Show Me What Living Truly Means, Bill Kaulitz


Daisy’s Narration

Well, the rest of the week went….how you say…..OMG!

Georg kissed Sapphire when we got back home Sunday night from the movies. It shocked me more than anything. I was getting the vibes from Bill since the whole backstage party. He was into Sapphire, so why didn’t he kiss her? It was driving me mad, but I’m pretty sure Sapphire was more freaked out than me. I think me being with Tom has linked me in a emotional connection with Bill.
Like how Tom and Bill share a twin vibe, I think I’m on that wave link now a little because I felt Bill’s heart crack. It hurt me to see him like that and I know Tom was bothered by it too. Once they get back to the hotel, we’re gonna have a video chat. This is my only time to get feedback from Sapphire before she locks herself in what she now calls “her room”.

“Sapphire….what exactly happened? Like do you like Georg or Bill?”

“WHAT?! I like neither! The last thing I wanna do is fall for someone I’m not supposed to be with or know this personally! “Sapphire screamed.

“I know, but it’s clear the Georg likes you, but only did what he did because he didn’t really see Bill try anything on you. So the moment he realizes Bill like you or you tell Georg you like Bill he’s gonna most likely try again.”

“This is too much. Back at home I avoided stuff like this! If a boy liked me I did nothing about it. Just went on with my life until he gets a hint. It’s not like that with Bill though. I don’t open up or feel anything when I go out with other guys yet I can do that with Bill so naturally. Is this what it feels like to like someone?” Sapphire asked.

“Well….yea Sapphire. Somewhat. I mean I know you never got emotionally or physically involved with anyone before. And I think it’s because you’re afraid it’s gonna turn into the situation like you’re mother. You know….thinking he’ll not want you anymore.”

“Daisy, we are not discussing this. You have no right to bring up the emotional baggage of my life so shut up, goodnight, and go talk to Tom about anything, but what was just discussed because it’s no one’s business and it’s bad enough you know already!” Sapphire screamed before slamming and locking her room door.

I felt really hurt and I felt really cruel only because she told me her past and I brought it up as something to use against her. I didn’t mean to make it sound like that, but it did. Maybe she’ll be better in the morning. I just grabbed some chips and went into my room with my laptop, turned on my TV to Cartoon Network and waited for Tom to send me a video chat. About 20 minutes into the show I was watching Tom text me to give him a hour. I’m guessing they’re at the hotel, but might be having some sort of discussion like Sapphire and I had. Hopefully it goes better than ours and maybe can unlock some secrets we’re not telling each other.

Trump Hotel - Tokio Hotel’s suite (Tom’s Narration)

Well the ride home was quiet, as well as the elevator ride, the walk through the hallway, and the walking to our separate rooms in the suite. Gustav just went straight to his room, Georg was humming a light tune as he gathered some cookies before going to his room and Bill and I was in the living. He was staring into space looking down the window. I felt what he felt; he wanted to just scream outside to the sky like we used to do when we were younger.

“Bill….I know you’re feeling like shit man. I don’t think she was into though. She didn’t kiss back”. I tried to reassure him.

I’ve been kissed by plenty of girls and I know a kiss doesn’t mean anything unless the other person kissed you back or if the other person’s heart isn’t into it. That was my philosophy of kissing and sex. Georg was into it but I felt nothing from Sapphire or saw anything. Bill didn’t look at me, when he doesn’t look at me in this state, he is fighting back tears. I was about to walk away until I heard him forcing out sentences.

“I had my chance Tom….I was just too afraid to take it. I had so many chances to just sit her down and tell her I liked her. I don’t know why I couldn’t” Bill said softly.

“Do you want to see her tomorrow? I’m supposed to talk to Daisy about plans for the next week. Sapphire is going back home soon and then Daisy will be alone so I thought….”

“Tom I just want to forget this night. You do what you have to do, I want to just go in my room and sleep” Bill got up from his seat and walked quickly to his room.

The moment I got rid of the bad depression vibes I feed off of from Bill I walked to my room and got on my laptop. I saw that my sweetness was online waiting so I sent her an invite. She responded right away. Five seconds after I sent it, her beautiful hazel green eyes were on my screen. The only disappointing part was that I saw tears in her eyes. I had a feeling she had a little chat with Sapphire that didn’t go according to her plans.

“Daisy, please stop crying. You know how I feel about you crying nothing but happy tears”.

“I feel like the worst person in the world though. I mean I didn’t mean for what I said to sound so….bitchy. I’m horrible” she cried.

“You’re not horrible. And if it makes you feel better Bill is into Sapphire, but is just shy about it. There is only so much Bill can do on his own with girls unless you give him a little push”.

“Well you know him better than anyone, so I’ll take your word for it. I just wish she could do something. This is all new to her. I mean I know Bill has falling in love at least once, but Sapphire hasn’t. If she’s never loved then she’s never lived” she said.

