Sequel: Hidden in the Shadows
Status: Completed :) Onto the sequel!!

Playing the Game of Love

Chapter Twenty-One

October 23rd, 2010
Tuukka Rask’s Condo
9:30 A.M.

That next morning Raina woke up to the sound of yelling. She sat up and looked around. The sun was up and the guest room looked the same as it did when she went to bed. She recognized the yelling from Tuukka. She smiled, remembering that she and Jasmiina had drawn on him. She heard Jasmiina laughing and Raina got up and went to their room. She walked in to see Tuukka looking at himself in shock. Jasmiina and her had drawn and written obnoxious things all over him.

“You two did this!” he said. They both laughed. He looked at himself in the full length mirror on the back of the door.

“You shouldn’t have fallen asleep,” said Jasmiina.

“I’ll be right back,” he went into the bathroom. A second later they heard him yell “Which one of you drew the smiley faces on my butt cheeks.” They laughed louder. He growled in frustration and said “I’m gonna take a shower.”

Jasmiina and Raina went downstairs to have breakfast. They sat at the kitchen table eating cereal while they waited for Tuukka to come down. Raina turned on her phone to check for texts and instantly a text from Jeff came in. It said ‘Good morning.’ She smiled and texted back ‘Good morning what are you up to?’

“Texting Jeff?” teased Jasmiina.

“How did you know.” said Raina.

“Because I’m sitting right here and I know you don’t have anyone else to text but me.” Raina rolled her eyes and finished her cereal, and put the bowl in the dish washer. Tuukka walked into the kitchen. His hair was still wet from the shower and was flat to his head.

“You guys are ridiculous,” he said going over to the cabinet and getting a box of cereal. “It took me so long to scrub all that marker off.” He poured himself a bowl and sat down at the table with them. “So what’s the plan for today?” Raina shrugged and said

“I don’t know,” she turned to Jasmiina and said “What do you wanna do?”

“We could go to Fanueil Hall and go shopping.”

“Alright, I’m gonna go home and get dressed and I’ll meet you over there.” Raina dressed back into what she had had on the night before at the Bruins game and left. When she got home she quickly got dressed and left, headed back to Boston. She drove to the parking garage she usually parked in for Bruins games and walked the rest of the way. She stood outside the middle hall where all the food was and called Jasmiina.

“Hey where are you?”

“In the food court,” Raina walked into the building and was instantly surrounded by the delicious smells of all the different foods. She walked down the hallway all the way to the food court. She looked around and saw Tuukka and Jasmiina leaning against the wall waiting for her. She walked over and said

“So where are we going first?”

“Victoria’s Secret!” said Jasmiina.

“NO,” said Tuukka.

“You can wait outside,” said Raina. The two girls walked across the street to the other hall and went inside the store, leaving Tuukka sitting on the bench outside. Walking into a clothes store for Jasmiina was like a kid in a candy store. She went from one rock to another at lightning speed. Victoria’s Secret and especially the PINK branch was her favorite store in America. After trying some things on they bought what they wanted and went to leave the store. Just as they were about to push open the door Jasmiina said

“Wait!” she grabbed Raina’s shoulder and pulled her back.


“Look,” Jasmiina and her hid behind a rack and looked out the window. Walking past the store was Brittany, Tammy, and Sheena. They were laughing loudly about something and carrying several shopping bags. “I just saved you a really awkward moment,” said Jasmiina. The three walked past and Raina and Jasmiina left the store. Tuukka stood up and said

“Hey did you see-”

“Yes we saw them,” said Raina. “Every time I do it’s like seeing the grim reaper.” They continued to shop around and avoid Brittany. In fact, Raina managed avoid Brittany for the next week and a half. She didn’t see Milan either except for on TV and far away in the balcony seats. It seemed strange to not have talked to him for so long. It made her sad to think of how close they used to be. Meanwhile, she and Jeff still talked. Raina had sent the signed stick from Tuukka which he had been thrilled about. Raina spent most of her time hanging out with Tuukka and Jasmiina at her house, their house, or out shopping.

Milan was feeling the affects of not seeing her even more. He was getting along with Brittany well. They had gone to a Red Sox game with Horton and his wife which went over smoothly. But not having of seen Raina was driving him insane. He wasn’t playing as well, he felt depressed, the headaches were getting much worse and he seemed to be pouring all of his money into more pill pain killers. He was having dreams and nightmares about Raina every night. The subjects ranged from her death to them getting married. He desperately needed to see her.

