later,” I fumble over my words trying to escape the office as soon as possible.

Khalil nods and states his departure from the room.

“I’ll take my leave now? I will be on my way? See you later? Is it so hard to simply say goodbye?” Khalil questions laughing.

I roll my eyes at him yet walk out the school doors with him right by my side. I walk over to pick up line is and wait for my mom to truly come to school today.

“So about that get together at your house?” Khalil says to break the silence.

I completely forgot. Looks like my worries are not over.
♠ ♠ ♠
I am only putting this up to ask a simple question directed at the readers. The question is:

Should I start this story over? I mean in terms of editing. I am guessing everybody who is reading this is new. So then I can go back and edit my story, add key moments that I felt should have been in the story but were not thought of until now, change one character's name, change the dialogue to match the character, make chapters combine/ or make them longer.

Note though that I cannot make any promises about when it will be completed. But I am in Mibba work mode. Two (and a 1/2) study halls this trimester!! (And I am a senior in high school in my last trimester)