Please...Try to Live on Without Me


Flashback (Elias)
“Hey Elias!” I turned around to see Nat and Nate holding hands and walking over to me.
“Hey you two love birds.” They both smiled at me but Nat frowned and searched the crowd.
“Have either of you seen Bryan today? He wasn’t in any of our classes today and I didn’t see him at lunch either.” She pulled out her cell phone and checked over her messages.
I shook my head. “No I haven’t seen him at all today, usually he comes and attacks me somewhere in the day, but he hasn’t done anything to me today…or yesterday.”
“Yeah he wasn’t at school yesterday either and on Monday he had a couple bruises on his arms. When I asked him about them he got all silent and told me not to worry about it, but of course I’m worrying-”

“Oh! He had bruises!? We have to make sure he’s okay, what if he’s sick!”
“Nat just call him and see what’s up.” She nodded her head and dialed his number. A few seconds later she turned to us and bit her lip. “Did he answer?”
“Yeah he did but only for a few seconds before the line was cut off…I think we should go over right now.”
“What did you hear, Honey?”

“I heard lots of yelling and something glass being broken but for a few seconds I could her someone crying.” My feet were already carrying me to Nate’s car. Nat ran over and jumped into the passenger seat. Nate quickly got into the drivers seat while I went into the back and soon we were speeding over to Bryan’s. When we parked and walked to his door we could tell something was wrong. The blinds were drawn and shouting could be heard from the inside. Nat knocked on the door and we waited a few seconds before she rang the doorbell. We didn’t get an answer.

“Hello! Someone answer the door!” I banged my fist on the door as a loud crash filled the air followed by a scream. Nat gasped and Nate pushed us away from the door.
“Screw waiting for them to answer, that was Bryan screaming.” He pulled out two of Nat’s hair pins and twisted them in the lock. After a few seconds he stood and kicked the door in. We all rushed into the house to see broken glass littering the floor and books, paper and photos thrown everywhere. Nat gasped as she turned and saw a few splatters of dried blood on the wall. “Why’s it so quiet all of a sudden?”

“I have no-” We jumped at the sound of a scream and a man yelling.
“Oh stop crying! Your such a baby! Why did I ever have to give birth to this piece of garbage.” Nat picked up a thick book and stomped down the hallway. We followed her.

“P-please s-stop, I-I’m sorry…p-please don’t h-hurt me no m-more M-mommy and D-daddy. I p-promise I-I’ll t-try harder!” Hearing that and the sobs that followed nearly broke my heart. Nat jumped at the sound of skin hitting skin, a slap.

“I should just cut out that tongue of yours that way we wouldn’t have to hear that horrible voice. Or would you like to go back outside into the shed?” Bryan whimpered as we walked into the room and saw a woman with light blonde hair raise her hand to Bryan but before she could hit him Nat threw the book and hit her in the head. The woman staggered and fell onto the floor splashing her drink on herself. Her full red lips turned into a frown as she glared at us.
“Who the-”
“Elias!” We all turned to the sound of my name being cried out. Nat gasped aloud as she saw Bryan, Nate squeezed her hand and I clenched my fists at what we saw crumbled on the floor in front of us. Large purple and yellow bruises littered his face and body and there were several deep scratches across his face and on his neck. His clothes were torn and dirty and by the way they looked you could see that he was constantly being dragged by them. His cheeks were stained from him crying so much and he had a busted lip that was still bleeding. Dark shadows were under his eyes, telling us that he hadn’t had much sleep and one of his eyes was purple and swollen shut.

“What did you do to him?!” Nat rushed forward and pulled Bryan into her arms. He whimpered when she moved his right arm and left leg. “Oh baby, its okay were here now.” She held him close to her, getting his blood all over her clothes, and pet his head.
“You broke his arm and leg?!” Nate and I glared at the two people who were supposed to be our friends parents.

“The sick little fag deserved everything he got.” He turned and swung at Bryan but before he could touch him Nate lunged and slammed his fist into the man’s face and sent him stumbling into a wall. The woman screamed and ran to his side. The man growled and staggered to his feet trying to lunge at Nate but falling back to the floor as I tripped him.

“I’M GOING TO KILL YOU ALL!!” Just as he yelled that out we heard several sirens go off in front of the house. I smirked at the couple who were staring at the door with wide eyes.
“You wanna repeat that?” He growled at me and we all snapped our attention to the door as several police officers with raised guns rushed into the room. Bryan squeaked in fear and curled into Nat’s lap as she held him close. The officers cuffed Bryan’s parents and had to drag the woman out of the house because she was screaming and cussing at Bryan and trying to attack him. We watched as the 2 were taken out of the house and several other officers approached us and we were all lead out of the house. We stood together for a moment and watched the parents get locked into the back of a police car and be driven away but not before they glared our way.
(End of Flashback)