Show Me What Living Truly Means, Bill Kaulitz


} Sapphire’s Narration {

I’m so happy we’re with Tom & Bill in their home. Even though Lindsey is here & in my way of trying to talk to Bill, just being here instead of Delaware is pretty good. I wonder how my dad is doing knowing his wife is a con man or woman & that his son is in New York with mom’s oldest friend. I shake my heads away from those thoughts & focused on my current task at hand. Since Bill & Tom are too occupied to cook & Lindsey is just plan terrible at it, I’m cooking breakfast. Daisy hasn’t really come out of Tom’s room since we moved in our stuff from the hotel yesterday afternoon. I heard Bill’s footsteps as he came into the kitchen. I thought he was just getting something to drink so I never expected him to come from behind me & scared me shitless.

“Bill! Are you trying to make me burn myself? Crazy German boy.”

“Sorry I couldn’t resist. That smells so good though. Its is almost ready?” Bill asked.

“Almost. I’m not a pro at making omelets so I’m taking my time with it. Is Lindsey awake?”

“Um… She was, but then she got some message & crawled back under the covers. Really strange.”

“Yea, well you need to get her out of there because…….”

“Mutterficker!!!!!!!” Tom screamed from upstairs.


“He said motherfucker Sapphire. TOM! What’s wrong with you?” Bill screamed back upstairs.

“Jene verdammten Schlampen! Jene verdammten Klub-Schlampen! Ich kann nicht glauben, dass Bilder davon bekam? Bumsen Sie sie! Bumsen Sie die Welt lesend diesen Abfall! Wir werden völlig gebumst!!” Tom screamed in his language I haven’t yet mastered.

I saw him run from downstairs with his laptop in his hand. Daisy & Lindsey were following him into the living room. He flopped on the couch frustrated. Daisy went behind him rubbing his shoulders trying to take a look at his laptop screen.

“What the fuck! Someone saw this?!” Daisy shouted.

“It’s a fucking video! You can see all our faces clear as day! Who the hell followed us?!” Tom shouted.

“Tom, what the hell are you talking about?” Bill asked.

“Someone followed us & recorded me beating the shit out of Claus……”

“Which you did a beautiful job on honey.” Daisy finished.

“Thanks, but if our manager sees this he’ll kill us!” Tom said.

“Who the hell followed us?” I asked.

“Gila & Rei. They created a European version of Perez Hilton & Wendy Williams put together. They call themselves the Gossip Mistresses.” Lindsey said.

“How do you know all this Lindsey?” Bill asked.

“The reason for me going under you covers again was because my mom text me & is furious at me. She saw the video.” Lindsey said.

“But you should be safe. Your mother didn’t see you in the video just……Bill.”

“Yup, so as it is her job to interview the world’s best celebrities, included Tokio Hotel…..again! She has to be a mom & ruin my trip. This summer really blows! I thought graduating out of that hell hole high school a year early would give me better benefits, now its giving me some drama.” Lindsey said.

“Wait she’s coming here? When?! Why?!” Tom whined.

“Her bosses told her to come here, but she was gonna come here regardless of the assignment or not. You boys got an interview at 3. Her plane should be landing her by at least 2:30.” Lindsey said.

Well this ruined the mood for breakfast & the fact that I neglected the omelets & they burst into flames. We got dressed & headed to their studio house. It was really nice & cozy. It looked so ordinary outside, but inside was like a music store. All types of guitars, drums, & other instruments all around. The recording area was in its own room, they had a kitchen, some offices, bathrooms, dining room area, & upstairs lead to their rooms. Only two rooms though. Their big for two to three people though so it won’t be suffocating. Georg & Gustav were already here. They had some meetings today already, but now we’re all stuck her longer until Lindsey’s mother comes in & add more drama than is already needed.
The boys headed to their meeting downstairs while Daisy, Lindsey, & I went upstairs to their rooms.Daisy found Tom’s bed easily. He had pictures from their NYC trip & LA trip scattered on his bed. The pictures either had him with Bill or Daisy on them. I assumed the bed across Tom’s was Bill’s bed. So I sat there with Lindsey. It was really quiet. Daisy still doesn’t like Lindsey & vice versa. I’m in between because I hate Lindsey for taking Bill, but that’s all I can really say. After three hours of boredom & random questions games we get a knock on the door.

