Just this Little Favor

The favor I asked Joe was so simple and easy. It was uncomplicated.

The thing is, it's so uncomplicated that it's in the movies, too, and not as the main part—well, mostly. The people in the movies aren't even really aware that they're pawns—not that I had used Joe.

Because I didn't. I even asked him. I gave it to him as a request, and he accepted. It was supposed to be as simple as that.

No strings. Just me asking a best friend for a little help.

Throw in a few unforeseen factors, however, and you have the mess I have.

Disclaimer: I don't own the Jonas Brothers or any other person you recognize in this story. I also don't own any song mentioned in this story, unless stated otherwise. I'm not affiliated with them, etc., etc., etc. However, I do own Brianna Hollander and the other characters you don't recognize here. Steal them and/or the plot and I will find you and I will perform the Cruciatus curse on you, and then leave you to the Dementors.


Story title: Little Favours by KT Tunstall.