Show Me What Living Truly Means, Bill Kaulitz


{ Daisy’s Narration }

Bill was never so silent. When we gathered our things for the airport, when we got to the airport, the plane ride & car ride home. I know it because of Sapphire, but I feel something else is wrong too. When Tom, Bill, & I made it back home I went into Bill’s room. Most of her things are still in his room. She only took enough things for three days when we went to Paris. Bill was sitting on the floor at the end of his bed. I sat on ankles so I can still look him in the eyes.

“Did you have sex with her last night?”

“How did you know?”

“You have the same look in your eyes I did the day after my birthday. Remember, I vanished after the party because Tom…well couldn’t fight it.” Bill began to laugh a little, but then it faded away. I was right, they had sex before we left. I knew they would eventually, but not under these circumstances.

“I’m glad to know you were her first. I bet you she is too.”

“It feels wrong being here without her. Just like it felt wrong being with Lindsey, but I was so keen on proving you all wrong I stuck with Lindsey until Sapphire came back to me again.”

“I’m sorry Bill. Maybe in time her mother will lighten up & let you two see one another again. She’s just being over protective because she doesn’t know what’s been going on before Sapphire went to college.”

“I guess, but I need her Daisy. I didn’t think I would fall in love with her this deeply, this fast. I feel alive with her, I feel like an unstoppable force.”

“She said the same thing to me at one point. This whole thing is mind-boggling. We never thought we would be hanging out with rock stars all summer. We didn’t think I was gonna fall in love with Tom or with you. It just happened. It’s the bitch slap of the universe. When it bitch slaps us again it will eventually bring you & Sapphire together again with more love than ever before.”

“I guess so. Isn’t summer gonna be over in America soon?”

“Yea. Another two weeks.”

“So are you going back soon?”

“Um….well you see. After you left the room last night, Tom & I couldn’t sleep so we took a little walk to the Effie Tower since its so beautiful at dawn….”

“You guys left at 1 in the morning & didn’t come back until 8am!? What the hell?”

“Well like I said we were restless & it wasn’t at 1 am. It was more like 2am. We saw when Sapphire went into your room. Anyways…we went dancing too. Tom is really good at slow dancing & at dawn he gave me this….”

I flashed him my brand new engagement ring. It was gold with a cute diamond surrounded by golden engraved flowers, Bill’s eyes lit up & he pulled me into a great big hug. It was a wonderful time to bring it up to him. Something to cheer him up a little.

“Welcome to the family Daisy. When was you gonna tell me this?”
“Later tonight when we visit your family again, but I wanted to cheer you up a little bit. Did it work?”

“Yea it did! Wow! When did her have the time to do this?”

“I haven’t a clue, but its just an engagement ring. Their is no way the wedding is happening without Sapphire as my maid of honor & I’m finished with my second year of college.”

“You’re not gonna go back huh?”

“Nope. I’m going to Lycée Saint-Louis in Paris. I already speak French fluently & I can live with my grandparents since their paying for me to go there. My parents may not support my choice, but they do.”

“That’s great Daisy. Sapphire would be thrilled.”

“Yea….I wish I could tell her. We’ll call her in a couple of days. Let her get settled with the fact that she’s with her mother & things. I’m gonna go back to the room and sleep some more. You know I hate sleeping on airplanes.”

I gave him a hug and walked out his room. I turned the corner & walked into Tom’s room. My husband to be is asleep o our bed in a pile of drool. He only does that if he’s extremely tired. I kicked off my boots & snuggled next to him. When my body hit the bed, he turned his body to me held me as we drifted to sleep. I only hope that Sapphire is okay & not plotting a way to kill Lindsey in her sleep. I could only imagine how Sapphire is taking her Bill Kaulitz withdrawals.


