Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter Sixteen

"DAD! NO ONE CARES ABOUT YOUR HAIR! HURRY THE FLIP UP!" Jasmine yelled up the stairs.

"ONE MINUTE!" Pete yelled back, frustrated with the one black curl that would not straighten. He cursed to himself before finally throwing down the hair straightener and tucking the curl underneath a striped grey and black beanie. He put on his belt and jogged down the stairs and out to the backyard. Realizing it was a hundred degrees outside, he pulled off the beanie and messed with his hair a bit before walking outside to find his sixteen year old daughter splashing in the pool with most of his friends.

"Finally!" She exclaimed. She got out of the pool and tackled him into a hug. He pushed her await.

"I'm all wet!" He laughed. She smirked at something behind Pete, but when he went to turn around Patrick and Brendon picked him up and carried him to the side of the pool, "NO! I JUST STRAIGHTENED MY HAIR!" He screamed before they tossed him into the pool. Jasmine and Alex sat back, laughing their asses off.

Pete climbed out of the pool and shook around, as if he were Hemingway getting out of the bath tub. Jasmine laughed and grabbed some chips from the bowl in the middle of the table.

As the family splashed around the pool and yelled, annoying the hell out of the neighbors, Ryan sat at the table next to Brendon. He smiled at Jasmine laughed and smiled with everyone she knew, "What are you smiling at?" Brendon asked. Ryan snapped out of his daze and turned to Brendon.

"Nothing, just the fact that Pete totally got owned by Alex right now." He laughed. Brendon laughed back and jumped into the pool. Ryan pulled off his shirt and got in himself.

A few hours later, the sun had set and everyone was inside. Jasmine stood at the head of the table with a cake in front of her. It had her name in bright green letters and a picture of her when she was just a baby. Jasmine looked around at everyone surrounding her. She glanced at Ryan. She remembered when she was standing in the same situation a year ago on her fifteenth birthday. Ryan hadn't mentioned anything about dating her, or how he missed not holding her. She doubted he would mention it this year.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEAR JASMINE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU!" Patrick, Brendon, Gabe, William, Haley, and Gerard all sang together. Everyone decided that they should leave the singing to the professionals.

Jasmine blew out all her candles and started to open the bags, boxes, and cards being thrown at her. She got two shirts from Gabe and William, a gift card to Urban Outfitters from Mikey, Adam, and Alicia; four gift cards to Amoeba Music from Brendon, Jon, Spencer, and Ryan; and a few pairs of sunglasses and shoes from other family members. Oh, and Alex bought her sixteen cans of silly string...all different colors.

Everyone sat around the living room, watching a movie Jasmine had picked out. Ryan got up and brushed off his jeans, "I'm gonna get some stuff to drink, anyone want anything?" He listened to everyone and what they wanted, "Jasmine, you wanna come help me?" He asked. She bit her lip slightly and got up from her spot in between Pete and Andy. She followed him into the kitchen and he started to grab drinks from the fridge and set them on the counter. Once all the drinks were on the counter, he shut the refrigerator and Jasmine stepped forward to pick up a few bottles.

She was about to pick up a 7up when Ryan pulled her upper arm and spun her around and pressed her against the wall and crashed his lips into hers. He held her wrists as he tongue explored the mouth he had missed so much. Jasmine closed her eyes in exstasy and let Ryan dominate her. He worked his tongue all over her mouth, tasting every inch of her. Jasmine brushed her tongue against Ryan's soft one and tasted the vanilla flavored toothpaste she had hated before, but now loved it.

Ryan pulled back, desperate for air. He breathed in, gasping for air and looked into her eyes, "Do you know how long I've been waiting to do that?" He asked, out of breath. She giggled softly. He pecked her lips, "Jasmine, will you go out with me?" He asked. She smiled the biggest she could smiled.

"Yes." He grinned from ear to ear and kissed her cheek. They picked up the drinks and left the kitchen before heading back into the living room before anyone noticed they were gone for a good twenty minutes. They set the drinks on the table and sat back in their seats, away from each other.


Jasmine smiled sadly at Ryan walking out the door with the other guys with their bags in their hands. After everyone was in the car Ryan snick around the house, taking Jasmine with him. He pressed her against the wall, his thin hipbones poking gently into hers. He hugged her thin frame and press hid lips against hers, working his tongue out of his mouth and into her own. After a few minutes, they heard honking from the front of the house. Ryan pulled back and sighed, "I'll miss you. I'll call you when I can, hopefully everyday. I'll come back to visit, and maybe before the summer is over, you can come visit me and the guys...but mostly me." He grinned. Jasmine laughed and he pecked her nose and pulled away and walked back to the front of the house and got into the back seat next to Spencer. Jasmine waved them off and went back into the house.

