Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter Twenty-Five

"I can't believe you." Pete said with a hint of sadness in his voice. Patrick looked down at his Nike's.

"Pete, we just wanted to protect her." Patrick tried to explain. Pete ran a hand through his hair.

"You lied to me...She's my daughter. I'm supposed to be there for her." Pete's voice cracked. Patrick looked up, his eyes wide.

"Pete, I swear I wasn't trying to be her dad. I just wanted to help. She wanted to find out for sure before she told you. She didn't want you to get mad over no reason."

"You knew she had sex with Ryan, didn't you?" Pete accused.

"I found out the day Alex asked me to help." Patrick confessed.

"You let him off the hook!? You knew he took away my daughter's fucking innocence!" Pete yelled.

"I was trying to help!" Patrick defended.

"Screw you, Trick! I've had it! Too many people have lied to me; Michelle, Ryan, Jasmine, Alex, and now you! My best friend!" Pete shouted.

"Oh stop being a fucking drama king!" Patrick finally started to yell louder than Pete, "Jasmine's crying her eyes out because she can't fucking have a child and you're yelling at me like it's my fault!" Pete stood with his eyes wide, he had never seen this side of Patrick, "The doctor found a way to help her with her problem! Pete, don't you fucking care!? Someone found a way to help you have grandkids and you're acting like the only thing that matters is Ryan fucking Jazz!"

"Don't say that!" Pete yelled.

"What!? It's true! Get it through your head, Pete! Jazz isn't a kid anymore. She may be sixteen but she might as well be in her twenties! Who gives a fuck! Ryan fucked Jazz! She almost got pregnant! Who cares! It's life! And don't you dare blame Ryan because you got Michelle pregnant when she was sixteen!" Pete stood wide-eyed at Patrick's comment.

"It was a mistake," Pete said softly. A quiet gasp was heard. Pete turned around and could see Jazz sitting on the top step of the stairs with tears in her eyes, "Jazz, Baby, I didn't mean it like that..." Pete explained. Jasmine stood up and clenched her fists.

"I HATE YOU!" She screamed and ran into her room.

"JAZZ!" Pete called and ran up the stairs, trying to catch the door before it locked. He banged on the door and cried, "Jazz, I swear I didn't mean it that way! Please, open up!" Pete pleaded.

"No! I'm going somewhere where people love me! Not with Ryan, not with Gabe, and not with Bill! I'm going back to Mom! I should have never left when I was thirteen!" Jasmine yelled.

Pete sobbed and fell to the floor with his head in his hands. Jazz ran out of the room, a duffel bag on her shoulder and keys in her hand. Pete was too hurt to stop her.

"Jazz, think about what you're doing. This isn't safe." Alex tried to talk some sense into her.

"Bye, Alex." Jasmine said and gave her best-friend a hug before walking out the door and starting her car.


Ryan groaned and sat up in the large bed and glanced at the clock. He cursed to himself and answered the phone, "Hello?" H asked groggily.

"Sh-She's gone." Pete choked out.

"Pete? What are you talking about? It's three in the fucking morning!" Ryan exclaimed, still half asleep.

"Jazz....Sh-She left." Pete sobbed. Ryan's eyed widened.

"WHAT!?" Ryan yelled. He threw the covers off the bed and got up and searched around for clean clothes as Pete explained everything to him.

"I was horrible! Me and Trick were arguing about the whole pregnancy thing. Patrick brought up the fact that I got Michelle pregnant at sixteen and I said it was a mistake. But I didn't mean it like that! I meant that we weren't safe either! I meant that we never planned for it to happen! I was still happy when Jazz was born!" Pete was silent for a moment, "I'm a terrible father." Pete said softly.

"Pete, you're not a bad father. Calm down, okay? Do you know where she went?" He asked.

"She said she was going back to her Michelle's...but when I called her, she said Jazz never called or showed up. Ohmygod! What if she crashed or something!" Pete exclaimed.

"Calm down, Pete, she probably crashed at a hotel or something. I'll try calling the guys and see what they know. Just keep calm. Is anyone there with you?"

"Yeah, Alex is with me and the guys left to check all the airports."

"Okay, let me talk to her."

After a few scratches and whispered conversations, Alex answered the phone with a sad voice.

"Hello?" She sniffled.

