Am I More Than You Bargained for Yet?

Chapter Seven

Jasmine watched Pete as he packed up his things. He murmured a list of things to himself to make sure he didn't forget anything. He was leaving for two days. He and the band would be on The Sauce to talk about the new album and answer fan questions. Unfortunately, this is one interview that Jasmine couldn't attend.

"Okay, gimme a hug. I'll call you when I get there." Pete smiled. Jasmine hugged her dad and he kissed her cheek.

"Bye, Dad." Jasmine tried to smile back. He picked up his bags and made his way to the front door. Patrick, Joe, and Andy all said their goodbyes and kissed the top of her head before following him to the truck.

Jasmine sat on the couch, bored out of her mind. She looked up at the clock and decided it was time to wake up Alex. She snickered as she grabbed a can of silly string from the kitchen and walked up the stairs. She slowly crept into Patrick and Alex's room and peered over the bed. Alex was still sleeping peacefully.

"FIRE!" Jasmine yelled and started to spray all of the silly string over her. She shot up and rolled off the bed. Once all of the silly string was out Alex sat there with a confused look on her face. Then she stood up and smiled before laughing and picking up Jasmine over her shoulder and started to make her way to the pool. "No! Anything but the pool!" Jasmine screamed as she was sent into the chilly water.

"Haha! I put the fire out!" Alex laughed an pulled Jasmine out of the water. They both laughed and grabbed a towel before heading back inside. "What should we do today?" Alex asked.

"I don't know." Jasmine shrugged.

"Hm, well everyone has the day off. I'm thinking...Prank War?" Alex smiled. Jasmine turned to her.

"I was thinking the same thing," Jasmine smirked. The two hooligans got up from the couch and walked out to the garage. "I've never played a prank on anyone besides my dad and Academy." Jasmine thought out loud.

"Don't worry. All of them have fun with it except Ryan. He can be a bit timid. He's not much for fun and games." Alex smiled when she found the stash of water guns once used for a photoshoot about a year ago. Jasmine turned on the hose and started to fill two of the water guns, the coolest looking ones, and they started to walk up the stairs.

Seeing as Brendon's room was the closest, they slightly opened his door to make sure that 1) he was really asleep and 2) he didn't sleep commando.

After checking those two things they held up their water guns and both looked at eachother.

"NOW!" Alex screamed. Brendon shot up at the scream, but was met with ice cold water on his face.

"AHHHH! TEENIES!" He shrieked and tried to pull the covers over his head. Spencer, hearing this ran into the room and just burst into laughter. He ran downstairs and grabbed a water gun and decided to help Brendon. Soon Spencer was against Alex and Jasmine. Just then, Jon walked in with his own water gun and started to spray the two girls.

And then Ryan woke up.

"WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING!?" He yelled, standing in the doorway. Alex and Jasmine dropped the water guns and stood still, wide-eyed and scared of Ryan's pink face.

"Ryan, we were having some fun." Spencer laughed.

"FUN!? If you want to have fun so bad go somewhere else! And don't do it while I'm sleeping!" He yelled back.

"Ry, lighten up. C'mon Alex and Jasmine are just cool like that." Jasmine started to nod her head, but Alex smacked her to stop before Ryan chewed her head off.

"Are you fucking kidding me? They get away with anything and everything because one of them is dating Patrick Stump and the other is Pete Wentz's daughter!"

"Ry, you might want to apologize for that." Brendon whispered to his friend.

"Apologize!? Yeah right! I know Pete won't be happy when he realizes Brendon's room is sopping wet! You couldn't gotten killed! What if you shot an electrical outlet! The house would have burned down!"

"But it didn't burn down and there as for his room being wet...That's why God blessed us with heaters and hair dryers." Jasmine smiled.

"SHUT-UP!" He screamed at her.

"Ryan, I think you should stop now. I really don't want to see the dark side of Patrick." Brendon whispered.

"NO! PETE NEVER YELLS AT HER BECAUSE HE FEELS BAD HE'S NEGLECTED HER FOR THIRTEEN YEARS!" Ryan shouted as loud as he could before storming out of the room and slamming his door shut.

Jasmine could feel the tears on her cheeks. Was that true? Did Pete really feel sorry for her? Is that the only reason why she moved in with him, because he felt sorry?

"Aw, Jazz don't cry." Brendon pulled her into one of his famous Brenny-Bear hugs.

"Yeah, he just gets like that sometimes. Like PMS, ya know?" Spencer rubbed her shoulder. Alex didn't say anything, she was already on her way to knock down Ryan's door and ready to give him a piece of her mind.

"Yeah, in a few minutes he'll be cooled down and he'll say sorry. He doesn't really mean all of that." Jon added.

Jasmine wiped her tears with the back of her hand. She just nodded, telling them she was okay, but really...she wasn't. And everyone knew that from this point on, Ryan and Jasmine would be known mortal enemies.

"OPEN UP RYAN! C'MON, GET OUT HERE SO I CAN KICK YOUR ASS!" Everyone heard Alex scream, banging on the door.

"I have a feeling it's going to be a long weekend." Brendon murmured to himself.