She walked back up the stairs and opened her door. She glanced confusingly at a brightly wrapped box with an electric blue bow tied perfectly on top. She shut her door and locked it before walking over to the box sitting on her bed. There was no tag or card. She lifted the lid and peered inside. Whatever was there was covered with bright pink tissue paper. She started to pull out all of the paper, when she was done a thin rectangular box sat at the bottom of the large box. She bit her lip and picked up the small box. She sat on the floor with her legs crossed and untied the red bow tied around it. She lifted the lid and gasped. A stunning silver necklace lay perfectly on top of the white cushion in the box. She looked down at the pendant. It was half of a heart. She flipped it over and noticed a date engraved on the back. 7/14/05. The day her and Ryan first kissed and expressed their feelings for one another. She wiped away a tear in the corner of her eye and noticed on the bottom corner of the heart, in the tiniest letters, read R+J. She smiled and put it on. It looked perfect.

Afraid of her dad questioning her where she got it, she tucked it beneath her shirt. She noticed a card sitting by the mirror. She opened it and smiled.

Sorry for making you wait three years, then watching me drive back to Vegas. I'll miss you with all my heart, but I'll always be with you. Call me anytime, nothing is more important than you.

She pulled out a box from under her bed. She blew the dust off the lid and opened it. Everything in there was special to her and stuff she had hidden, not wanting anyone to see it because it was too special or secret. She smiled at the pictures she had from friends and laughed lightly at the pictures her and Ryan had taken together, nearly naked, three years ago.

She put the card in and closed the box and slid it back beneath her bed. She put away the small and large box in her closet and made sure he necklace was tucked beneath her shirt before walking out her room and walking down the stairs.

She jumped on the couch next to Alex and looked at the television, "It's a bummer the guys left." Alex sighed.

"Yeah, me and you should take a trip up there. Just us." Jasmine smiled.

"Yeah, we should. I'll talk to your dad about it," Alex promised before looking at her, "What's that?" Alex noticed a silver chain peeking out of Jasmine's shirt.

"Huh? What's what?" Jasmine asked back.

"This," Alex gently pulled the necklace out of Jasmine's shirt, "OOH PRETTY!" She squealed and unlatched it without warning and examined it.

"Thanks. Can I have it back?" Jasmine asked.

"No! Let me see," Alex flipped over the half heart and Jasmine bit her lip. Alex squinted her eyes to make out the engraved letters, "Seven, Fourteen, Oh-Five? Why do you have that on the back? And what's R plu-" Alex stopped and her eyes widened. Jasmine put her hands in front of her face, afraid of Alex yelling at her, "Are you and Ryan dating?" She asked.

"No." Jasmine squeaked, obviously lying. Alex's eyes grew wider.

"YOU'RE DATING RYAN RO-" Jasmine jumped forward and put her hands over Alex's mouth and glanced up the stairs, thank goodness she could still hear her Dad's snores from his room.

"Shut-up! Do you want to start World War Three!?" Jasmine hissed. Alex shook her head and Jasmine pulled back her hands and took the necklace back and put it back underneath her shirt.

"You're dating a 21 year old1?" Alex asked in a whisper.

"Shut it!" Jasmine whispered back.

"I can't believe it! I mean, me and Patrick have a few years apart, but you're sixteen!"

"I know! Just calm down okay."

"Calm down! You've been dating since you were thirteen!" Jasmine shook her head.

"No. We started dating the day of my party. When I was thirteen was when we both told each other how we felt. We had our first kiss that day. I told him I felt weird kissing him because I was thirteen. He said he would wait until I was fifteen or sixteen. So at my sixteenth birthday party we started dating." Jasmine explained.

"Oh...You made out with an eighteen year old when you were thirteen?" Alex asked. Jasmine sighed and nodded.

"Please...Please do not tell anyone. Not even Patrick, he would definitely tell Dad. Please just keep your mouth shut for once?" Jasmine begged. Alex sighed.

"Okay. But if they find out, I'll telling them I had no idea." Alex warned.

"Deal." Jasmine hugged Alex and made sure the necklace was secure around her neck and fully hidden underneath the shirt before focusing back on the television.