Sequel: Hidden in the Shadows
Status: Completed :) Onto the sequel!!

Playing the Game of Love

Chapter Twenty-Five

November 9th, 2010
The Julien Household, Lexington, MA
8:03 A.M.

Milan woke up the next morning feeling more calm and relaxed then he had in a long while. When he realized he wan in Raina’s bed her felt shocked remembering what they had done last night. Raina lay completely naked up against his bare body still fast asleep. He sat up and looked around the dark room. He knew Claude was gone until late that afternoon and thought he’d let Raina sleep and go downstairs and see what they had for breakfast. He pulled on his boxers which he found had been thrown halfway into Raina’s trash can. Only half awake he lumbered nosily down the stairs into the Julian’s neat tile kitchen. He smiled when he saw the waffle mix out on the counter. He’d surprise Raina with a nice breakfast. He found the Julien’s waffle maker. In the end he had made six waffles, a big breakfast for the both of them. He had started setting the table up when he heard her coming down the stairs. She walked into view in his shirt which she had ripped open last night leaving a view of her black bra and black underwear.

“Good morning,” he said

“You made waffles?” she said in a cracking voice.

“Yup, for the both of us,” she smiled and walked over and wrapped her arms around his waist.

“I love you,” she said, tucking her face into his chest.

“I love you too,” he said hugging her back and kissing the top of her head. The two ate the breakfast Milan had made, cleaned up the kitchen and went back upstairs to get dressed. As Milan put on his jeans he said

“Do you have something I could wear underneath this, or another shirt?” She laughed as she him put on the ruined shirt.

“Ya, sorry about that,”

“It’s fine,” he said.

“Here,” she tossed him a blue short sleeved shirt. “You left that here once when you came to swim,” she let him pull on the new shirt and then said “Please tell me you’re breaking up with Brittany now?”

“Of course I’m going to,” Raina smiled and said

“Where is she now?”

“On a cruise with her family, they invited me to go but I didn’t because of the hockey schedule. She’ll be gone until this coming Monday afternoon. When she gets back I’ll break up with her.”

“Why not now?” said Raina.

“I’m not doing it over the phone, that’s disrespectful,”

“Oh,” she said. Milan could tell she was upset.

“Raina as much as I know you hate her I just can’t end things with her like that I have to do it face to face.”

“I just feel like you’ve led us both along long enough, it’s time to end this whole problem. I mean I just lost my virginity to you. I don’t know if Brittany or any other girl you;ve been with thought that was such a big deal, but I do.”

“I’m not leading either of you on at all; you’re the one that I want.” Raina let herself calm down and said

“Alright I understand, but I want to spend the rest of the week with you.” He came over and wrapped his arms around her and said

“Me too, there’s a game tonight, and on Thursday night, how about we leave Friday morning for the Bahamas and come back Monday morning.”

“A vacation?” said Raina

“Why not? I’ll tell your parents my parents are going and they invited us too. They’ll believe that. They know my parents love you. Brittany won’t know a thing, she’ll be gone until Monday afternoon.”

“I’m paying for part of it.”

“No you’re not, I want to spoil you.” She laughed and said

“Alright I’ll let you pay,”

“Good, we’ll stay at a nice hotel on the beach,” Raina saw it was 1:00.

“My parents will be back soon, but I don’t want you to leave me.”

“Come over after the game for a move night,” he said with a wink. She grinned back at him. Milan headed back to his empty apartment. Feeling energized with happiness he went to the roof floor of his penthouse and played around with an old wooden hockey stick and a rubber ball. He took shots into a net he’d set up against the wall. He played around for an hour or so before going to take a shower. When he took his clothes off and looked into the mirror he saw Raina had marked him. He had several hickeys on his neck and upper chest, and long scratch marks down his back from when she’d clung to him. He smiled to himself and got into the shower.

Raina sat in the hot tub. She felt like a new person. She loved the feeling of knowing that Milan had gone and taken a part of her with him. She had called Jasmiina and told her to come over. Her parents had returned home an hour ago and were inside unpacking. When she saw Jasmiina’s car pull into the driveway she got out of the hot tub and walked up the stone steps to her driveway. When Jasmiina got out and saw Raina walking towards her she instantly noticed the difference in he demeanor. Shocked she said

“Oh my God you fucked Milan didn’t you!!” Raina’s eyes got wide with surprise and she said

“How did you know?!” Jasmiina laughed and said

“Because I can tell, I was the same with Tuukka; you can tell when a girl looses her virginity.”

“How? Do I look different?”

“No,” she said “There’s a different glow about you.” Raina laughed and said

“Whatever you say,”

“So what happened?”

“He came over to apologize, we stared making out and then once thing led to the next and I woke up this morning in my bed naked.”

“So what about Brittany?”

“She’s away with her parents for the week, he’s gonna break up with her when she gets back. We’re going away together to the Bahamas this coming Friday morning.”

“You guys are moving really fast,” said Jasmiina.

“It’s because we should have been together a long time ago.”

“Well I’m happy for you; I knew this would happen eventually.” Jasmiina changed into her bathing suit and joined Raina in the hot tub.

“So what’s gonna happen after he breaks up with Brittany.”

“She’ll move out,”

“Are you moving in?” Raina hadn’t thought about that.

“I don’t know, if he asks me I suppose.”

“Are you going to the game tonight?”

“Ya, I’m gonna sit back down in the seats next to the bench this time.” Jasmiina smiled and said

“Good, so where are you two going on vacation?”

“To the Bahamas,”

Milan walked into the Bruins locker room looking for Tuukka. He wanted to rekindle their friendship. He saw him pulling on his shoulder pads.

“Hey Tuuk,” he said

“What,” said Tuukka looking up at him, obviously still upset with him.

“I went over to Raina’s yesterday to apologize.”

“Did she accept it?”

“Ya, ah we did a lot of making up.” He emphasized the world “a lot”. Tuukka stopped strapping on his pads and said


“I spent the night at her house.”

“Doing what?” Milan knew Tuukka knew what he meant.

“You know what I’m talking about,” he pulled off the scarf he had been wearing around his neck to reveal all the hickeys Raina had given him. “She forgave me,” Milan expected a negative reaction from Tuukka and was surprised when he started laughing.

“What?” said Milan.

“I knew this would happen, that’s why I didn’t tell her parents you were the one to push her, I wanted to give your relationship a chance.”

“Really?” said Milan.

“Ya, I knew she still loved you if I let her parents know they’d keep you two apart.”

“So are you still pissed at me?”

“I’m still upset that you pushed me, but we’re good now. You better be breaking up with Brittany now.”

“I am, she’s away on a trip with her parents. Raina and I are going to the Bahamas Friday morning, when we come back I’m going to move Brittany out.”
Thanks for reading :) Please comment. I should have the last chapter posted by Saturday.