Status: active.<3

This Could Be

I'm Gonna Put You To Shame

Later that same day, Garrett Nickelsen wondered how he'd never noticed the younger brunette before. After third hour gym with Nathan Kitchstep, the older boy had come to notice that Nathan also happened to be in his sixth and seventh hour classes. Sixth Period was Life Science class, while Seventh Period happened to be Garrett's favorite class of the day, and he'd only had the class for three days - it was band class. Mrs. Fanning was the band teacher, and she was amazing at playing instruments - especially the guitar; she even made class fun, letting kids do-over playing tests until they got their desired grade.

When Garrett walked into his Seventh Period class the third day of his Junior year -the same day that he'd met Nathan, approximately four or so hours prior- a broad smile immediately came over his face. Band class was perfect. He could practice his bass for almost an hour out of the day, while he was at school. And during the playing tests, he always passed them with flying colors. Being surrounded by music instantly made Garrett's day a million times better, and the smile remained in place as he retrieved his beloved bass guitar and sat in his assigned seat.

He sat on the back row, practicing some simple chords that he would need to know for the first test he would have to take; all of the notes seemed almost impossibly easy to him. But then again, he'd been playing bass for a while - he'd just never taken band class before. So, sure, in a way, Garrett was extremely good at bass. But he preferred not to show off.

Too much, anyways.

And then someone caught his eye - a semi-short boy with dark brown hair walked into the huge classroom, his hands shoved into the pockets of his skinny jeans. A nervous smile was planted on his pink lips - but somehow, at the same time, the boy looked happy. And then with a roll of his eyes, the younger Junior took notice of the auburn haired boy who was gazing at him. While walking to his instrument in the back of the room, Nathan paused by Garrett, but didn't speak for a moment. His deep, navy blue eyes watched the older teenager with a quizzical look in them for a minute, as if pondering why he'd not noticed Garrett in his class the first two days, either.

"Take a picture," Garrett murmured to Nathan, keeping his voice quiet so that no one else could possibly hear them. "It'll last longer." And on that note, a broad smirk made it's way onto the boy's lips. A light shade of pink immediately rose to Nathan's face, much like it had earlier in the day, during both boys' gym hour. Without giving him a reply, Nathan quickly walked over to the only drumset within the room, taking a seat and picking up his drumsticks.


After seventh hour was over with, Garrett quickly put away his white bass and grabbed his backpack, all but running out of the classroom, being the first one out the door. He avoided the crowds and cliques of chattering people as usual, instead making his way to his locker as fast as possible. When he reached it, under his breath he murmured, "18, 4, 22.." as he entered the combination. Once his locker opened, the seventeen year old put the books he would need for his homework into his backpack, leaving the ones he wouldn't need in the metal locker.

Shutting the door, Garrett looked for the exit that was less crowded. The quicker he got to his yellow car, the quicker he was away from school, the better. Only three days had passed and already, Garrett was craving the summer. While scanning both ends of the hallway, Garrett noticed a familiar figure - it was none other than Nathan Kitchstep. The boy who seemed to be blushing almost constantly. But Nathan wasn't headed his way; in fact, the younger boy was walking the other way, his own backpack hanging off of one of his shoulders.

As the younger boy walked out of the school, Garrett couldn't help but watch him. Damn. That boy is fine.
♠ ♠ ♠
random title. eh.
kota can edit it, if she hates it. xD

short chapter. sorry.
i guess you could say.. it's.. filler-ish? whatever
and comments.