"Hey, are you okay?" Ryan asked.

"I guess. It's not everyday this happens, but what the hell. My husband is a rockstar." Ryan let out a small laugh.

"I need you to keep Pete calm. Remember what happened last time." He warned her.

"I already to the liberty of locking up all medication." She said proudly.

"Good. Just keep him away from alcohol too. I'll keep you update on what I find out."

"Okay. Bye, Ry. Take care."

"You too."

Ryan hung up and ran out of his room and into Spencer's to tell him the news.


"I'm coming! Jesus Christ, I know this is New York, but damn!" A voice yelled. He walked up to his door and opened it, only for his eyes to widen.

"Hey, Bill." Jasmine said softly.

"What the hell are you doing here? Does your dad know? On second thought...Does Ryan know!?" William asked. She shook her head.

"I just left." She said sadly. He sighed and wrapped her in his arms as she started to cry.

"Sh, it's okay. Come in, I don't want you to catch a cold," He said softly. She followed him inside and he put coffee in the coffee maker and the two of them sat down, "So what's going on?" He asked.

"Well," She sighed, "It's a long story." She said.

"Jazz, you woke me up at six in the morning. We have plenty of time." He smiled. She laughed.

"Well, after Dad said me and Ryan couldn't see each other, we had only one night left together...To skip the details, a week later I woke up craving food and throwing up," Bill's eyes widened, "I know. So I took a pregnancy test and it came out positive," Bill's eyes widened even wider, "It gets worse, trust me...Anyways, Alex and Patrick had my mom sign papers so that they could take me to the doctor and they did. It turns out the test was false and I can't conceive. So I can never have kids. I was so hurt because Ryan wanted kids so badly. He was so excited when I told him I might be pregnant and he already wanted to build a nursery in his house. When I told him, I cried and broke down. He told me he still loves me and all that. So everything was fine until," Bill sighed, "Exactly, until the doctor left a message at the house saying they might have a solution to me not being able to conceive. My dad heard the message and flipped out. He was arguing with Patrick about Ryan and I having sex and Patrick told him how he got my mom pregnant when they were sixteen. Dad got angry and..." She bit her lip to fight back the tears, but it didn't work. She put her head in her hands and started to cry.

"And what?" Bill asked, putting a hand on her shoulder.

"He said it was a mistake." She cried. Bill put a hand over his open mouth.

"Jazz, I'm sorry. He probably didn't mean it that way." Bill said softly. She shrugged.

"It doesn't matter. I wanted to go with my mom, but I figured I probably ruined her life too. Travie and his girl are getting married and I didn't want to barge in. Gabe usually has girls over every night and you seemed like the most reasonably person to turn to." She explained. Bill smiled slightly.

"You're always welcome here." He said.

"Thanks Bill."

"Your Welcome. How about you get some sleep. I'm gonna call Ry and tell him you're alright and all that, okay?" She nodded and he showed her to his room and she crawled under his covers. He shut the door quietly and grabbed his phone.

"Hello?" Ryan asked, sounding flustered.

"I have Jazz." Bill said.

"Huh?" Ryan asked.

"Jazz showed up at my place. She didn't know where else to go." Bill explained.

"Oh, thank God! Is she around you?" Ryan asked.

"She's asleep. I guess a plane ride to New York is tiring."

"Yeah...Well, has she said anything?"

"She explained what happened...By the way, I'm going to kill you for having sex with her." Ryan sighed.

"Yeah, you and everyone else who found out already..."

"Well, it wasn't the smartest thing to do." Bill said in an orderly voice.

"I know, but we love each other."

"And? You couldn't have waited? Ry, she's sixteen. What would you have done if she had gotten pregnant?" He asked.

"I would have taken care of the baby."

"I know that. She told me how excited you were, but what about the media? What about when they find out you're the father and you get thrown in jail. How about that?"

"I never thought about it."

"You should have. She was so hurt when she found out she couldn't conceive just because she knew how much you wanted a family." Ryan sighed.

"I know."

"Well, I'll let Pete lecture you more. But I was just throwing my two sense in. I am her uncle."

"Not by blood."

"But pretty damn close. Anyways, I assume you're going to pick her up?"

"Yeah, I already bought my ticket. I'll be there this afternoon."

"Mkay. See you then."