“Lindsey, would you kill bill to save your father’s life or kill your father to save Bill’s life?” Daisy asked.

“What kind of sick question is that?” Lindsey asked.

“Just answer the damn question. If you love Bill you should save him. I already know Sapphire’s answer.” Daisy said.

“Yea right like she would really kill her father to save Bill.” Lindsey spat out.

“Oh in a heartbeat! I hate my father, so its not really called for thinking……”

“Hey…..Lindsey. Your mother is here. Plus she wants a interview with you two.” Gustav said.

“Why me & Daisy?”

“If you were on the tape, your gonna be interviewed. We tried to play it off as if you weren’t here, but she’s not stupid.” Gustav said.

That actually worried me. Gustav is the best liar out of the whole group. If his lies couldn’t fool Lindsey’s mother, than the world really is coming to an end. We walked down the stairs like school kids lining up for lunch. She was in the back room which was their practice room I guessed. Daisy & I never met this woman, but when she interviewed them in New York we were told she was intimidating. I believe them now. Daisy’s eyes however lit up. I’m guessing she knows of her work. Francesca May Moss, Lindsey Moss-James’s mother. She looked really normal. I don’t see how much of a threat she is. A woman in a blue business suit, smokey eye shadow, & matching blue stilettos. Her hair was in a ponytail. She looked familiar to me some how. Like I’ve seen her some where before.

“Hello ladies, Lindsey. I’m Francesca May Moss. I’ve meet the boys before, but its seems like I over looked their roadies.”

“Excuse?” Daisy asked

“We’re not roadies miss. We’re friends of theirs.”

“Yes. Sure thing. I mean if you call these two the endangered your lives friends then fine by me. I want to interview Tom with the girl he saved……”

“Then you want Daisy mom.” Lindsey stated.

“Alright, after them I want Bill & the other woman on the video…..”

“Sapphire. The girl next to Daisy.” Lindsey assisted again to her mother.

“Thank you dear. Then after that I wanna talk to you., privately young lady so don’t wander far.”

Everyone, but Tom & Daisy left the office Francesca was using for the interview. At home before we even suspected any one knowing about this we agreed never to speak of this again. For Daisy’s sake because she barely remembers everything in detail. Now it looks like that pact is gonna be broke. I only hope To will put her back together again after she hears the full story.


~One Hour Later~

I saw Daisy come out first. Her eyes were red. I saw speed right pass us to the bathroom. Tom went right behind her & locked them both in the bathroom. I’m guessing she now knows the truth & is remembering certain things. Francesca called Bill & me in next. I was telling Bill about my mother while we waited, I even showed him the pictures she sent to my father’s house. I put them in my pocket when we went to be interview. When it was just us she asked me my name & then questioned Bill.

“So, they were ignoring each other in the club. Did you think that maybe her provocative clothing made her a target?” asked Francesca

“Its how everyone dresses in a club. I mean not all clubs have air conditioning systems. This club never had any so…..I don’t see anything wrong with their….”Bill answered

“Well, its not summer here & what I saw in the web cast, they girl was dress in a whore-ish fashion. To me that’s asking for trouble.” asked Francesca

“Well its fashion. We were with these ladies in New York at all sorts of night clubs & nobody tried doing such things as that man did to Daisy. Her fashion wasn’t “whore-ish” as you say. I seen girls just as worse dressed in the club in lingerie like outfits.” Bill said

“A tight leather strapless dress, it went above her knees, & you’re telling me that isn’t a bit revealing?” she asked again. It was really annoying.

“What are you indicating?! My friend was dressed hoping to win back Tom! Everyone was dresses in some type of way not just Daisy!”

“Excuse me, but I’m asking Bill not you. Of course you’re gonna defend a friend. Its naturally for you, but these boys aren’t that close to this girl playing the victim.”

“Any woman in that club could have been in that situation. Including your daughter! That man was gonna go after any woman that seem vulnerable & Daisy was vulnerable! She is the victim! We were just there to have fun & hopefully have Tom & Daisy make up! Shit happens & none of us are horrible for it. The only horrible ones in this is you & the two whores that knew about Claus & didn’t warn Tom to warn either of us about what else he did besides sell drugs to people. Smart drug dealers don’t use their product! So stop making us feel like shit & go back to hell you fucking media vermin!”

