Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter Eleven

I can't believe stupid Brendon is making me go to some party with him. I already told him that I do not need to get laid and that I do not want a girlfriend. Jesus, that boy has a thick skull.

So now I'm sitting next to him in his precious Audi A-4 (Turbo) and hearing him blab about how I need to relieve my stress and let loose. Hell, at least I'm not stuck with Jasmine again. That little brat needs to be yelled at. Pete only spoils her more and more by the minute. The only time he would be mad at her is if she lied. I'm sure she has before, just how Pete has lied to many people before.

Brendon parked the car and soon we were standing with our arms around each others shoulders in a friendly way, making those model-scowls at the cameras. By the time we were inside the party had already started. I made my way directly to the bar. If I was going to survive tonight, I would need a drink. I sat at the bar and ordered Jack Daniel's on the rocks. It was my favorite drink, even though Brendon and the guys hated the smell and the taste of it straight.

"Hey Ryan, what's up? I haven't seen you in a long time." A familiar voice greeted. I turned and face a friend of my, Paris.

"Hey Paris, yeah, long time no see. You in town for a while?" I asked. The last time I saw her was at the Playboy Club at the Palms, a few minutes away from my house.

"Yeah! Here for some campaign parties and hanging out with some friends. You?"

"Recording the new album. I'm staying at Pete's." I smiled.

"Oh with his adorable daughter Jasmine! She's such a sweetheart." She put her hand over her heart to show her affection for that brat.

"How do you know her?" I asked.

"Oh! At a party on Monday. That was the last time I saw her. The first time I met her was a few weeks ago." Huh?

"A few weeks ago? I di-" I stop mid-sentence, noticing a familiar jacket I had seen earlier this evening, "I have to run really quick. I'll call you." I said quickly before running off. I searched over the crowd and sure enough, I had spotted Jasmine hanging out in the back by the speakers with a boy and a few other Hollywood Starlets. I pulled my phone out of my pocket as I searched for Brendon.

"Hello?" Pete answered.

"Hey, did Jasmine tell you where she was going tonight?" I asked.

"Yeah, to a friend's house. Why?" He asked back. I had spotted Brendon and was making my way towards him.

"Um, you might want to come to the club over by the Roxy." I hinted.


"Brendon dragged me to a party and Jasmine is here hanging around girls who are twice her age and famous for no apparent reason. Oh, and a boy her age is with her too." I heard silence for a while.

"Ry, I know you and Jazz do not get along, but do not fuck with me right now." He said in a low and a bit scary voice.

"Pete, I swear to God I see her in the back of the club right now."

"Shit. I'm coming over there. Make sure she doesn't leave!" Pete yelled.

"Okay." I hung up and tapped Brendon's shoulder, he turned around.

"What's up, Ry? Having fun?" He asked.

"I could be better if I hadn't seen Jasmine here." I said with annoyance in my voice.

"Jasmine?" I rolled my eyes and moved his shoulders so he was looking right at her. "Hey! That is Jasmine! And she's with Mikey's son!" He smiled. Mikey's son?

"What do you mean Mikey's son?" I asked.

"Mikey Way, he has a kid. Just turned fifteen." I sighed and texted Pete who the boy was. I didn't get a response, he must not be happy right now. In fact, I think he's with Mikey right now.


"Go Adam!" I shouted, laughing at my friend dancing with some random girl. He laughed and stood back next to me.

"Having fun?" He asked, slinging an arm around my shoulder.

"Yuppers. You?"

"I'm good." I laughed and started to search the crowd for more people that I knew.Let's see...Paris, Lindsay, Hilary, Jessica, Ashley, Ashlee, Vanessa, Zac, Nick, Ryan, Nico- RYAN!?

I ducked down, I think he saw me. I pulled Adam with me.

"What are we hiding from?" He asked.

"RYAN ROSS!" I replied. His face went white. He wasn't supposed to be here either. He was actually supposed to be at a music school so he could be learning how to play bass and sing like his father and uncle. I looked back up and noticed a very familiar angry face in the crowd.

Oh Shit...My Dad is here.


Jasmine and Adam ran out the back door and found the car. Adam ordered his driver to take them back to Jasmine's house so she can sneak back in. Although, the driver was going a lot slower than expected. The car had finally reached the house and Jasmine jumped out, only to have a hand be placed on her shoulder. She turned around and her eyes widened.

"Get inside...Now!" Pete yelled. Mikey stood next to him and glared at his son before ordering him inside the house as well. The two kids stood next to each other in the living room, awaiting their fates.


"Um...A lot?" He asked. Mikey's face was beginning to turn red.

"AND YOU, JASMINE HILARY WENTZ!" Pete started, "YOU ARE SO LUCKY RYAN SAW YOU BEFORE YOU GOT HURT!" Jasmine turned to Ryan standing in the corner and glared, "Don't glare at him! You two have already caused enough drama! And to top it off, you and Adam have been going to parties for a week already!?" Pete crossed his arms and started to tap his foot.

"I'm sorry, Daddy, it will never happen again." Jasmine said in her adorable voice.

"That is not going to cut it! I have tolerated your pranks, bossiness, spoiled-ness, and attitude! I am done! I am putting my foot down, Young Lady!" Pete started to raise his voice again.

"And you should be at your music school right now! Just wait until Uncle Gee finds out!" Mikey yelled at Adam.

"I don't want to me a musician!" Adam screamed at his dad.

"And I don't want to be a soccer player!" Jasmine screamed at her dad. The two fathers glared at their children.

"Adam, get in the car. You and Jasmine are to not speak to each other or see each other." Mikey said in a rather calm voice. Pete turned to Jasmine.

"And you. First, you will apologize to Ryan for all the trouble you caused him. Second, you will write a letter to Mikey and apologize for dragging his son into this. And third, you will no longer be in soccer and you will no longer have any computer privileges." Pete told his daughter.

"Fine." She growled in a low voice and started for the stairs.

"Say sorry to Ryan." Pete ordered. She turned back around, her hair moving in a whipping motion.

"Sorry." She said coldly.

"Say it nicely!" Pete yelled, Ryan just stood there with his hands in his back pockets. He honestly felt bad she was being forced to say sorry to him.

"Sorry." She said more courteously and turned back for the stairs.

"Give him a hug, now." Pete stated. Jasmine stopped in her tracks and clenched her fists.

"Pete, it's oka-"

"No! She needs to get over all this drama!" Pete protested, "Jasmine, now." Jasmine turned around and walked over to Ryan and put her arms around him, she could feel the tears already streaming down her cheeks. Ryan didn't tell, but he could feel her tears soak through his shirt. In in effort to be nice, he wrapped his arms around her for a moment before she tore away and ran up the stairs and slammed her door to her room before starting to cry her eyes out.

All that night, Ryan had to lay in bed and hear the wails and sobs coming from Jasmine's room, since his room was closest to hers. He tossed and turned all night before finally getting up and walking over to her door.