Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter Nine

Jasmine groaned as she got up. She had a headache from crying so much and her eyes stung as if she had just squirted lemon juice into them. She sat up, barely noticing the bright pink post-it note stuck to her forhead She lazily pulled it off and glanced down at her father's handwriting.
We all left to a convention. I know you're tired and needed sleep so we didn't wake you. Call me when you wake up.
I love you,

Jasmine grabbed her cellphone and scrolled down her contacts before finding hre dad's cell number. She counted the boring rings until he picked up.

"Good morning." He sounded happy.

"Hi, Dad. I'm up." She sighed, clutching her teddybear.

"Good. There's a little cereal left, unless Ryan ate it all." Pete said softly.

"Ryan?" Jasmine asked suspiciously.

"Um, well he wouldn't wake up either so..."

"YOU LEFT ME AT HOME WITH THAT JERKOFF!?" She screamed into the phone.

"Hey, watch the cussing. And it's not like it'll be all day. We'll be home in a few hours." Pete said.


"No 'butts', just stay out of his way and he'll stay out of yours. And no more pranks, or else today will not end well. You never know, maybe he;ll apoligize." Pete suggested.

"Hmph." Jasmine grunted and Pete laughed.

"I love you too. I'll call you soon. Bye."

"Bye." Jasmine said in a flat voice before slamming her phone shut. She looked around the room when she heard a grumbling noise from her stomach.

She sighed and jumped off the bed and made her way out of the room. She walked down the stairs, hearing the noise of papers flipping. 'Stupid Ryan Ross. I hate him,' Jasmine thought as she neared the kitched. He didn't look up and she didn't bother glancing at him simply reading the paper. She did notice an empty bowl sitting next to him with a metal spoon. She prayed that he didn't eat all of her Count Chocula, or else she would be forced to kill him. She opened the pantry and pulled out the box and a bowl. She pushed the box down and to her shock, no cereal poured out.

"You ate all of my cereal!?" Jasmine yelled.

"I left you a few crumbs." Ryan said simply. Jasmine glared at him and threw the box into the trash and put her bowl away.

"Of all the days you choose to eat, you pick today and eat my cereal. Why couldn't you just stay anorexic?" Jasmine thought outloud.

"I am not anorexic!" He protested.

"BULIMIC!" Jasmine shouted.











Ryan glared at her before slamming down the newspaper and walking off into the living room. Jasmine counted to ten before following him, since she had no television in her room and the game room was littered with music sheets and empty soda cans. Ryan was just sitting there, the remote in his hand. Jasmine walked by and snatched the remote out of his hand and slumped down on the couch, far away from him. She changed the channel from his morning news to her own cartoons.

"Change it back!" Ryan argued.

"No! I have the remote!" Jasmine stuck her tongue out at him. Ryan tried to reach forward and take the remote from her, but Jasmine pushed him back.

"Give it back you selfish spoiled princess!"Ryan tried to reach her again.

"Come near me one mroe time, Ross! See what happens!" Jasmine glared at him. Ryan only smirked before getting up and walking over to her, "You asked for it!" She kicked her leg outward and Ryan groaned and held his painful parts.

"Ow, you fucking brat!" Ryan managed to choke out. Jasmine stuck her tongue out again and changed the channel to a music station. He looked up and lunged for the remote.

"AHHHH! STOP MOLESTING ME YOU PEDOPHILE!" Jasmine yelled, trying desperatly to keep the remote and trying to kick Ryan in the balls again.

"Give me the fucking remote you twerp!" Ryan held onto the remote. Jasmine smirked as Ryan tugged harder. She simply let go and Ryan went flying backwards and falling directly onto his ass. He groaned and glared at the thirteen year old getting up off the couch and stomping up the stairs. "You gonna go cry to daddy now!? Huh!? Just because you can get away with anything!" Ryan screamed before her door slammed shut.

Jasmine fell into her bed and started to cry into her pillow. She hated Ryan. She was starting to think about her being spoiled and how Pete only bought her things because he felt sorry he chose music before her.

Ryan heard the wails and sobs coming from the room. He knew he had crossed the line and he knew he couldn't stand hearing or seeing people cry. After fifteen minutes the crying did not stop. He groaned and set the remote down before walking up the stairs, guilt rising up in him. He stopped at the front of her door and debated on just walking in or knocking. He decided to knock.

"Go away." Jasmine growled.

"Jasmine, please open up." Ryan said flatly, not even sounding like he was asking a question.

"No. Nobody wants you here. Leave." Jasmine said in a low voice.

"Jasmine! Open the fucking door!" Ryan yelled out of frustration.

"NO!" Ryan sighed and pushed the door open, despite the yelling from the otherside.

Jasmine's hair was tangled and her eyes were red from crying. Tears stained her cheeks. Her thin frame lay on the bed and she wasn't planning on moving.

"Jasmine, I'm sorry." Ryan confessed, his hands in his pockets.

"Okay. Go away." Jasmine replied.

"Will you fucking listen to me!? I'm sorry! What more do you want!? A fucking Mercedes!?" Ryan was getting frustrated, but that only made Jasmine cry more.

"If you don't leave, I will call my dad and tell him to send you back to Vegas and kick you out of Decaydance." She said flatly.

"Oh, and he's going to listen to you. Fine, you don't want my appology, fine. Be the annoying brat you are then." And with that, Ryan stormed out of the room.