Hidden Love From Him?

getting to the botttom of the puzzle

I walked elegantly into the classroom where my class is held. For today the Mr. Diggs World History class is held in Mr. Brown's room where the computer lab for all the History class are held.

Eventhough everybody carries their own personal laptop with them, the teachers sometimes use a certain program that can only be found in the specific computers and laptops only my school provides.

So during this class period I'll only need to bring myself. This helps with my walk. I know exactly which seat I'm headed for. I'm headed for the one right smack in the middle. I love attention. I can't help it. Of course other student sometimes take my seat but either I or Khalil will handle them so that we can have the seat to ourselves.

Of course I could only hope that people will notice my swagg. I want people to turn heads and look at me as I enter the classroom and notice how nicely I present myself.

But just like everyother day people ignore me. Mostly it's the boys in my classes. Surprisingly, lately I've noticed that it's only in the classes I have with Khalil. If Khalil's not around, then I'm perfectly fine with socializing with others.

I've got to get to the bottom of this. He can't be doing this on purpose can he?

So I'll just walked over to Eric calm as can be. If I act suspicious Eric will know and find out my weakness and use it agianst me. Eric is a very intellegent geek but very mean sort of like a bully.

His cool but also mean buddy Alex isn't with him in this class so it isn't so much as a threat to talk with Eric. Alex will make fun of you, but on top of that Eric will make extra fun of you if he found out. Eric knows what everyones' hiding for the most part.

So I walked a little slower losing my swagger. Eric took notice that I am headed his way and smirked. I sit down beside him and nod my head as a sign of greetings. "Hey. What's up Eric", I said trying to be all cool.

Eric shaked his head then laughs a little too loud, recieving attention from everyone in the classroom. I only have 3 minutes till class starts. I need information fast. "Ok. Enough. I have a question and I need an answer fast", I tell Eric to let him know that know I am serious.

"Chill girl can't a guy laugh", Eric says but you can tell he is in the mood to get serious real quick. "Okay then I will just bluntly say it then. Why won't the guys ever look at me. I mean if a guy makes eye contact with me then he will turn his head quickly. It's like they're afraid to talk with me. That involves every guy in this classroom besides Khalil, Lucas and you", I told him.

"Well it's simply because all of the guys except Khalil, Lucas and I are afraid to talk with you", Eric said like it's common knowlegde. "Care to explain", I asked. Seriously, I kind of had the feeling that someone was telling them not to talk with me.

"Well I can't get too detailed but Khalil threaten every guy in here exept Lucas and I to not even bother to look at you", Eric says. "Why is he doing this", I asked confused. "Well Janice because you are so dense I'll tell you this much, Khalil will get very jealous if you approach a guy", Eric replied.

"HUH? Why does he care?", I asked even more confused. "Why don't you ask him now that you know who did it", Eric suggested. "Like I'll ever ask him that. But if he's jealous does that means that he like me", I asked Eric unconciously. "I guess so", Eric replied with a shrugg.

"What?!! You can't be serious. Khalil and I have been sworn enemies since I can't even remember when. There is no way this guy can ever like me", I almost practically yelled. "Lower your voice. Everyone is staring", Eric said calm.

"Fine but why didn't Khalil bother you or Lucas", I askedcurious. "Oh that's just simply because I know everyone's secrets including Khalil's and Lucas has an arranged marriage", Eric said.

Oh I get it know. I think I do. All I have to do is find out the guys who are able to talk to me and I'll get acknowlegdement from them. I just have to stay clear of Khalil. Not only is he my rival but he is also like an older brother or a best guy friend. Always watching over me and protecting me. So in the end he isn't jealous. Just over protective.
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i think i'm goin to make Janice really dense about a lot of things. i did notice that i have to change the past and the present tense a lot so i'll work on that ASAP.