The end to Raina’s lucky streak of not seeing Brittany came on a sunny Tuesday afternoon. Raina and Jasmiina had taken advantage of the unusually warm day and for a walk around Boston. They were both in great moods and although they carried no money, they went from store to store and window shopped. They went into a small peaceful candle shop by the Charles River. They fooled around and were looking at the different perfumes and fragrances and having fun until she walked in. Brittany stood in the doorway and looked surprised to see Raina.

“What are you doing here?” Brittany said in a bitter voice.

“Shopping,” said Raina. A second later things got even worse. Tammy and Milan came in behind her. Raina saw him look straight at her. He didn’t move from the doorway until Raina had turned around and continued to look at the candles on the shelves. Raina could see Milan glancing at her every so often. Brittany and Tammy continued to look around the store. Raina had always kept her cool even with her worst enemies. She had never been in a physical fight. But when the two walked by and she heard Brittany whisper

“You fucking dumb cunt,” she felt so enraged. Jasmiina heard it and said

“Stop, don’t do anything,” But it was too late. Raina turned to them and said

“Shut up, go fuck yourself.” Thankfully they were the only people in the store. The cashier had stepped out on break and said he’d be back in 15 minutes.

“Actually you’re the one who should go fuck yourself, I have Milan for that.” Blinded with fury Raina picked up a candle that was in the shape of a ball and the size of a baseball and threw it at Brittany. It hit her in the chest, not exactly where Raina had been aiming but at least it made contact. Brittany looked shocked with Raina’s retaliations. But she recovered quickly and grabbed a candle and whipped it at Raina. It hit Raina in the cheek, quickly causing a red welt that would bruise.

“Ha bitch how does your face feel?” Raina flew off the handle and began hurling candles at Brittany. Brittany did the same and Raina had to admit the situation would have been comical if she wasn’t so angry.

Milan watched them feeling frozen. The two girls were spotting each others bodies with bruises and welts as they threw the candles harder and faster. He felt unable to react; the situation seemed like a dream.

Raina then threw the candles down and attacked Brittany. The two girls collided in a frenzy of fists. There was punching, kicking, scratching, and hair pulling. Raina pulled her fist back and contacted it with Brittany’s face, sending her onto the floor. Raina was surprised at how hard she could actually hit. Milan finally intervened. He came over and leaned down next to Brittany and said

“Are you ok?”

“No, she punched me!” Brittany’s forehead was no one giant bruise from the force of Raina’s fist. Milan looked up at Raina with an upset face. He couldn’t blame this on her, Brittany had started it. Tammy said

“Come on, we’ll go home,” Milan helped Brittany stand up. He gave Raina another upset glare before leaving. Jasmiina stood alone again in the candle shop. The floor was a mess with broken candles; Raina had bruises and cuts all over her body. Jasmiina didn’t say anything. A second later the shop owner walked in. He yelled in rage when he saw his shop and said

“What have you done to my store?!”

The girls calmed him down by telling him they’d pay for all the damage done and then left the store. Raina got concerned looks from people as she walked down the street. Her cuts and bruises were obvious on her face and arms. Jasmiina followed still not having of said anything, not knowing what exactly to say. The two girls walked to the small park on the shore of the Charles River. The sound of children’s laughter could be heard form the playground, the low honking of ducks came from the water were people were feeding them breads crumbs. The two sat down on a bench near the waters edge.

“That was interesting,” said Jasmiina.

“God I hate her so much,” said Raina.

“Well you gave her some marks to remember.”

“Mmmm,” agreed Raina, “I’m just sad me and Milan’s relationship had to end because of it.” They sat on the bench awhile longer before heading home. Jasmiina dropped Raina off at her house. Raina wanted to take a long bubble bath. When she took off her clothes she lost count of how many round bruises she had on her body. She prepared a hot bath and slowly lowered herself into the water, letting her muscles relax. She turned on the radio beside the tub and tuned to the sports channel. She listened to the announcer report on the Bruins and how their prediction was they would be climbing to the top this season. She felt herself dozing off and decided to head to bed.
Thanks for reading :) Please comment.