Little Hawk

one of one

Patrick Sharp sat in a waiting room. Chaos buzzed around him, but he remained quiet and relaxed. On the outside, he looked at peace, but his feelings told a different story. He had been reluctant to go to work that day, thinking that something would definitely go wrong at home while he was away.

"Coach has already give me the next few weeks off. It's no big deal. You and the baby are my priority right now. Hockey is the last thing on my mind."

"Babe, don't worry about us. We'll be fine. I'm not due for another week. Besides,my mom and yours are both here if anything goes wrong. Just go and play. I’ll see you when you get back,”

"Alright, I'll go. I love you Sweetheart." The man told his wife as he wrapped her in a hug. As he held her close, he felt a soft poke in his abdomen. Bending down towards his wife's ever expanding belly, he kissed it and said "How could I have forgotten you? I love you too little one. Don't you give Mama a hard time tonight. I'll be home before you know it."

He waiting room smiled at the memory as he stared at the clock. He had been there for four hours.

The game was in the middle of the second period when he got the call. The team was up 5-0 so he wasn’t playing as hard as he would have if the team was down.

"That was your mother-in-law. Laura just went into labor. It's pretty far progressed - you need to get there now!"

He jumped up and ran back to the locker room. The team had told reporters and broadcasters that he had a family emergency - but everyone knew he was going for the birth of his first child.

As he sped down the freeway, he thought about how well his wife was doing. She had a good head on her shoulders and a great support system in their mothers. After remembering how it was agreed that he wouldn't be allowed in the delivery room, he stopped at a toy store and picked up a small present for his child. He only made one other stop on his way to the hospital, to get his wife's favorite flowers.

He pulled into the parking garage and parked his truck. Stepping out of the truck, he locked the door and made his way to the private section of the hospital. This section was reserved for high-profile cases and for celebrities. Settling himself in the waiting room, he began the wait by watching the end of the game.

He felt his eyes begin to close and sleep about to take over when he heard the door creak open. His mother stood in the doorway with a big smile on her face.

"Well, what is it?" He felt himself ask, running to his mother.

"Everything's fine. You've got yourself a son! Congratulations my boy,"

He grabbed his mother in a bear hug and lifted her off the ground. "Can I see them now?" His mother smiled and nodded her head. Together they grabbed the gifts and headed to his wife's room.

Tapping lightly on the door, he entered the room to find his wife sitting up in bed with a pale blue blanket in her arms. Setting the flowers and teddy on the bedside table, he approached the bed and kissed his wife.

"Hey Babe. Hope we didn't keep you waiting too long."Laura smiled as she looked into her husband's eyes. "Little Man here couldn't wait to meet you."

He held his arms out and accepted the little bundle into his hands. Getting more comfortable on the bed beside his wife, he looked at his son.

“Wow, he’s beautiful,” He smiled, letting his sons hand curl around his index finger.

"He looks just like you. Are you just fueling your ego?” She laughed

“If I said no I’d be lying. He needs a name. Have you thought of any?”

“I was thinking Adam. Adam Patrick Sharp.”

“You want to name him after Bur? He’ll never let us live it down,”

“Well, he is the godfather. And Adam’s done so much for us. He’s the one who got us together. I think he’d be honored.”

“You’re right. Adam it is. Are you tired?”

“Exhausted,” She sighed, tired eyes locking on his.

“Then go to sleep. Most of the guys are here. I’m going to go introduce him to his uncles.”

“Ok, I’ll have a nap. Wake me when you get back,”

“I will. I love you, Laura.”

“I love you too, Patrick,” she said, smiled as she snuggled into the bed and closing her eyes.
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Ok, so this is for Renee Letang's contest. I'm not proud of this at all. If it sucks, I appologize.
Wish me luck!