Sequel: Ruthless blood
Status: I dont take that long to update.

Running on Adrenaline

Chapter 3: Trois

Hannah pulled me away, and I just followed. She led me to a small table were only her and Jeremy sat. I sat and started picking at my lunch.

“That’s Oli” she stated rolling her eyes

“The obnoxious one?” I asked jokingly.

She nodded, laughing.

“so Lia, can I call yeh that?” Jeremy said while stuffing some food in his mouth
I smiled, my friends back home called me Ame, and he was calling me Lia “Sure”
“Tell us about yehself” Hannah and Jeremy turned to me.
“Well, do you want the truth?” I said hesitating
“I'm sure we can handle it” Hannah said.

“Well, I got busted one too many times at parties doing illegal things, so I got sent here to be straightened up”
They both howled in laughter at my response, so loud that some kids in the table next to us turned around.
“So yah parents sent yeh here to be a good bird?” Jeremy asked wiping his eyes.
I wasn’t exactly sure what a bird meant “Yeah, I guess so” I shrugged
“Spectacular mistake” Hannah exclaimed
“Agreed” Jeremy laughed
I quirked a brow in question, and them smirked a little “well what do you guys get up to here? and How would you get away with it ?” I said referencing to the jail-like building around me.
“Oh, don’t yeh worry about that, we know how to do shit ‘ere” Hannah looked at Jeremy and laughed.

“Actually, there’s a band competition this week we were gonna enter, but we don’t have a lead singer. But we’re still going, you up?”
“Yeah, sounds fun. Friday?” I asked
“Yeah, it’s actually pretty cool; the winning band gets a spot at Leeds”
I looked confused for a second
“It’s a festival” Jeremy said filling me in
I nodded and that ring was heard again, time to file out and be well behaved. For now I guess.

When it was time to go back to dorm rooms Hannah led me back, the halls were still like a maze to me so I stuck with her for now. We stopped in front of my room.
Hannah took one look at the door number “Good luck with the people in there” she laughed a bit.

I furrowed my brows but agreed to what she said, she then gave me a small wave goodbye and walked down the hall and entered a room not too far from mine. I entered with caution, keeping what Hannah said in mind.
When I walked in three girls turned slowly and looked at me in question. After what seemed like hours of standing and staring a tall gorgeous blond girl walked up to me in a tank top and short boxers.

“yeh new?” she questioned, I just nodded “oh, I know who yeh are, you’re the one oli talked to today” she smiled “don’t touch him” she suddenly grew serious and then walked away.

Another girl with light brown hair approached me “Don’t mind her” she joked “im Kelsie” she offered her hand to me, and I shook it “that’s Bell” she pointed to another blonde sitting and inspecting herself in the mirror “and that’s Heidi” she pointed to the one who told me to stay away from oli.
“im Amelia” I smiled.

They all returned to their original positions and I went over to my bed in the corner, I started to lay out my bed sheets. Then I slowly unpacked and shoved my clothes into a spare chest of drawers. After occupying myself with just about everything I could think of, I sat on my bed with nothing else to do.
“so, yeh do know how stuff works here ?” Heidi turned around and asked me
“I'm not so sure I do” I answered while taking my necklace off and putting It on my bedside table.

“Anything that happens in this room, stays in this room” she said “oh nice necklace, can I borrow? Cheers” she took the necklace before I could say a thing
“Um actually” I said after while
“wha’ ?” she said while putting the necklace around her neck “actually, its not my thing” she threw it carelessly back and I caught it before it fell on the ground
I sighed and then put it back around my neck.
“is that necklace from the queen of England or sometin’?” she asked questioning why I was so protective about it.
“nah, its from my dead brother” I said bluntly.
“hhmm, rough” she turned without a hint of regret or sympathy.

My phone rang loud and I raced to my bedside table to grab it.
“Ame. I miss you already. Hows life?”
I furrowed my brows “dude, isn’t it like 3 in the morning?” I laughed.
“Sure is, but you know I religiously get my sleep in 1st and 2nd period anyway” she laughed, it was nice to hear a familiar voice.
“So, tell me about Russia, or Antarctica… I forgot where you were moved” this made me laugh.
“im in England douche”
“And? Any guys ? any friends ?”
“Yeah I met these two people, Jeremy and Hannah, they seem nice. Might just stick with them” I lay down on my bed and from the corner of my eye I saw Heidi look in my direction.
“That doesn’t answer my question about guys” she said.
“no one” she seemed disappointed at my answer.