{ One Week Later à New York City; Francesca May Moss’s Home }

{Sapphire’s Narration}

I started at a new college next week. I’m transferring into the Lindsey college, Colombia University. Yup, one of the best in the nation. I honestly don’t have the marks to get in that school, but she flashed the name & I was in too. She lived in a special suite at Trump Towers. She has her master bedroom, Lindsey’s room, my room, a huge living room & kitchen/dining room, another room was her office, & each room has their own bathroom. When I saw my father again, he looked as if he went to hell and back. I could care less, but my mom fixed that. She basically gave him $500,000 to stay away from me & to have custody of my little brother. I’m glad that Ivan isn’t going to be put in a orphanage or left with our father. I’m not the fondest of the new man I refuse to call my father. Lindsey’s dad, Tyler Moss, is a pain. He keeps invading my bathroom, tripping me when I walk by, & thinking I’m his servant. I always refuse to do anything he ask & Francesca doesn’t get at me for disobeying him. I start at my new college in a week, so I’ve been doing nothing but hanging in my room with Ivan until Francesca finds a bigger suite to stay in. She really doesn’t want to give up her office. Lindsey came invading my room as she usually does around 5pm. She keeps reminding me how I don’t have Bill, Daisy, or any of the other boys around. I could careless about her not liking me, but the truth is killing me that I no longer have Bill with me. My first & only friend in like years is with Tom. Georg & Gustav, the quirky duo. I miss & love them all. The only thing keeping me sane is Ivan. I can’t even call them. She took my out dated phone & gave me a new one.

I decided to end my little “heart to heart” with the sister from hell & look for my mother……still not use to that word. I never even called that con artist bitch mother. She was in her office as usual on a conference call with several other people. When she saw me at the door way she told them to call back in a hour. She smiled at me & gestured me to come in. I sat there in front of her basically looking at myself in 30 years. Funny isn’t it?

“Hi sweetheart. Are you enjoying New York with your new family?”

“Its fine, I guess. Its just….”

“I know its about sharing your room with Ivan. I’m doing everything I can to find a larger suite for all five of us, but its on short notice for Mr. Trump. I really hate bothering him, he’s a busy man.”

“No its not even that. I like Ivan in my room, he’s more familiar with me than anyone else in the house. Its about the Bill incident in Paris. Why did you tell him to stay away?”

“Sapphire, the last thing I need is a scandal about the estranged daughter dating a international rock star. The estranged daughter story is enough. I was trying so hard to protect you from the media, but word got out thanks to your sister.”

“I guess I’ll understand, but I really….I still do love him. He wasn’t trying anything funny with me. Bill is so amazing & he really loves me.”

“My dear, how many other girls do you think he’s said those words to? He can have another girl in a instant. What makes you think he hasn’t swept a lonely girl off her feet like he has with you. You’re friend Daisy is bound to be another victim of Tom Kaulitz love life. I know the lives of rock stars, they play games with girls until they are foolish enough to fall in love with them. Once they get in a girl’s pants, they move on. I did you a favor. No man is getting into your pants.”

“Um…yes. Okay, but can’t I even speak to him? You took all my old numbers and…”

“The answer is no. Sapphire, stop making this into a case & just get Ivan ready for dinner. I have to make one more call before the meal is ready. Please excuse yourself.”

I fought back tears & walked back to my room. Lindsey was gone, so I locked myself in the room & burst into tears. I really am in love with Bill Kaulitz. Looking back on my life, I was like the living dead since my parents divorced & if it wasn’t for Daisy introducing me to Tokio Hotel’s music I would have never been with Bill. Its like he gave me back my life. The life I had before the divorce was full of fun, love, adventure, & smiles. I got all that with Bill. Now it seems like I’m gonna have to go back to my slump days when I was alone and in pain. Bill won’t ever be able to find me now. Nor will Daisy, Tom, Gustav, or Georg.
They’ll forget about me eventually, so maybe I should perhaps forget it about them too. Once dinner was finished I locked myself in my room for the remainder of the night. I decided to take Ivan as my responsibility for the night. He never seems to cry or fuss at night so I was always able to sleep. Its like he knows when I’m sleeping. I’ve been waking up in the middle of the night since I’ve returned to America because of those crazy sex dreams. Soon they’ll fade away, I hope…..

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I know I took forever to post this. Sorry again, but incase you don't know. It will be over at Chapter 25 so I can keep going with my new ideas I have going on in my head.
I have a new laptop, but no internet just yet. Still force to sit in the living room on the computer.

Well, it seems Bill has lost a side of himself without Sapphire by his side and the same is happeneing to her and more.
She has to adjust herself to an entire new life and family. Sapphire has grown to only believe her true family was Daisy and Tokio Hotel since leaving her father behind.

How much can Bill and Sapphire endure?
Will they ever meet again?

Next CHAPTER ^_^