Show Me What Living Truly Means, Bill Kaulitz


} Sapphire’s Narration {

Francesca is calling me paranoid, but I know what I saw. I’m being followed by someone. I don’t know who, but I’ve seen this guy everyday since September 23rd. I think I have a stalker. I see him when I go park the car for my classes, he comes to my job to talk to my boss, he follows me when I drive home, and when I sneak out to get my alone time. I know I’m not being paranoid. I told Francesca so many times, she thinks it’s the work overload and that I don’t have enough fun. How can I have fun when she leaves me with Lindsey and her husband?
We fight everyday when Francesca isn’t home. It got to the point where now we are all seeing therapist. I only need one drug in my life and that’s Bill Kaulitz! Of course I can’t tell the family this and I haven’t fully told the therapist this neither. I have to see this dude every Sunday since that’s my only day off from work. It’s getting close to the end of October. According to the Tokio Hotel tour dates, they should be here by December….I hope.

“Sapphire, I know it’s not easy to come out. You’ve been through so much since that said divorce your mother mentioned in the group discussion, but you have to tell me more. What has happened in your life before your mother found you?” Dr. Ray asked.

“I told you already! I stayed in New York this summer, went back to my father in Delaware, his bitch wife gave birth to my little brother, went overseas, came back here. The end!”

“Well what happened. In detail please. What is discussed in this room doesn’t leave this room. I took an oath that confirms this.” Dr. Ray explained.

It goes against my principles, but this would carry on unless I say something. I told him about Tokio Hotel, Bill dating my sister, Daisy dating Tom, Bill dumping my sister, Bill falling in love with me, and everything else that happened in detail. I was exhausted from telling him everything. I stayed pass my usual hour session time. He applauded me for telling him everything at last. I was gone after that. I drove home only to see that same person stalking me. I decide to not drive home the same path. I drove myself to Brooklyn hoping to lose him.
He manages to keep up with me. I was speeding, running red lights, and driving through streets I shouldn’t be driving through. I pulled over on Fulton St. and ran through the mall. I saw him get out of the car and chase me by foot. This area is always crowded since it’s basically a big shopping district in Brooklyn and you would think because of that I would see a police officer around. I ran into the Macy’s and got sprayed with perfume. I hate that they do that before you can even take a breath in the store. That little detour got me caught. The man stalking me grabbed my wrist and walked me to the elevator. Sadly we were alone and then she pulled out a card.

“Overton Coles; Private Eye?”

“I was hired by the Patterson family to find you. Do you know Daisy Patterson?” Overton asked

“Yes! We went to NYU together for a year. I haven’t heard from her since.”

“Well I was told to find you for her by her parents. They said when I find you I should give you this.” Overton pulled out a folder of papers and photos.

The elevator stopped on the next floor up and the detective exit. I took the elevator back down to the first floor and made my way out back to my car. I was in such a hurry to get away from detective Overton, I left my cell phone in my car. I got ten text messages from Francesca wondering why I’m not home yet. I started up the car and drove home. When I get in I went straight to my room and hid the folder under my pillow for now. I said hello to my mother, flipped of Lindsey, played with Ivan, and flipped off Tyler. An hour before dinner is when I decided to look at the folder. It was full of letters from Daisy about how Bill was doing since I’ve been gone, pictures from Paris, and the revise tour dates since Bill’s incident. It seems that the tour in America is cut. The manager thought the touring was harming his health. God knows when I’ll see any of them again. I sighed and washed up for dinner. I heard Lindsey boast about her day, Tyler complain about his, Ivan trying to say mama, and Francesca talking about her latest news with getting her own primetime show. Everyone had news they could share, but me. I’m ready to pack my bags and runaway. After dinner I locked myself in my room and continued looking through the folder of papers the detective gave me. I really miss all of them. I wish I knew where they were now. The incident in China in September was the last I heard of the group so they can be anywhere right now. All these questions in my head were driving me mad. I went to my coat pocket and pulled out Detective Overton’s card. Maybe he can relay a message to Daisy for me, or tell her where I am exactly. She only had the clue that I was in the city still, so she must have some sort of clue to where I could be staying. After a few hours of chatting with the detective I ended the call. I never had an unusual day like today. I read a couple of my books from my classes, falling asleep at my laptop. This day was draining.