At that moment the door flew open, and a mass of colorful flyers were thrown in the door. This was followed by two brittish boys screaming at the top of their lungs “PARTY”
I fell silent as the noise around me grew, Erin started laughing on the other line
“Dang girl, what are you doing talking to me, get to that party” she ordered and hung up, I smiled and shut my phone.

Heidi walked over to me “Did yeh say you were hanging with Jeremy and hannah?”
“yeah” I answered wearily back
She scoffed “good luck gettin’ anywhere love” she stated and then walked away to throw on a skimpy black dress and a pair of silver heels.
As she was applying her makeup when she turned to me “well don’t stand there, get ready” she ordered me.

I rolled my eyes with my back turned and rummaged through my clothing for something to wear, I chose a loose grey singlet with a deep neckline, a pair of stockings and some tight acid washed shorts over the top, I quickly laced on some all black converse that looked like they lived a full life of party's already.

At that moment Hannah walked in, in a purple dress, black tights and black Doc martens.
She looked at me “Nice” she nodded “Except…” she came up to me and ripped my stockings up. At first I held back, but it really did add a nice touch to everything.
She reached into my bag and handed me an old black blazer, I threw it over the top quickly. Before I left I checked my hair in the mirror, I messed it up and applied some heavy eyeliner. In the next minute we were out of the room linked arms, and I felt at home.

The quiet was immense. 100 or so teenagers sneaking past the teacher’s dorms to get into cars and drive away, was really a sight to see. I was guessing they did it a lot. I was walking quietly with Jeremy and Hannah when we came to a beat up car. Jeremy took his keys out of his pocket and got in the driver’s seat with the door open.

Hannah singled for me to push, so I did. We pushed until it was a safe distance from the teacher’s dorm to start the car, and when we finally escaped the grounds, full hell broke loose.

The road was filled with rowdy cars, and there were way too many passengers in each of them for it to be legal. If this is what happened every night, I could get used to this.
Our music was heavy and pumped loud through the speakers, the shattering screams and terrifying drum beats shattered the sides of the car, and Hannah and Jeremy had their heads out the window, screaming things to the car next to us. I just sat in and smiled at how much they reminded me of my friends at home. Hannah looked back at me and looked confused, then she took my arm, no matter how hesitant I was, she managed to get my head out the window.

“ ‘c’mon Australia. Get into it” she screamed at me. I simply laughed and winked at some guys across from us, they smirked back and we drove ahead.
When we parked the car, my eyebrows furrowed. I could hear the party, but I couldn’t see it. I just followed close to Hannah and Jeremy, almost breathing down their necks. A bright light in the distance kept getting closer and closer, until we were in front of a fully lit abandoned house with bodies all over the place. There were people hanging out windows, people jumping around the front yard and the occasional person passed out. I was wondering why these kids were partying at an abandoned house In the middle of nowhere, but i just went with it.

We walked in and someone offered me a drink, I took hold of it and chugged a small sip, the vodka burned intensely down my throat, these kids had their alcohol strong.
A few drinks later and I was laughing effortlessly with Hannah, we sat on a couch leaning onto each other laughing at pretty much everything. And it was sad to say that I only felt happy when I was buzzed. There was a small platform in the middle of the house that looked like a stage. Someone hopped on the platform with a microphone.

“Who’s game?” people all over the house roared and looked his way.
“What’s going on?” I asked Hannah.
“It’s this thing, he plays a song and someon’ game goes up and sings” she stated
I felt a cheeky look come over my face, Hannah looked back at me with that same look. She grabbed my arm and walked me up to the small platform, taking my blazer off my back.
“New meat” Hannah stated
“Alrigh’ darlin’, try not embarrass yehself” he handed me the mic, and I was so buzzed I didn’t even second think the amount of things that could go wrong.
The song stared loud over the speakers, I recognized it. A grunge classic, off course I could never pull it off as well as Nirvana did, but I gave it my all. My voice came out loud and strong, with not a slither of fear, it was smooth and powerful. Sure, I was no Kurt Cobain, but the crowd sure did reply like I was. The amount of people multiplied and everyone stood smiling and nodding their heads, preparing for the chorus.

“With the lights out, it’s less dangerous” I sang loud, the crowd grew rowdy and bodies were flying everywhere to the beat of the music. I looked at Hannah who was standing on the couch with Jeremy; she gave me the thumbs up while yelling something into Jeremy’s ear.

The song ended and the crowd went wild, everyone’s eye was on me as I parted the crowd to get back to Jeremy and Hannah, at that moment I held onto Hannah with my last stride of strength, and signaled I wanted to go home. They agreed and we were out of there in no time.
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Please let me know if your reading it
if it sucks, tell me
if its awesome, tell me
thanks brah.
au revoir