Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter Two

"MOM! WE GET TO SEE DADDY TODAY!" Jasmine screamed in her mother's sleeping ear before running off to straighten her hair and pick out what she will wear to the concert.

Michelle groaned and looked at the calender and sighed. She sat up and walked to her dresser where she pulled out a pair of skinny jeans, a black My Chemical Romance shirt, and a red belt. Some cool mom, huh?

Jasmine straightened the last curl in her hair before pulling on some true blue skinny jeans, a bright yellow shirt with a vintage MTV logo on the front, and accessorizing her look with a few bracelets, a pink headband, and the silver necklace Pete had bought her for her fourth birthday.

"Hurry up, Jazz!" Michelle called, obviously needing Starbuck's.

"Shut-up, Woman!" Jasmine yelled and ran down the stairs. Michelle laughed and pulled on her jacket while Jasmine zipped up her hoodie.

The whole car ride they blasted old school Prince and sang every word, thanks to Patrick. They pulled into the parking lot and parked like everyone else. They stood in line like everyone else and made it to the front before the crowd got large. They were looking for Pete when a familiar face popped up.

"Dirty!" Jasmine screamed, girls turned around and started screaming his name, he just laughed.

"This girl," He started, pointing to Jasmine, "Has been selected to come backstage for a few minutes before the show." He smiled and lifted up the tiny Jasmine from behind the bars and Michelle hopped over herself.

Jasmine had already seen this backstage area so many times before. The same dim lit hallways and the sound of laughter and guitars tuning.

"He's in there with everyone else." Dirty whispered, pointing to a shut door with a star on the front. She smiled and ran to the door. She kicked it open.

"DADDY!" She screamed and jumped into his arms. He held her as tight as his arms could hold.

"Ohmygod Jasmine, words can't even express how much I've missed you," He said softly. He set her down and sat on the couch "You haven't grown!" He exclaimed.

"Yeah! Thanks to you! Stupid genes!" She yelled and pouted. He laughed. Jasmine was super short and super skinny, just like Pete.

"I guess I don't get a 'hi' then!" Joe screamed.

"Uncle Joe!" She yelled and he lifted her up in the air.

"Hey Kiddo, how's it goin'?" He asked, sitting her on Andy's lap as he sipped a Mountain Dew and read a book at the same time.

"Good... So where's Panic! At The Disco?" She asked. Pete laughed.

"They're on their way. They had to fly in from Vegas. You know, this is our last stop on tour so we had to make it special. So we invited them to come down." Jasmine smiled and Dirty walked back in.

"You're on in five. Jazz, you want me to get you back into the front of the crowd?" He asked. She nodded and jumped on his back for a piggy-back ride. Michelle turned but Pete caught her arm.

"Hey, I missed you." He whispered. She smiled and hugged him for a long time before walking out of the room and following Jasmine and Dirty to the crowd.

After fussing with the screaming, obnoxious fan-girls, Dirty managed to get Jasmine and Michelle back into their original spots.

It wasn't long before the lights dimmed and everyone started to cheer. First Andy popped up in his drum set. Then Joe and Patrick ran out. Lastly, Pete ran out and walked up to the mic with his red and black bass hanging at his side.

"What's up Chicag-"


Jasmine held onto her mom for dear life as the swarm of girls turned the other way and started to scream and panic. The crowds all rushed out of the venue at one. No one noticed Patrick jump off the stage.

"Michelle, meet us at the hospital." He ordered. She nodded and lifted up Jasmine and ran through the backstage area and out of the venue. She revved up the engine and pulled out and made a dash for the hospital.

"Get him on the gurney!" An EMT yelled. Pete groaned in pain as the stinging sensation shot up his leg. He felt an oxygen mask being placed over his mouth before he fell into a slumber.


Fall Out Boy, The Academy Is..., Cobra Starship, Gym Class Heroes, and Panic! At The Disco stood in the private waiting room. They were unable to think as the guards pushed the screaming fans back away from the bands.

"Brendon, take the guys and help them out. Please?" Patrick asked. Brendon nodded and grabbed his band-mates and headed for the crowd. Girl after girl tried to jump over the barrier of guards and run to Patrick, but was either stopped by a guard or a member of Panic! At The Disco.