Of course when I closed my eyes I dreamt of Bill. Dancing with Bill, hold him, kissing him under the stars, the city lights, and the studio recording booth. The hotel seems to be the last thing I dream about before I wake up in a fierce sweat. That dream always made my body tingle and twitch in desire. I know it can never be, that is not until we meet again. Sometimes I have dreams about us making love in other place. European beaches and hotels, under the stars, or even in his car. i even write about those dreams in my dairy and this time it’s well hidden where no one can get it. I wonder if he’s thinking about me like this too.


} Bill’s Narration – Sydney, Australia {

I can’t focus, which means I can’t write. This has been nothing, but troublesome for me. I have to end this tour soon and find my love. Daisy has joined us on our tours since September’s incident and she plans on leaving in December to join her parents for Christmas in New York. I have one more month to get through before I can make any plans for vacation. We’re all on the balcony eating what we ordered from room service. You don’t usually all eat together. There are occasions when we do, but now it’s more often than ever since no one trust me to be alone during our meal times. They all watch me like a hawk to make sure I eat every little morsel of food off my plate. I shared a room with Tom and Daisy in almost every hotel stay.
I couldn’t be trusted, but they knew what would make me better, Sapphire. Room service came in and took our empty plates. Gustav and Tom decided to wander around the city with one of the security guards, Georg is taking a nap, Daisy is on her laptop doing who knows what, and I’m trying to keep myself occupied with these strange Australian channels. Nothing is ever on and when there is, I think of Sapphire. Damn Australian MTV channels. Sapphire would love it here; they play all her favorite music from Slipknot to Lady Gaga, from Green Day to Ne-Yo, and from Blondie to Coldplay.

“What do you think she’s doing right now?”

“Huh?” Daisy remarked

“Sapphire. Do you think she’s thinking of me?”

“Of course she is. Why would you ask that?”

“She hasn’t tried to contact me or make some attempt to find me. I’m starting to think she might be falling out of love with me.”

“Bill that will never happened. Besides, her mother took her old cell phone before she could get our numbers out of it.” Daisy said quickly

“How do you know that?”

“Well….I pulled some strings with my parents and they hired a private detective to try to find her.” Daisy smiled

“OH MY GOD WOMAN! I can’t wait for Tom to marry you!”

I ran from my spot of the couch and made her tell me everything. She told me the detective’s name, where Sapphire is, her school, job, and how she’s doing. It broke my her to know that she isn’t able to contact any of us without her mother knowing. Daisy told me her plan to get her when she goes back to New York for Christmas. Sadly I won’t make it there until the end of January, but once Daisy gets to her I know things will get better. She told me if I have anything I might want to share with Sapphire to write her some letters so she can send it to the detective. I swiftly left her side and pounced on my bed with a note pad. I wrote her about everything on my mind since she left, about the tours, and how much I miss her. I promised her in every letter I would steal her away from America and we’ll live where ever she wants. Daisy was amazed by how much I wrote. I was a little off about why we couldn’t just email her things, but she explained how they would be able to trace it back to us if someone in her family every got into her computer. I didn’t really care though; I was finally going to give some word to Sapphire of my doings and whereabouts.

Tom and Gustav came back with movies, magazines, and clothes. We all sat around the television area and looked through the bags. Everyone, but Daisy was surprised how uplifting I became in a few hours. Daisy filled them in later of course. I swear on my fame I will see her again.

♠ ♠ ♠
A little sparkle of hope for the two lovers.
Daisy really came through. Hopefully whatever else she has plan will come together soon.

As i said before, the series is coming to an end on chapter 25, which might be my longest chapter. I'm assuming. Well I hope you enjoy the chapters. Really sorry for the delays.

I have a brand new laptop with no internet, so it might still be happening, but I'm always typing.

I also hope you will support me with my new stories post on my page too.
Tom Kaulitz story - "Crime Loves Fame"
And a two part one shot of Bruno Mars story.