Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter Twenty-One

Jasmine's breath quickened as she paced back and forth in the bathroom. She didn't know what was going on and she hoped it was a mistake, "ALEX!" She suddenly yelled. Alex ran up the stairs and burst down the door.

"What's wrong!?" Alex asked frantically. Jasmine glanced at her with worried eyes before handing her over a white stick.

"I'm pregnant." Alex shook her head in confusement.

"How? I mean, you and Ry..." Then her eyes widened.

"Our last night when we locked you all out." Jasmine said softly. Alex slowly set down the stick on the counter by the sink and pulled the younger girl into her arms as she started to cry.

"Sh, don't cry. Everything will be okay. Is this your first test?" Alex asked. Jasmine nodded, "And you've been throwing up and craving food?" Jasmine nodded.

"That's why I got the test. I saw the I wanted to be sure."

"We still aren't sure. Maybe it was a mix-up. We can take you to the doctor and get everything sorted out." Alex said hopefully.

"How? I need parent permission. There is no way in hell I would ask dad. That's like committing suicide."

Alex sighed and put her head down, trying to think of a way. Her eyes lit up and she glanced at Jasmine.


"Hey, Sweetie!" Michelle greeted.

"Mom! How's it going?"

"Good. Been busy at work. And you?" Jasmine bit her lip.

"I'm doing fine."

"That's good. How's Ryan?"

"I haven't talked to him because of that rule dad made, but Brendon says he's doing well."

"I'm sorry your dad had to be so harsh. I don't really have a say in it, and if he finds out that I knew all along, we'd both be dead," Michelle laughed care-freely and Jasmine felt a pit in her stomach, "So what's up? You sound a little down today."

"Um...Mom, I know this isn't what you want to hear, but I have to tell you. It's either you or dad, an there is no way I'm telling dad."

"Well, what is it? Hun, you know I won't tell him if it's this serious."

"I might be pregnant."

There was a pause and a short gasp on the other side of the phone.

"What are you going to do?"

"I need to go to a doctor to make sure. I need a parent to go with me but I can't tell dad and if you fly down he'll think something is up."

"How will you get in though?" Michelle asked.

" can always sign an agreement that makes someone my guardian for the doctor's office..." Jasmine trailed off and Michelle sighed.

"And I assume that will be Alex and Patrick?"

"Um, yeah."

"Okay, I'll fax over the papers to Patrick's office right now..."

"Wait! Just send it here. Dad isn't home and I can get it so me and Alex can explain tonight."

"Okay. But Jazz, please promise me something?"

"Sure Mom, anything."

"If you do happen to be pregnant...Please tell your father. You can't run forever."

"I know mom. I promise."

"I just faxed it. Thanks. Are you going to tell Ryan?"

"I guess I should. He wouldn't appreciate me going to the doctor's without him knowing."

"Okay. Well, get this sorted out and call me when you get home from there."

"Okay, I love you Mom. Thanks for understanding."

"Your welcome, Sweetie. I love you too. Bye."


Jasmine hung up and turned to Alex. She pulled the paper out of the fax and they heard a key in the lock. It wasn't long before Patrick walked into the room, "Hey, why all the long faces?" He asked with his smile.

"Baby, Jasmine has something to tell you. We both hope you'll keep this a secret and help us," Alex said and glanced at Jasmine, "Go on, Jazz." She urged. Jasmine looked up with tear-filled eyes.

"What's wrong, Jazz. You know you can tell me anything." Patrick smiled assuringly.

"I might be pregnant." Jasmine said softly. Patrick gasped and pulled his niece into a hug.

"Oh, Jazz...It's Ryan's right?" She nodded, "Does he know?" She shook her head.

"Well, I guess we can call him now if you want. I assume me and Alex are taking you to the doctor's to know for sure." Jasmine looked at him shocked.

"You aren't mad?" She asked. He sighed.

"I'm a little disappointed that you're so young and all...But Ryan is a great guy and I think he'll be a great dad. You'll be a great mom too." He smiled. She pecked his cheek.

"Thanks Uncle Trick."

"Anytime, Pumpkin. Do you wanna call, Ry?"

"I guess I should. Alex already made the appointment when I was on the phone with my mom. It's in two days."

"Okay. Here." Patrick handed her his cellphone that was already dialing Ryan.

"Hey, Trick! What's up? How's Jazz?" Ryan's voice asked.

"It's me." Jazz said softly.

"Jasmine! I miss you! How are you?" He asked.

"I'm fine... I have to tell you something." She took in a deep breath.

"Okay. What is it?" This was the part that Jasmine was stressed about mostly. She knew her family would understand, but would Ryan? What if he wasn't ready for a child? What if he didn't want a pregnant sixteen year old following him around everywhere?

"There's a good chance I'm pregnant." She announce.

Ryan leaned back into his chair and looked out the window of his office as soft tears filled his eyes.

"How long have you known?" He asked.

"A couple hours," She replied and he sighed, "I know...this isn't the perfect timing...I'm going to the doctor's to do an official test. One that will let me know for sure." Ryan was silent, "Ry?"

"Do you know..." He sighed, "How happy I am?" He smiled.

"Huh?" Jasmine thought she heard wrong.

"I'm going to have a child with you! This is amazing! I'm going to be a father!" Ryan beamed.

"Ry, are you feeling okay? You just got your boss's sixteen year old daughter knocked up." She informed him.

"And my boss's sixteen year old daughter is the love of my life! Are you not happy?" He asked.

"I'm happy now that I know you are. You're going to be a great father, Ry."

"Oh my gosh, if it's a boy we can name him after me, right? I mean, I have to keep the tradition. But what about a girl? Will you come live with me when it's born? How will your dad take it? Should I add a nursery in the hous-"

"Ryan! Calm down!" Jasmine laughed, "It's way to early to be thinking about that now. But if we do have a son he will most definitely be named after his father." He laughed.

"Sorry. I was caught up in the moment. Baby, this is so amazing! Have you told your dad?"

"HELL NO!" She yelled.

"You have to tell him."

"When I know for sure. There's no point in getting him upset over nothing." Ryan sighed and agreed.

"Well, I have to go. I wish I could talk longer." Jasmine said.

"Okay, bye Baby. I love you."

"I love you too." Jasmine hung up and sighed. She looked down at her flat stomach.

"You're going to get so fat." Alex smiled.

"Shut-up!" Jasmine yelled. Patrick laughed and looked at his watch.

"Pete will be here any moment. Jazz, why don't you go get some rest." Jasmine nodded and walked into her room and lay on her bed, letting her dreams take over.


Ryan sat on his bed with his laptop in front of him. He had just uploaded the pictures, and noticed he had left the camera on. It died after an hour, so he had limited pictures. He was debating if he should just delete them, or if he should keep them. He bit his lip in thought and opened up a new file and added a random password before titling it 'Lyrics'. He knew the guys wouldn't open it if the saw it because he was very protective of his lyrics.

He ran through the slideshow and watched how photogenic Jasmine was. Every picture was perfect. Her hair and the way her back curved. As he looked through the pictures, he mentally played what had happened that night in his mind.

After realizing that what he was doing was a bit odd, he closed the file and shut his laptop. He sighed and lay back on the bed, then smiled. He wanted to be a father. Especially if Jasmine were the mother. He wanted the rest of his life with her. Imagine...George Ryan Ross lV.