Hidden Love From Him?


“That’s for me to know and for you to find out”, Khalil says with a smirk. “Not interested”, I say. I walk with Khalil by my side and automatically I receive evil glares from jealous girls. “Ugh why me”, I mutter. “What’s wrong”, my twin sister Esther asks with her friend Amma on the side. “Uh where did you come from”, I ask clearly unaware of my surroundings.

“Aw poor sis”, Esther says sympathetically. “Are sure you’ll be able to survive with him around”, Amma asks concern. “Yes thank you Amma. I’ll be fine. My friends already handled him”, I tell her reassuring her. “Oh okay. But sis what is wrong?” Esther asks me. “Well I was sighing because of the evil glares I got from the jealous fan girls of Khalil”, I say miserably. “Oh I understand”, Amma says looking around at the jealous girls.

“You do”, I ask skeptically. “Yeah because I’m always hanging around Nathan and he is so cool. He is too cool for some girls to talk to him. I mean I am just a childhood friend to him but everyone else thinks otherwise”, Amma says. “Oh I do know where you’re coming from”, I tell her. “Yes except it was I who was empathizing for you in the beginning”, Amma says. “Uh”, I ask confuse. “Oh never mind”, Amma says.

“Okay. Now that we know what situation you’re in, why don’t you get back to Khalil before he notices that you’re gone? Thankfully he is talking to his friend Carlos. Oh Nathan’s over there to. Want to go as a group”, Esther asks. “Yes”, I say sort of fearing if Khalil will pull prank on me or not.

We go as a group. Esther is happy. She has a crush on Carlos and he likes her back. But they both are in denial. Amma is okay because she gets to talk to her friend Nathan. And me… well I’m scared as heck. I have no idea what to except from Khalil. Let’s just hope he is not going to embarrass me. He should know to watch out because when my sister and I are together. We are literally unstoppable.

When we got to the boys I stopped. Esther greeted Carlos and Amma greeted Nathan. I was left standing alone. I wasn’t sure I was ready for the embarrassment that I was sure to get. “It’s okay Janice. I’m not going to embarrass you at the moment”, Khalil says grinning. “Okay. Now I’m curious. Why are you grinning so much today”, I ask totally confused.

“Hey don’t think that by asking me every time I grin I’m going to tell you”, Khalil says. “Okay then. What did you want to tell me in the first place”, I ask changing the topic. “Oh you see about that. It turns out that I don’t need to talk to you anymore. I discussed it with my friends”, Khalil says smirking.

“No you weren’t. We were talking about the girls so why would you talk about her to her”, Nathan asks. “Oh shut up Nathan. Man you’re to smart for your own good. I know we were talking about the girls but I can’t say that in front of her”, Khalil says. “Clearly I’m standing right here so I demand to know what you were talking about”, I say a little mad that they were talking about me behind my back.
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this is a chapter to get you to want to read more. sorry if you hate cliffhangers but i tried to make it sort of obvious so you wouldn't feel to upset. comment and message