I loved when we have deep talks like this. It’s just a turn on for me to find a girl so smart, sexy, funny, sweet, and sexy, deep, emotional, sexy, amazingly sexy girl. I don’t always find that. Girls I’ve met have one of these qualities besides sexy. I liked Daisy and seeing her in tears over this situation pisses me off because she has no right to feel like this. I was thinking g of anything I could to cheer her up.

“Why don’t we go out tomorrow? You and me. The other can go off on their own tomorrow. What do you say?”

“I would love that, but what can we do tomorrow?” she questioned.

“I always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty up close and personal. We can have a picnic at Central Park, or go out to the Zoo. Anything just to see you tears free and smiling”.

She smiled after that and that’s what I wanted. That smile that drawn me to her from our first meeting.

“We can just go to the zoo. Call me at noon?” she asked sweetly.
“No problem. Get some sleep Daisy and no more crying alright?”

“Sing to me Tom. Like you did before, please. Sing Monsoon for me please?” she asked.

I turned off the light in my room and she did the same. I watched her move her laptop onto a little table next to her bed and saw her getting into bed. I did the same. I was almost like we were in bed together. The only downside is I can’t run my fingers through her dirty blonde hair, kiss her plumped lips, and rub my nose on her forehead. She coughed letting me know she was waiting. I cleared my throat and began to sing “Monsoon” as promised.

“I'm staring at a broken door
There's nothing left here anymore
My room is cold
It's making me insane

I've been waiting here so long
But now the moment seems to've come,
I see the dark clouds coming up again.

Running through the monsoon
Beyond the world,
To the end of time,
Where the rain won't hurt
Fighting the storm,
Into the blue,
And when I lose myself I think of you,
Together we'll be running somewhere new
Through the monsoon.
Just me and you”

She smiled a peaceful smile as I sang to her. It always made her smile when I sang to her. It was weird because I don’t always sing to girls even though I’m pretty sure if I did I would have more than my usual way with them, but I didn’t want her to be some fling. I couldn’t see her that way. I snag until she fell asleep. Her camera was still on. I decided not to hang up on her and just fall asleep without cameras on.

NEXT MORNING (Daisy’s Narration)

Well I woke up to Tom’s snoring over the camera. This is the first time I ever heard him snore and I pray it would be the last because it’s so loud. I text his phone telling him to come by around at noon like we agreed on and ended the video chat. I heard Sapphire in the shower so I went to the kitchen to make some breakfast for us. About an hour later she finally comes out of the room dressed, but still silent towards me.

I ran into the bathroom after she came into the kitchen. A quick shower and then to my room to put on my denim skirt and green shirt. I matched my makeup with my white headband then stepped out to see Sapphire finishing up her food. I couldn’t take the tension anymore. It felt like the first month we met. We were so quiet towards one another. So I broke the silences.

“I’m SORRY!!!!” was all I can scream out. It’s scared her shitless and she choked a little on her blueberries. That’s what was eating me away since I woke up this morning.

“Um…..I forgive you if you promise never to do what you just did again” she begged me.

“Alright, then. So you’re coming out with me today? You gotta get dressed well than that” I laughed.

“Where are we going?” she asked.

“To the zoo in Central Park. Tom wants to go today and I can invite everyone else so it won’t be awkward…”

“No! Please, really. I think I should just be alone today. Besides I have to call my father and I prefer to be alone after the conversation because my father can be draining” Sapphire stated.

“If that’s what you want, then I will give it to you. Just promise me that you’ll call me when you’re done wanting to be alone”.

“I will. Just do what you got to do to get ready” she said to me with a fake smile.

I knew she was still in pain and I didn’t like her like this. Tom text me while I was in the dining room. He was leaving soon so I had to change into something cuter. I have a dark green sun dress I’ve been dying to wear so I put that on with some white flats.

The doorbell rang from downstairs and Sapphire buzzed him in for me while I curled my hair. He didn’t really care for just waiting so he busted through my door like he was a madman. He did a cat call type whistle at me. I stuck my tongue out at him and got my bag and little jacket. We walked out the apartment saying goodbye to Sapphire.

Since his manager and bodyguard were still on duty until they got back to Germany we took their car they always travel in. When we were driving to the park Top told me the discussion he had with Bill and I told him mine. We both concluded that Sapphire is scared shitless of falling in love and scared shitless that she’ll never be honest with it. All we can do is enjoy our time out alone and hope that they’ll come to their own conclusion on what they want to do. Once we got to the zoo at the park, all that tension from our conversation melted away. We’re gonna have fun today.

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Next chapter will be done by Sapphire's narration.

She gonna have the most difficult talk with her father in a long time & also something unexpected might cut her trip short. She hasn't really talked to her dad since she left for college. Only five minute conversations.

Their's some unexpecting news she's gonna learn & I don't think she's gonna be fond of it.