Michelle and Jasmine linked arms before entering the crowd from the back. Jasmine had much experience from mosh pits and started to push girls and boys with her elbows. They had finally made it to the front and was standing in front of Ryan Ross. She had tears rolling down her cheeks as she tried to get past him.

"Let me go! I know him!" Jasmine screamed.

"Yeah right! Get back!" He yelled back and pushed her back into a group of crying girls.

"Don't push my daughter!" Michelle yelled.

"PATRICK!" Jasmine screamed as loud as she could. He looked up and could see a very pissed off Michelle yelling at a very pissed off Ryan Ross. He started to move forward when he saw Jasmine push past Ryan and start to run to him. Ryan had caught her by the waist and tried to push her back into the crowd.

"Ryan! Let her go!" Patrick yelled.

"But then all of them have to go!" He protested.

"This is different! We know her!" Ryan let go of the girl and Michelle ran past him and caught up with her daughter, already in Patrick's arms and clinging to his neck.

Gabe, Ryland, and Travis walked up to the crying girl and pulled her into a group hug. This was the girl they had known since she was in diapers, and now her dad was just shot in the leg by some crazy hater and is in the hospital.

"He'll be okay." Andy assured her softly. She just kept bawling her eyes out.

"But...I never got to say bye! I just walked out back to the crowd and I thought I would see him after the show!" She cried. Michelle was pulled into the hug.

"Shh, you don't need to say goodbye. Everything is going to be okay." Joe replied.

"I want my dad. I miss my dad." She cried and cried and cried.

Brendon, having enough of the mystery, walked up next to Bill.

"Who is she?" He whispered to him.

"You're not going to believe me." Bill warned him.

"C'mon, try me." Brendon replied.

"She, is Jasmine Hilary Wentz. Biological daughter of Pete Wentz." Bill stated, matter-of-factly.

"Nice one. So really, is she a friend?" Bill sighed and walked off to track down a doctor.

Security had finally gotten the last of the crowd out. They slammed the doors shut and pulled the blinds over the small windows in the doors. Everyone sat on a cold hard chair, waiting for some news on Pete.

"Are you all with Peter?" A man in a white suit asked.

"Yes." Joe replied.

"Well, he'll make it. He lost a lot of blood an is weak."

"Can we see him?"

"Yes, you can all go at the same time, but he wishes for his daughter and Michelle to sit closest to him." The doctor walked away.

Brendon, Jon, Ryan, and Spencer gave confused looks at each other before following into the large white room. Jasmine saw Pete and ran next to him.

"Hey, Sweetheart." He greeted in a hoarse voice.

"Hi, Daddy." She greeted back, crying.

"Why are you crying? I'll be fine. There isn't a lot of damage." He smiled. She slipped a small smile before he held his hand out to her. She took one hand and Michelle took the other.

"Um, I'm confused." Spencer pointed out. Pete laughed.

"I have a secret," He started, "I have a thirteen year old daughter named Jasmine. I don't tell a lot of people because I don't want her in the eye of cameras all the time," He explained, "Jasmine, say 'hello'."

"Hi." She said softly, wiping away her tears.

"Um, sorry about pushing you. It got kind of crazy over there." Ryan apologized softly. She smiled.

"No problem. I understand completely."

"Wow. I never imagined Pete having a kid...I mean, not that it's a bad thing." Brendon said.

"Yeah, and this is her mom, Michelle." He introduced. Michelle waved to the four guys and gripped Pete's hand tired.

"Hi." She said softly.

"I've been thinking while I was in here. Life is too short to not see your daughter that often. I could have lost my life and would have never seen her again. The only memories I would have would be the thirteen birthdays, Christmases, and thanksgivings I spent with her. So, if it's okay with everyone. I want Jasmine to move in with us in L.A." He announced.

Everyone stared at him wide-eyed.

"But, the paparazzi and fans..." Patrick started.

"Who cares. What's more important, Jazz or a few snap-shots in a magazine. Besides, I'm sure the fans will love her."

"Pete, are you sure?" Michelle asked, "I don't have a problem. I'm just worried you aren't ready."

"I'll be fine. What do you say Jazz, will you move in with me?" He asked. He could have sworn he saw Jasmine's eyes twinkle a bit when she said yes.