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The Mystery Man

Jack Warren is a nobody. He is 23 years old, and has nothing. Due to his recent alcohol and drug addiction, he lost his family, friends, education, and home. He didn't think it would be like that. He thought that if he did drugs, it will get him out of his debt, but he was wrong. As Jack continues his life, he roams the streets of New York. He drug deals for money. Instead of using that money for food, he just buys more drugs. By doing that, he gets himself deeper in his black hole of depression. One day, when a miracle happened, Jack Warner changed. He was visited in the night by an angel. When the angel tells him to "clean up his act", Jack doesn't listen. He thinks it is all a dream. The angel sends Jack signs. He finally takes his chances, and finds a job. From then on, Jack Warner changed his life for the better.
  1. The Mystery Man
    "The rain drummed softly on the window-pane. I sat beside the window looking at the outside world, wet, cold, and gray......"