Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter Twenty-Two

Jasmine walked between Patrick and Alex and into the doctor's office. Pete had questioned the couple earlier about where they were taking Jasmine. They lied and told him they thought Alex was pregnant and she wanted th support of her husband and best-friend for the testing.

"Are you ready?" Patrick asked. Jasmine sighed and looked down at her shaking hands then shook her head and let a tear roll down her cheek.

"Aw, Sweetie, it'll be alright. Just imagine how happy you and Ryan will be. Baby or not." Alex assured her. Jasmine nodded and a nurse called her name. She took in a deep breath and stood up with Alex and Patrick before walking into the white room.


"Hey, Baby? So what is it? Are we having a child?" Ryan asked enthusiastically.

"I don't know, Babe, we have to wait two weeks before I get the results." Jasmine lied.

"Aw, okay. I went to the mall today and passed by the baby-store...I was going to go in, but didn't want to risk the paparazzi." Jasmine's heart broke.

"Don't worry. We'll be in that store one day." She lied again.

"That's good. Be sure you call me as soon as you get the results." Ryan grinned.

"I will, Baby," Jasmine fought her tears, "Bye, I love you."

"I love you too." Ryan replied before hanging up the phone. He sighed and smiled.

"What results?" A voice suddenly asked. He jumped from shock and fell out of his chair. He looked up.

"Jesus, Spence, you have to warn me before you just pop out of nowhere." Ryan breathed.

"Sorry. So what results? Is Jasmine sick?" Spencer asked, worried. Ryan bit his lip.

"No...If I tell you you won't tell Pete, right?" Ryan warned.

"Okay. I promise." Spencer said, sitting down on the couch. Ryan breathed in and out. A smile broke onto his face.

"Jasmine might be pregnant!" He screamed with joy and tackled his friend in a hug.

"AH!" Spencer let out as he was tackled to the ground, "Ry, I'm happy for you and all...But I think the guys heard..." Spencer trailed off. Ryan looked up and there stood Brendon and Jon, eyes wide.

"DAMMIT!" Ryan cursed and got off his friend.

"You got Jasmine pregnant!?" Brendon yelled, his eyes still wide.

"MIGHT! I might have. But isn't it great!?" Ryan asked, his grin from ear to ear. Everyone couldn't help but smile at his happiness.

"It is. Congratulations, Ryan."


"Shh, let it out...It's okay. Shh, calm down." Alex cooed the young sixteen year-old that was bawling her eyes out. Patrick hugged his niece and gave her a sympathetic look.

"Jazz, I'm sure he'll understand." Patrick said softly.

"U-Understand? Understand? Trick, he wants a family! How do I tell him that I can never have kids!?" Jasmine broke into tears again.

"Shh, there's always adoption...And if he really loves you, he won't care." Alex assured her.

"No! He'll leave me! He'll find a nice girl his age and get married to her and have kids with her!" Jasmine bawled, clutching her side with every cry that shook her body.

"Jazz, you have to calm down. Your body can't take this. Just calm down and breath." Patrick instructed.

Two hours later and Jasmine was calmed down with her head on Patrick's lap. Alex was stroking her shoulder and Patrick was rubbing her hand.

"I'm going to call him..." Jasmine said, grabbing Patrick's phone.

"Hun, I don't know if it's a good idea to tell him now. Wait for the two weeks." Alex suggested. Jasmine sighed and set down the phone and lay back down.

"Try to get some sleep. We'll be here with you." Patrick said, pecking her forehead.

Jasmine walked up to the doorstep and knocked, "Hey, Baby! Where are the results?" Ryan asked. She glanced at her shoes.

"Ry, there aren't any results..." She said softly. He gave a look of confusion.

"Oh, so they're late? Is that a good sign?" Ryan asked. Jasmine sighed.

"Ryan, there's no results because...I'm not pregnant and I never will be. I have some stupid thing that means I can't have kids." She explained. His enthusiastic expression changed.

"We can never have a family?" He asked. She shook her head.

"But, we can adopt." She suggested.

"No! You lied to me! You knew this all along and made me looking forward to something that didn't exist!" Ryan yelled.

"Ry, I didn't know how to tell you." Jasmine said.

"And!? I would have understood! If you would have told me in the beginning! You lied to me!" Ryan yelled.


"No! Get out of my house! We're through! Go on with your life so I can go on with mine! I'm going to get married and have children with someone who won't lie to me!" Ryan said.


"Get out!" Ryan yelled. He pushed Jasmine out of the doorway and slammed the door shut.

Jasmine fell to her knees and could hear everyone's voices in her head.

"What a shame. My own daughter having sex with a twenty-one year old." She heard Pete.

"I can never have grandkids...Unbelievable." Michelle spat.

"Why did I even help you?" Patrick's voice rang.

"He was so happy." Brendon said sadly.

"What a waste of a relationship...On one stupid little lie." Alex claimed.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Jasmine screamed. She grabbed Patrick's phone, despite their protests and dialed quickly, tears streaming down her face.

"Hello?" Ryan answered.

"I'm not pregnant and I never will be!" Jasmine cried into the phone.
