Status: Active.

You Owe Me Nothing


Saturday mornings were always reserved for a get –together at the mall with my friends. We usually sat around in the food court drinking fruit smoothies and chatted until other commitments beckoned us away from the relaxed atmosphere.

“So Ruby! I heard you took Josh Franceschi home yesterday?” Meghan asked sarcastically, she’d been in a mood with me ever since I’d let him sit in her space, “What happened?”She smiled, obviously expecting nothing more than for me to tell her that we’d just talked.

“Well Meghan, since you asked, we happened to do some Science revision and then made out.” I smirked at the way her face dropped, “Then he asked me out. I said yes of course!” I told everyone in our group, making them all smile but Meghan, she was jealous, obviously.

Questions of ‘Is he a good kisser?’ and ‘Did you touch anything of his?’ were echoed through the group, which I decided to ignore, I needed a bit of retail therapy to get my mind off the fact that Josh hadn’t asked me out and we hadn’t properly made out at all, he had pushed me away in anger and then stormed from my house.

“I’m off shopping girlies. I’ll speak to you on Monday.” I smiled at them, trying not to sound fake but probably failing.

I managed to waste my parent’s money on a lot of things I didn’t need. More clothes, more music and more make-up.

I pulled out my cell phone from my bag and checked to see if I had any messages, which I didn’t, which was quite odd. I looked around to see if I could see anyone I knew and to my delight I spotted Josh. I began walking over to him before I spotted he was with another girl, another girl that just happened to be Melanie Phillips.

I tried not to let my anger show, but failed a little as I balled my hands into fists, crushing the handles of the shopping bags I was carrying. This could not be happening! He was supposed to be all over me, not her! He was supposed to go to the mall with me, and carry my shopping bags and buy me smoothies, not someone else!

I tried to brush it off as I left the mall and began walking home but I just couldn’t. He wasn’t meant to go off with someone else; this wasn’t part of the plan at all! He was meant to be hung up over me, be in love with me, but he wasn’t, which called for the plan to be stepped up a notch. It was time things between me and him got serious. He was coming to mine tonight whether he liked it or not.
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This is where the ball starts rolling folks! ;)
Hope you're enjoying the story.