Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter Eighteen

I'm updating for Alex so she doesn't go crazy on my ass and get Patrick to beat the crap out of me =D
And shout-out to her because she rocks too!


Alex sat down next to Patrick and turned to him, "Babe, what would you do if someone you cared a lot about was dating one of your label mates?" She asked. He turned to look at her.

"Don't tell me my little sister fucked William Beckett." He begged. She laughed.

"No. I was just wondering." She smiled.

"Oh thank God! Wait...Don't tell me Jasmine is fucking Ryan Ross." He begged again. She gulped and his eyes widened.


"Um...maybe?" She said in a tiny voice. He got up off the couch and raced for the phone to call Pete, "NO!"

And in a matter of milliseconds...Alex Morrison tackled Patrick Stump.

"What the hell!?" He asked, a bit frightened.

"You cannot tell Pete! For the sake of Jasmine's happiness and for the sake of me kicking your ass!" Patrick gulped, but nodded slowly, "Promise you won't tell him, no matter what?" She asked, holding out her pinky.

"I promise." He managed to choke out and connected his pinky with hers. She smiled, as if she hadn't just tackled him to the floor, and got off him after kissing his cheek.

"I love being me." She said proudly as she walked into the kitchen.


Jasmine cuddled into Ryan's side as he held her. Patrick and Alex did the same as they sat next to them, focused on The Goonies playing on the large plasma Pete had just purchased a week ago, but took three trips from Geek Squad to set up.

"HEY YOU GUYS!" Sloth yelled as he slid down the pirate ship. Jasmine burst into a fit of laughter along with Alex. Patrick and Ryan gave each other strange looks before smiling at their girlfriends' happiness.

"Come with me." Ryan whispered in Jasmine's ear. They both got up and started for the stairs.

"I swear to God, Ryan. If you even think about taking off her clothes I will rip you to shreds," Patrick glared. Ryan nodded and gulped, "And I better not hear any strange bumps or noises!" He called as they rushed up the stairs.

Ryan sat down on Jasmine's bed and looked around the familiar room. Jasmine smiled at the sight of his half of the heart hanging around his neck, shimmering in the moonlight. He smiled at her and she walked over and sat on his lap and kissed his cheek, "You're amazing, Ryan. You know that?" She asked. He laughed.

"Yes, but I'm not as amazing as you," She giggled and he pecked her cheek, "Do you still have those pictures?" He asked randomly.

"Maybe, why?" She questioned.

"I don't know. Just wondering." She got up off his lap and pulled the box from underneath her bed and grabbed the pictures and handed them to him.

"I keep them away from Dad's eyes." She smiled. He laughed.

"I won't lie. That was the most awkward moment of my life. But I'm happy it happened. Because then I wouldn't have that beautiful face all to myself." He grinned. She rolled her eyes and climbed back onto his lap.

"So why did you want to come up here?" She asked. He bent down, due to the fact she was ten times shorter than him(Thanks to Pete) and put his lips on hers.

"To tell you something." He whispered, pulling away.

"And what is it you want to tell me?" She questioned.

"I've been debating something for about three years. I finally figured out the answer." He was still whispering.

"What do you mean?" She asked back, whispering like him.

"I love you, Jasmine." His lips were so close to her, his whispers tickled her lips. She bit her lip.

"I love you too, Ryan." He closed the small space between them and let his tongue roam along the outside of her lips, waiting for her to part. He slowly entered her mouth, savoring her taste. He loved her. Loved her. He was in love with Jasmine Wentz, daughter of Pete Wentz. If it wasn't love, why the hell would he risk his job to be with a sixteen year old.

"Hey, Trick, where's Jazz and Ry?" Pete's voice echoed through the house. Ryan and Jasmine pulled apart and put their necklaces back in their shirts and rushed to the music room, "Hey, what are you two up to?" Pete asked casually, smiling, as he walked into the music room.

"Oh nothing, just messing around with the piano." Jasmine smiled and Ryan nodded.

"That's good. It's late, though. Ryan has a plane to catch early in the morning and I know you and Alex have been wanting to go to Vegas...So I'm sending you both with Patrick." He smiled.

"Really!? Thank you, Daddy!" Jasmine got up and hugged her father.

"Your welcome. As long as the boys take care of you, I'm okay with it. And listen to Ryan." He said.

"I will. I love you, Daddy!" She said hugging him. He laughed and hugged her back and kissed her cheek before saying goodnight and walking off towards his room.

"Well, this will be interesting..." Patrick muttered as Pete left the room, causing Alex to elbow his side.

"This is going to be a long week." Jasmine laughed.