Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter Five

"JAZZY!" Alex yelled in the thirteen year old's ear. Jasmine shot up and fell out of the bed.

"Alex! That hurt!" Jasmine screamed back and rubbed her head.

"Well hurry up because you have a soccer game today." Alex smiled before walking out of the room. Jasmine got up off the floor and mumbled a few curses to herself before pulling out the purple and black soccer jersey from one of her drawers. She pulled on a white tanktop under before putting on the jersey. She pulled up her black shorts and rolled up her long black socks with a purple stripe on the side. After putting her hair up into a ponytail with a black headband, she grabbed her cleats and ran down the stairs.

"Hurry up and eat, we have like...five minutes." Pete said. Jasmine picked up her bowl of Count Chocula and started spooning the chocolatey goodness into her mouth. She finished and washed her bowl. Pete grabbed his keys and Jasmine followed him out to the black Tahoe in the driveway.

"I think it's on the south field." Jasmine thought out loud.

"No, I checked. It's on the East." He pulled up to the school used for her games and parked in a parking space. The two got out and started to run towards the field, realizing she was late.

"Mr. Wentz, we here at Los Angeles Soccer League will not tolerate your lateness again. Just because you are a big movie-star doesn't mean she gets off that easy." A coach scolded.

"I'm actually a rock-star." Pete corrected. Jasmine elbowed him in the hip to signify that he had just made a stupid remark. The coach scolded and turned on his heels back to the team. Jasmine gave a small chuckle before walking off to her team to stretch.

"GO JASMINE!" Pete yelled from the stands, Patrick and Alex next to him.

"YEAH! KICK HER ASS!" Alex screamed.

"Hun, there are children present." Patrick noted the two five year olds sitting next to them.

"Oops." She muttered. Patrick laughed and Pete was too focused on the game to even pay attention.

Jasmine kept her breath steady as she dribbled the ball past the opposing team's players. Jasmine was about to kick it in the goal, to guaruntee their win, when a large girl rammed into her and knocked the wind out of Jasmine.

"Oh, fuck." Jasmine groaned on the ground, clutching her side. Pete had already ran down from the stands.

"Sir, go back to your seat." A man ordered.

"That's my daughter. Just let me make sure she's okay." He Pete replied before running past him and onto the field. He kneeled down next to Jasmine.

"Jazz, you okay?" He asked.

"Ow." She said flatly. He laughed.

"C'mon, get up and kick her ass." Jasmine got up and her team-mates cheered while the other team glared. Pete ran back up to the stands so the game could resume. Jasmine passed the ball to another team-mate and that girl passed it back.

The large girl who had pushed her the first time was making her way towards Jasmine. Jasmine passed it to another girl when the large one tackled Jasmine into the grass. Jasmine groaned in pain, already feeling the bruise. Once again, Pete ran down into the stands.

"Inapropriate Conduct!" The referee yelled, "Miss Hays will have to bench the rest of the game."

By this time the girl's father had made his way to the field.

"That was an unfair call!" He screamed at the referee.

"You're child cleary pushed Mr. Wentz's daughter." The referee replied. Pete helped up Jasmine so she was leaning on his shoulder.

"Oh, so he gets star-treatment! Just because of his untalented daughter!"

"Hey! My daughter has more talent on one finger than your daughter has in her stomach. And trust me, that's a big size difference." Pete yelled back.

"I should have you reported! Trying to tell me my girl pushed yours! The humanity! How can one say such a thing. I guess it's easy for you, seeing as you're some big Hollywood actor with another pathetic Paris Hilton in his hands!"

"For the last time! I'm not an actor I'm a fucking musician! And don't you dare say that about Jasmine! Besides, Paris is a very good friend of mine." Pete glared. Mr. Hays' face had gone red. He grabbed his daughter's hand and marched off the field. Pete lifted up Jasmine and carried her back to the truck where Patrick and Alex were already waiting.


Pete sighed and threw his keys on the table as Jasmine slowly lowered herself onto the couch, her side stinging in pain. He grabbed an ice-pack from the freezer and put it on her ribs.

"Thanks." She mumbled.

"Shh, don't talk it'll only hurt more." Pete warned. Jasmine sighed and lay her head back on the pillow as Pete turned on the television. I guss this day could get worse.

"Fall Out Boy bassist, Pete Wentz, was seen at his daughter's soccer game earlier today. The father, who had just come out with his secret about his daughter, was seen in the stands, cheering on the thirteen year old Jasmine Wentz. Witnesses reported that Pete had leter gotten up from his seat and ran down to the field when Jasmine had gotten pushed. Everything was okay the first time but when it happened again, Pete and another father had started arguing about the Call on the field. Pete managed to walk away before any punches could be thrown. He was last seen carrying his daughter to his car, where band-mate Patricak Stump and Patrick's girlfriend, Alex Morrison, were already waiting to leave."

Pete sighed and turned to his daughter.

"I'm really sorry about that." He appologized. She smiled.

"It's fine, really. I just want to sleep for a while." She yawned. Pete smiled and pulled a blanket over her and she lay her head on his lap. Hemingway ran into the room and joined her under the covers before both of them fell asleep.