Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter Ten

You meet Jasmine's new friend and hear about her new hobby.
There is only a little bit of Alex in this chapter.
Sorry =(


Have you ever wanted to be invisible? Like wanting to just be able to walk on the streets without girls running up to you and asking you strange things about your dad. Or without the boys who come up to you and tell you what they would like to do with you once the sun goes down, even though you know it's because your dad has a shitload of money.

Well, that's what I want. I want to be invisible. Joe and Andy said that in time I would enjoy the paparazzi and eventually make up with Ryan before it hit the message boards. Well, it was too late. After a day or two some idiot had leaked out that me and Ryan Ross hate each other and now the Internet is flooding with fan-fics about me and him having and argument that turned into crazy, wild, illegal sex that you tried to keep from I try to keep from my dad but I end up getting pregnant and disowned. Those are always the tear-jerkers. Because in the end my dad forgives me and ends up letting me keep the baby and letting me marry Ryan Ross. What goes on through those kids minds when they write that crap?

Anyways, I've gone out three times this week and about ten times people have come up to me and asking me if I remember them from that party from last weekend. Honey, I was at no parties last weekend. I was practicing soccer in my backyard with my dad and getting into screaming matches with Ross. I never want to tell my dad this but, I kind of wish he hadn't told the public about me. I kind of wish everyone would just forget about me and leave me alone.

I've done my part. I've answered the numerous amount of questions that journalists ask me when they find my number from 411 (Note to self: Remind Dad to block my number from 411 callers.). Seriously, does it sound like I want to answer questions regarding my Dad's nudey pics from last year? No. I answer those questions and questions about the rumors on-line. Do people really think I'm fucking my uncle Gabe? Strange. Very strange.

So now I'm sitting on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Dad and everyone is out except for Brendon and Ryan. Brendon is most likely downstairs eating the last of the cookies and Ryan is probably with him, bitching to him about how he couldn't get his eyeliner on straight this morning. I have a remark for you Mr. Ross, the reason why you couldn't get it on straight is because you are about as straight as a San Fransisco man working at an art gallery. Okay, so that was a little mean. He deserved it.

"JAZZ! LUNCH!" I heard Brendon call from downstairs. I groaned and rolled off the bed with a thump. "JA-AZZ!" He called again.

"I'M COMING!" I screamed back. God, that boy can be annoying. I walked down the stairs and noticed Ryan sitting on the couch with a paper plate and a peanut-butter sandwich. I glared at him before heading into the kitchen. Brendon set the plate in front of me. He must think me and my dad have the same taste in food. Bleh.I ate the sandwich anyways, not wanting to hurt his feelings. He gives you those damn puppy-dog eyes and even starts to tear up a little.

I glanced at the clock. I had exactly two hours from this moment to get ready. Have I told you I've been going to parties? Yes, before I said I didn't party on the weekends. That's because Daddy is aways home on the weekends and makes me practice. On the weekdays, however, he is gone and is oblivious to the fact that I am partying with his good friends Paris Hilton and Lindsay Lohan. They don't tell my dad that they saw me at a party last night. I think they get the point that he doesn't know about my party fiasco.

It's funny isn't it? How I want to be invisible, yet I go to the most talked about parties? To you it may be strange, but to me it isn't. When I'm at those parties, the cameras focus on Paris, Lindsay, Britney, Hilary, Ashley, and Jessica. Last week I managed to sneak into the bathroom before Lindsay and Hilary's cat fight over by the DJ. One of them stole a boyfriend again.

"Where are you going tonight?" Brendon asked.

"Eh, a friend's house. She's from soccer." I had become a good liar, I guess there are some things you can say like father like daughter.

"That's good. Do you need a ride?" He questioned.

"Nope. I have a ride. Why?"

"Because I'm heading out with Ryan tonight. So if you needed to be dropped off somewhere I could take you on the way." He grinned before taking a sip of his Red Bull.

"Nah. Besides, I would prefer not to be stuck in a car with Ryan Ross for five whole minutes." I smiled. He laughed.

"You two will never let it go, will you?" He asked, starting to clean up the kitchen.

"Nope. He has apologized, but I ignored him. I don't forgive and forget easily," I pointed out. He smiled and nodded, "Thanks for lunch. Even though it's four." I laughed. He made a face at me before wiping off the counter. I headed up the stairs and to my room.

What should I wear? I questioned myself as I looked into my closet. I pulled out a pair of jeans and some layered black and green spaghetti strap tang-tops. I threw on a jacket that was short and came up past my belly-button. No, it was not slutty and whorish. I threw on a few necklaces and bracelets before grabbing my straightener and working my magic. I put half of my hair up and put a little make-up on before putting my ear to my door. I could hear the shower, meaning Brendon wasn't downstairs. I would still have to deal with Ryan, but he never notices me anyways.

I jogged down the stairs and walked past him, he glanced at me but who cares? I made sure I had my keys and I walked out the door. I walked a block before I saw the car I had become so familiar with. I had met him a while back at a show over at the Troubadour in West Hollywood. At first I didn't know who he was, until I had a better look at him after the lights turned on again.

"Hey Jazz, what's up?" Adam asked.

"Nothing much, where is this party at?" I asked my lovable new friend.

"Over by the Roxy. It won't take us long to get there." He smiled.

Now I know you are all thinking, Who the fuck is Adam?. No he is not my boyfriend and I did not meet him through my dad. Well, kind of but not really. Our dads know each other but we have never met before and they did not introduce us. Adam is the child of Mikey Way and Alicia Way. Yeah, I'm sure you are all He must only be a year old!? Hello, look at me? They kept him a secret like my dad did with me. Except Adam had just turned fifteen.

The car had pulled to a stop and we entered through the back of the club. We entered into the building with flashing lights and loud music.