Hidden Love From Him?

I'm soo confused!

I felt so guilty for not doing this... I'm sorry. But I got one chappy done for you! Sorry again.

“You have nothing to worry about,” Carlos says, trying (and failing) to reassure me.

“Please." I snorted. "If it’s about me and it’s coming from Khalil’s mouth, then it’s something bad,” I say, looking directly in Khalil’s eyes. Somehow, I managed make myself believe that if I continued to stare at Khalil’s eyes he would spill what he was talking about.

“Well, for once I actually didn’t talk badly about you at all.” Khalil says, still unconvincing. I mean, seriously, who is he to judge if he is talking bad about me or not. He always does it whether he knows it or not.

“Don’t think you’ve escaped the questionnaire because you didn’t. I know you must have said something offensive about me so I demand to know what the hell you said about me,” I say loudly, trying to get my point across.

“Seriously, Janice, you don’t have to worry. Trust me on this one,” Carlos smiled encouragingly.

“Are you sure, Carlos? I know you usually don’t interfere with Janice and Kahlil’s problems, but if you look at their history, I’m pretty sure that Kahlil never said anything nice about Janice without it turning into an insult.” Esther says, doubtfully.

“Okay, Janice, since you’re so worked up about this conversation, you're going to keep digging to figure out what we said, right?” Nathan asks.

“Yeah, yeah, we already know the obvious, Nathan. Just tell us what we want to know!” Amma impatiently half yells.

“Well, be little more patient, Amma”, Nathan says, teasing her.

She flushes red and looks down at her toes.

“Well for the obvious reasons, I can’t tell you what Kahlil said because of the reactions I’ll get. It has to deal with one’s emotions though. Just like if someone let’s say likes another person, they just can’t tell them about their feelings for that person without being embarrassed now could they?” Nathan asks me.

"Uh, way to be a psychologist, Nathen." Amma said.

Everyone ignored Amma, and I plunged on the conversation. “Well if they are really, really sure that the other person likes them back, then I think they can tell the other person what they feel.” I reply.

“Okay, I think I get your reasoning. But what does it have to do with my sister...?” Esther asks, cocking her head.

“Uh... I think you'll just have to find out by yourself...” Nathan says, glancing in Kahlil’s direction.

“Oh, you’re safe. You said just enough for them to ponder what you just said and not question me anymore,” Khalil says, sure of himself.

“Come on, what makes you think that? I’m even more confused now,” I whined.

“What are you confused about?” Kahlil asks.

“Why must you keep whatever you were talking about a secret?” I ask. "I mean, it's about me, shouldn't I know?"

“I'll tell you when we go to my house tonight.” Kahili says, smirking.

I frown. I don’t remember my parents telling my about this arrangement. “Uh...Huh?” was all I could say.

“Oh they didn’t tell you? We’re all going on a trip soon. I know all of the details but I’m never going to tell you”, Kahlil says teasing me. Right, cause that's real mature.

“Kahlil… can you possibly be the reason that I didn’t know about such arrangement.” I ask.

“Yes. I specifically told them not to tell you. I’m so glad that I did. You should look at your face,” Khalil laughs.

“Kahlil. Shut. Up. I don’t care if they didn’t tell me about any trip. I bet you planned this all along just to get on my nerves this whole winter break!” I'm pissed. I'm real pissed. How can my parents agree to this?

“Oh Janice dear, you know me to well.” Khalil replies.

“Kahlil, am I invited also?” Esther questioned.
“Of course you are. You, Carlos, Nathan, Amma and Janice are all invited.” Kahlil says proudly, chest puffed up.

“So that’s what mom was talking about,” Esther mutters to herself.

“What?! You mean to tell me that even you knew?"

Esther nodded, slightly bashfully.

"Did everyone know?” I ask furious.

“Yes..." everyone says in unison.

“Kahlil, I am so going to murder you”, I say angrily. I mean, how can you not tell people these types of things. People might have plans already or need to plan for the trip. Seriously, Kahlil loves messing with me. He does it for amusement. It’s not even funny at times. But to the extent that even your twin knew but not you. That pissed you off also. To tell one twin but not the other is ultimately cruel.

“Sorry Janice”, Kahlil says apologetically. Wow, wow, wow. Is Kahlil apologizing to me? This is a first. What could make him say such things?
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sorry for the long wait. i have exams to study for.

thanks to my editor i have a better version of this story!