Maybe Forever

Part 1

I was a fool to think this wouldn’t happen. It was stupid to think that I could only be his friend…ignorant actually. I tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and pushed my glasses up onto my nose. I blinked twice then pushed the camera against my face, focusing on the stage.

There weren’t many people here, but what’s to be expected in a place where no one likes music. Jonah’s face was priceless, he always said he was the happiest when he was playing music. See, he’s the typical 18 year old; big dreams and high hopes.

“Thanks, we’re Gather the Ashes.” He spoke politely into the microphone. I smiled when he winked at me. My cheeks turned a light shade of pink.

To tell the truth, there wasn’t hardly anyone to thank. There was no whooping crowd or adoring fans, but in Jonah’s mind that didn’t matter. I don’t think he cared if he got famous or not, as long as he was doing what he loved he was happy.

Jonah was my best friend in the entire world. We were two peas in a pod. I couldn’t function without him.
I am scared to death to fall in love.

I continued taking pictures for the remainder of their 20 minute set. When they went off stage I put the long strap of the camera around my neck and retreated backstage. The room was filled with excitement, and the stench of sweat.

“Hi Andy!” Jeremiah said, his long brown hair drenched with sweat. He was the singer/screamer and my sister’s boyfriend. I suppose you could thank Jonah for that, he’s the matchmaker extraordinaire. Apparently I am unmatchable because he hasn’t tried to fix me up with anyone.

“Hey,” I said with a small wave. He shook his head like a wet dog shakes it’s fur after a bath. His white ’Pepsi’ shirt was drenched with sweat, I could see his pale skin through it.

I made my way to the dingy couch and sat down. The walls were covered with writing and various stains, Jess did the best she could with the place. I could picture her standing at the door way apologizing for not having something better. Her and her husband opened this place to help promote underground bands. It’s also a record store, Jamie and Ishi give music lessons; guitar, violin, drum and pretty much any instrument you want to learn. ‘Thrash Records’ is the home of these boys. I’m not kidding, Jeremiah lives in the basement. They let him stay because his parent’s kicked him out.

Jonah sat next to me, he wasn’t near as sweaty as the rest of the boys. He put his arm around me and took a drink of his Gatorade.

The same strand of hair from earlier tumbled from my bun and in front of my eyes. I huffed, causing the hair to fly up and fall again. Jonah smiled and brushed the hair behind my ear, letting his hand linger on my chin.

My cheeks turned pink, “Thanks.” I said bashfully. Jeremiah gave a look of warning, his eyes narrowed and he shook his head ‘no’.

Jonah quickly pulled his hand away, his eyes averted to the door. I patted my knees, the air quickly became stiff.

Jonah inhaled sharply, like he was preparing for a long winded speech, “So! I’m going to get some air. You want to come with me?”

I looked around, everyone else was pretending to mind their own business but they were listening intently to our conversation. It was strange, normally they were so hyped up they could barely sit still but not tonight. Jeremiah looked in the mirror, picking at his beard. Luke sat on a stool, his bass in his lap. He flipped the string and with the wrong reaction he frowned and began removing it. Brian was scratching his back with a drumstick and his other hand held a red bull. And Nick was staring out the window, his mind in another place.

Seeing as there was nothing else to do, I agreed. He gripped his hand in mine, unusual, and led me out the door. I could feel a sigh of relief in the room behind me when we left, like the air cleared, but the tension followed Jonah and I. At the other side of the door there was a flight of stairs leading to the back parking lot.

“Do you know why everyone’s acting so weird? It’s freaking me out.” I said as we reached the bottom. My sandal clad feet hitting the pavement.

He turned his head to the side, he still hadn’t let go of my hand, “I’m not sure.” He was lying, I could tell by the way he scratched the back of his neck.

I furrowed my eyebrows, finally putting the pieces together, it had something to do with us.

“Why did you want me to come out here?” I asked, pulling my hand out of his and folding my arms over my chest.

Jonah stared at his feet for a second then looked up at me with eager eyes, “So I could do this.” He said then pressed his lips against mine.

He pulled away, leaving me breathless.

“What was that for?” I asked, a small smile playing on my lips.

“I like you, Andy.” He said, with a boyish smile.

I smirked, “Well I knew that.”

Jonah rolled his eyes, “I mean like more than a friend.”

“Oh, well I didn’t know that.”

We wereused to be friends and I’d never thought of him that way before. But that kiss felt way too good to be nothing. I’d heard that becoming more than friends would ruin these things. I mean, what’s the worse that can happen?