Hidden Love From Him?

class time

I slowly get up and go to my seat. Too bad it is right across from Khalil! Well I wasn't the one who had to be told twice to get up now was I?
Once I finally sit down, automatically I notice that the tension starts to get awkawrd between Khalil and I. Seriously... what is his problem?

"Khalil, I don't know what your problem is but you need to chill. Everyone knows that it was a mistake. Ok?" I ask Khalil. I want to learn my history lesson in peace. "Sure whatever", Khalil replies. He went back to being his "cool" self.

The final bell rings and everyone is in their seats. I turn to my left and tap on Tasja's desk. Tasja was talking to her "boyfriend" Amos. I really didn't want to interupt her conversation but it was important.

"What?", Tasja asked tiny bit annoyed. But once she found out it was me and looked at my puppy dog expression she softned up even more. "How may I help you my darling", Tasja asked sweetly.

"We need to have a group discussion after this class. Can you text that to Morgan and Rayun for me? Pretty please with a cherry on top?" I ask Tasja in a pleading voice. "Sure, no problem sugar", Tasja say then laughs. She knows I'm not slick enough to text semeone during class time.

"Am I invited too", Khalil asks breathing down my neck. "EW! Gross Khalil get away from me", I nearly shout.

"Ms. Class is that really neccisary", Mr. Diggs asks. "Mr. Diggs I'm sorry for my sudden out burst but MY last name is Clark. Khalil's last name is CLass", I say totally embarrased.

"I know that. I thought that you two were going out that's why I just simply called you Ms. Class. Would've called you Mrs. Class but you two aren't married... yet", Mr. Diggs explained. Now this was even more embarrassing.

"HAHA. You both are blushing! I knew you two were secretly going out!", Eric yells.
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going to school soon! that's when i update the fastest. i'll edit all that my editor didn't! sorry for the long wait!