I just stormed out the office. No wonder Daisy ran out crying. The woman was basically calling her a slut & saying she was asking for it. That could have been anyone; Lindsey or me. Any girl could have been Daisy, but the difference with that is nobody would have stopped him. I went to the room & stayed in there alone. Bill came in five minutes later & shut the door.
I was scared to look at him. I thought maybe I got him into trouble or embarrassed him in front of the woman that is supposedly suppose to help us clear our name with this interview. Maybe I should have kept quiet, but my heart couldn’t do it. I wanted to protect Daisy’s imagine. Bill sat down next to me.

“She’s gonna be leaving soon. You made an impression on her, good work.” Bill said

“I’m sorry if you’re in trouble. I just hated that she was only singling out Daisy out like she was asking to be drugged & almost raped.”

“Why are you sorry? I’m glad you said something. I was just to nice to interrupt her as all. Otherwise I would have said everything you said.” Bill said.

“Really Bill? You mean that?”

“Yes. I didn’t like her attitude towards us like a bunch of troublesome kids. I mean we are, but not that much.” Bill laughed.

His laugh filled up that painful stupidity feeling in my heart. I smiled at him, which was his signal to give me a tight hug. I felt like everything bad that happened to me vanished. When I looked up at him I realized just how close to his face I was. His eyes were so clear & deep surrounded by his eyeliner & shadow. I was lost in them again. My heart was racing & I was trembling to make a move.
I saw his eyes getting closer to mine & I sucked in my breath. I felt my eyelids get heavy. I know his lips were close to mine because I felt his breath on my lips. I was about to kiss him……until Lindsey came in. We paused & acted like were just hugging. I quickly put my head on the other side of his head. I don’t think she suspected anything.

“Bill, mother wants to talk with us before she leaves. Its important.” Lindsey said.

“Okay, um….no problem. I just wanted to make sure Sapphire was okay & um….oh your pictures fell out your pocket when you ran out the interview.” Bill said.

After handing me my pictures, him & Lindsey left for downstairs. I counted all the pictures & saw I was missing one, but I didn’t think of it. It would turn up again somewhere. After having my moment alone I went downstairs & saw Daisy with Francesca. She was apologizing to Daisy & walked out to her cab. Everyone was still sad & miserable looking.

“Why are we still depressed? No more mama drama right?”

“No, we got manager drama. We gotta stay here the rest of the day.” Tom said

“But you girls are going back to the house.” Bill said

"Its no need for all of us to stay here all night….possibly until tomorrow afternoon.” Gustav stated

“I don’t wanna be alone tonight Tom. I mean no offense to you Sapphire, but I…just don’t feel comfortable without you at your house.” Daisy said.

“Bill, maybe they should stay. We got enough room with we divide everything evenly.” George said.

“Tom…..what do you think?” Bill asked

“Paparazzi is gonna be all over house now. I think its best if we all stay here for the night… least. This place is secluded.” Tom said.

So it was settled for the rest of the day we were gonna be in their studio house. I was so at eased. We all basically scattered after that deliberation. I’m just hoping we don’t get a case of cabin fever. We never stayed in one place for longer than two hour. We were always outside wandering, but due to current events its for the best.
It would be even better if I could get alone with Bill, but from what Lindsey walked in on, she must suspect it would have been over for Bill & her. Maybe this is just a lost cause until he’s single again…….just maybe.

♠ ♠ ♠
YAY!!!! The shocking conclusion from the last chapter.

Really got heated with Bill & Sapphire am I right?

Very sorry this chapter & the next chapter was late. I went away......AGAIN!
I saved all this info on to those little small portable info sticks hoping to get to an computer to post the chapters, but i had no computer & my side kick is now dead to the world ( R.I.P. Sidekick battery )

Well you'll love the never chapter for sure. Please don't kill me for the delay. I'm searching for a laptop as we speak so I can post chapters more offen or at least another sidekick battery so i can post updates from my phone.

Enjoy! Leave Comments! Tell your friends!!!!