



The shafts of light from the tattered curtains only illuminated some of his face, causing the shapes and angles of his bone structure to appear sharp and harsh.

Almost as if he was made of stone.

As the man walked farther into the room the lights danced over him. With the movements of the lights I could study his image. His brown hair was just a tad longer then military style, the unruly locks darker at the ends. His light brown eyes were surrounded by dark, thick lashes and shadowed by his deep frown. His nose was bent in the middle, as if it had been broken more than once.

A few days growth of beard outlined his jaw and mouth, adding to his bad boy image. A black shirt melded to his muscular chest and the dark jeans fit perfectly over his long legs.

During my observation and his walk from the door I remained silent, only speaking when he reached the foot of the bed.

“Who are you and what do you want with me?”


Kaden studied the woman tied to the bed before him. She looked so out of place that it made his chest tighten.

Two years of research and surveillance hadn’t prepared him for the brutal shock that was Matty Collins.

Her naturally reddish brown hair fell just below her chin, allowing alluring glimpses of her smooth neck. Wide blue eyes dominated her unique face, a face that had never needed make-up.

Her toned body slimmed from soft shoulders, a tight waist, and some of the tiniest feet he’d ever seen.

Even dressed in sweatpants and an old t-shirt she was gorgeous.

Too bad Senator Collins raised her.

“Who I am doesn’t matter.” Kaden’s deep voice commanded.

Matty’s eyes narrowed, “Fine, then what do you want with me? Why am I here?”

Kaden steeled himself against her soft voice, “The question is not what I want with you, but what I want with someone who’s close to you.”

Kaden watched her eyes close with impatience.

“Then why didn’t you kidnap them?”

Kaden raised an eye brow, “You actually want me to commit another crime?”

She rolled her eyes, “Please, you can’t tell me this is the first time you’re broken the law.”

Kaden smiled, “Of course not, but I don’t just break laws, love, I reinforce them.”

Matty’s head fell back against the mattress, “Yeah, like I’ve never heard that one before.”

Kaden shrugged, “That’s not my problem.”

Ignoring the little glares she sent his way Kaden walked around the bed. When he became even with her head he slowly slid a thin blade from his pant pocket.

Choosing not to pay any attention to her gasp, Kaden leaned forward and cut the rope that tied her hands to the iron headboard.

“There. When you’re ready you can come out and get something to eat.”

Sliding the blade back to his pocket Kaden walked from the room, a smirk lining his mouth.