Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter Twenty-Six

William opened the door and quietly greeted his friend at the door, "Thanks for taking care of her." Ryan whispered.

"No problem. You're forgetting that I'm her uncle." William grinned. Ryan shook his head, smiling, before walking inside.

"Where is she?" Ryan asked, noticing she wasn't in the living room.

"Sleeping. Do you want me to wake her up?" William asked back.

"No. She's tired and she just has to get on another plane. Let her sleep." He said, sitting himself down on the couch. William tossed him a bottled water and sat down across from him.

" did you take the news?" He asked.

"Which one? There was so much commotion, between not having a baby to Pete finding out." Ryan said. William smiled.

"Start with the first one." Ryan sighed.

"I was so happy when she told me she might be pregnant. I had a feeling she wasn't, but I never thought about her not being able to have kids."

"They said there might be a way."

"True. But I hope it's not a surgery. If it is then forget it. I don't want her under a knife just for this." William nodded in agreement.

"Was Pete mad?"

"I guess. I mean, when he called it was to tell me that she was gone." William set down his drink and looked into Ryan's eyes.

"Do you really love her? Honestly? Or is it another girlfriend you think you love and then dump her right before tour starts?" William asked. Ryan looked taken back.

"Bill, I'm serious this time...She's the one." Ryan said softly, staring back into his eyes.

"Well, I hope you're right. You don't know her like I do. I was one of the first ones to find out. I met her when she was five. She's been through alot."

"I know. And I'm willing to take care of her. I talked it over with the band and they said they were more than willing to take her on tour with us." William nodded.

"That's good. But do you really want to wait all those years?"

"That's how I know she's the one...Because Pete could make it twenty years and I'd still wait." William smiled.

"You're a good guy, Ryan. You'll take care of her just fine."

"Thank Yo-"

"Ryan?" A soft voice asked. Ryan turned around quicky and saw the same beautiful face. She looked worn out, but still gorgeous in jeans and a wrinkled shirt.

Ryan leaped up to his feet and ran over to her. He lifted her up into his arms and spun her around, tears in the corner of his eyes, "I love you. I'm so sorry."

"Why are you sorry?"

"For putting you through this. I should have waited." Ryan said. She pulled back and stared into his eyes.

"It was all worth it...Look where I'm standing now. I'm with you, aren't I?" He smiled and kissed her lips.

"Yes...Yes you are."


Ryan looked over at Jasmine as the plane took off. She looked like a mess. She was shaking from nervousness and her lip was nearly bleeding from her biting it so hard, "Why are you so scared? Don't worry. Your dad still loves you. He just wants you to go home." Ryan comforted softly. She nodded and once the belt-buckle light went off, Ryan unbuckled it for her and slid her onto his lap. She smiled an he buried his head in her shoulder and put soft kisses on her shoulder. They were in a private area on the plane, so they didn't have to worry about photographers.

"Thank you, Ryan." She whispered softly.

"For what?" He mumbled into her shoulder. She laughed.

"For picking me up and for loving me...even though I can't give you what you want." She added softly. He looked up.

"Baby, I want you to stop worrying about that okay? Please, for me?" He asked.

"I'm trying, Ryan. But you wanted kids so much."

"It's okay. Besides, we shouldn't worry about that till you're older. You're sixteen, remember?" He asked. She laughed and nodded. He kissed her nose, "I love you." He said in a serious tone.

"I love you too."

They got off the plane and soon Patrick and Alex were in sight in the parking lot. Jasmine bit her lip, knowing Alex can get crazy at times. Once they were in a close range, Alex leaped forward.

In one swift movement, Alex tackled Jasmine and had her pinned in a friendly way.

"If you even think about ever doing that again, I will hit you so hard your eyebrows will be in Russia!" She yelled. Jasmine meeped and nodded, "Good. Glad to have you back." She smiled.